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Hasse Wind

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Everything posted by Hasse Wind

  1. British Campaign

    The Nupe 17 was a superb fighter and the Germans had nothing comparable until the Albatros D series came into service in late 1916. I've flown it quite often. However, I prefer the French version with a Vickers gun. It's much better than the Lewis version. Good to see you flying for the other side occasionally, Creaghorn. Do you have any active Entente two-seater guys? I'm currently flying a Fee in early 1916. Definitely a different kind of beast from the Nupe!
  2. I think this is a great idea. We can adjust so many things in the workshop that maybe this one wouldn't be impossible to add there? All those codes I see when opening the files manually give me a headache!
  3. As I already own the book, although not in such a nice hardback format, I have no need for another copy. I think it's best that somebody who has never read it is given the opportunity to earn the prize. I got my paperback copy for a mere £9 a couple of years ago from AbeBooks. For a paperback printed in 1966, it's in surprisingly good condition, especially for that price. But I'll keep an eye on this competition. It'll be fun to watch who the winner is going to be. And Lou, I think a book is much better than any medal as a prize for this kind of competition. Medals are just coloured pieces of ribbon, but books are treasure troves of knowledge that have so many stories to tell us. PS. If you change the prize to Willy Coppens' Days on the Wing, first English edition (1932), hardback in good condition with a jacket, I'm in.
  4. I'm terrible at recognizing skins. But most importantly, I already own a cheap paperback copy of the book. It's great reading, so this competition has a very nice award.
  5. Beautiful photos. I really must go to France and Belgium one day and tour those battlefields. Verdun is probably the best preserved, thans to its importance to France.
  6. Bye Bye Osama

    I just wonder how long the Pakistani intelligence has known Osama's location, and what made them share that information with the Americans. Looking at the location of the house Osama was hiding in, it seems quite incredible that he could have stayed there for so long without any support from the Pakistani.
  7. Bye Bye Osama

    Good news. It would have been best if he had been caught alive and then forced to go before a court of law, but this is the next best thing.
  8. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    That's good for you. Nobody should be without easy access to the best of British humour. I bet the Youtube-Polizei is frustrated because he can't ruin your joy in this case.
  9. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    That's exactly what I was thinking. But anyway, as an ardent republican, I'd rather jump off from a cliff than associate myself with any of those inbred noble houses and their rotten titles from the dark ages. I apologize in advance to my German friends, who most likely won't be able to see this clip.
  10. Happy Easter to all

    The importance of Easter depends on the Christian faction. For some, it's the most important celebration, for others that role is reserved for Christmas. I'm not religious, but I know many others are, so Happy Easter everybody.
  11. Happy Birthday, MikeDixon!

    Happy birthday to you too, Mike.
  12. I don't think any WW1 sim has yet to model the effect of the prop's RPM to the machine guns' rate of fire. Maybe one day? In P5? The Maxim gun's rate of fire could be increased as better technology became available. With accelerators and metal ammo feed belts, the Maxims of WW2 were even better weapons than those of WW1. For example a modified Finnish army Maxim M32/33 had a maximum rate of fire of 850 rounds per minute.
  13. Were you Wing Commander or X-Wing?

    TIE Fighter was the best one. Join the Dark Side! (I've always wanted to use that emoticon.)
  14. Happy Birthday, MikeDixon!

    Hyvää syntymäpäivää!
  15. 1916(1) Mod

    I'm flying a Fee in early 1916 and it's very exciting with this mod active.
  16. Nice work. But you're going to need a Lewis for your fighter, Lou. Do they sell them at eBay?
  17. Entente face lifts

    I keep repeating myself today, but what can I do? Simply amazing work.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Weathering is great when properly done, but one must be careful not do overdo it. Anybody who's ever been in the military knows that people there absolutely love to spend time polishing every single piece of equipment. Aircraft have always been expensive high-tech, so it makes sense that they are treated with even more respect than other equipment and that excessive dirt is removed ASAP.
  20. The awards of lost empires seem to be incredibly expensive, which is quite understandable. I have a button from a pre-WW1 Russian army officer's tunic, I wonder how many thousands of dollars it's worth? Probably not nearly that much. I got it for free.

    Wonderful, absolutely amazing work! I love you guys for adding new two-seaters. I can hardly wait for P4.
  22. I have one really promising pilot currently, but I don't want to jinx his career by describing it too carefully. I'll let you know if he turns out to be a real success story. I lost my previous great pilots when my hard drive crashed last year.
  23. A journeys end

    Now that you've flown so many successful German careers, give a try to the Entente nations. If you choose the British, you can start flying a two-seater in early 1915. That's what I did with my current number one pilot (he's the one that I fly the most seriously) in a BE.2 squadron, and now I'm continuing his career in a Fee squadron, early 1916. It will be very difficult to live as long as your best pilot, as the British fly a lot of patrols deep behind enemy lines.
  24. A journeys end

    Wow. How do you find the strength to start a new career after losing such a great pilot?
  25. You really should get that laptop, Olham. Good luck with your rig upgrades. I buy most of my computer stuff from a local small store. They provide an excellent service, and if something goes wrong, they fix problems quickly and without needless paperwork.

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