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Everything posted by WildAnimal

  1. Hi Anyone got a list of missiles and there mode of guidance? Radar/heat? with russian missiles too if possible?
  2. Very nice guys, thanks, keep list coming if there are more... Was trying the MIG-23 for SF2..... irritating that the mig-23/27 weapon add-on dont have the system list. But now i can make it my self.
  3. I like in flight simulators to fly small light jet fighters, made me think of two questions. 1. What is the best Light Fighter of all time in its operational period, always thinked the F-5 was really good. 2. Has there ever been an ultra light fighter?
  4. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    That goblin plane looks really funny, would hope that someone would make that for SF2... Anyway Think my favorite is the F-20 Tigershark, thats the one i really want.
  5. Thats really great, can't wait :-) I'm to stupid to do such things myself.
  6. Hi everybody. I did buy the SF2 Dec2009 Combo pack. 1. Are the install automatic Merged? (how does this work?) 2. How/can iI make all 4 games use the same MOD folder? so i dont have to install all planes 4 times in each games MOD folder? 3. Same problem as above, why do i have to make custom controls for all 4 different games?, why cant they all just use the same folder to get the custom key setup?
  7. How do you install those Weapons packs? those are for SF1, SF2 don't have the files to edit?
  8. I installed the NATO mod campaign in the SF2:E mod folder along with F-5 add-on plane, and use SF2:europe to launch. If i used the "normal" SF2 game i can still use my F-5? or what? IF i installed my F-5 plane add-on i the normal/standard SF2 MOD folder then i could automatic use this add-on plane in all the games?
  9. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    IS/was the Alphajet an light fighter?
  10. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    I can find som for Strike Fighters 1, not in the version 2 plane-add on section. Can they be used without problems?
  11. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    There are alot of planes for me to discover i see, sadly i can't find any of them for Strike Fighters 2 by Third-Wire. if anyone can help I would be happy.
  12. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    I see the role of Light fighters to be defensive weapon systems, quickly taking off and intercepting other planes, outmanouvering them, using the missiles and land to be re-equiped and refueled. so would sacrifice range, and weapons capability and amount of missiles, but not speed and climbing ability. It ofcourse on the logistic point it should be very cost effective. Don't know if you can make such a plane to match the planes used to the top airforces today, thinking F/A-18, F-15, and MIG-29
  13. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    @FastCargo: A good discusion is fine by me. Hard to difinitive answers with so many factors involved. @Macelena: Good sugjestions, don't know much about the Gnat or Gyna, will research those planes. Would it be a posibility to design a Ultra Light fighter which could match the F-15, MIG-29 or newest Heavy fighters?
  14. DAT? whats that? How do i sign up? and does it cost money?
  15. How do i Get the original jetplane file? Looks like its not public
  16. Why two seaters only? that training planes I still need a true SF2 version of the F-5E Tiger II....
  17. I really need an F5e Tiger II for my Strike Fighters 2 Combo 2009 game. Anyone know of one working?
  18. Yes but it seems im to stupid to understand much about it, sadly. Maybe i just could pay someone to do it hehe :-)
  19. Hi everyone, Im myself is an ignorant, low-IQ noob so I can't do it myself. Is anyone making an Korean era mod? F86 Sabres vs MIG-15's and 17's ??? I can see that all the planes have been done, so why havent anyone made an korean campaign? Can/how do I make single missions set in the Korean war Era?
  20. No early MIG-17's in Korean War? hmm, was sure that they where there late in the war, but I guess you are right, Its not something I've researched. Found this in Wikipedia: "MiG-17s were not available for the Korean War, but saw combat for the first time over the Straits of Taiwan when PRC (Communist China) MiG-17s clashed with ROC (Nationalist China) F-86 Sabres in 1958." So you are right:-) Thanks for the tip about the mod.
  21. Thanks, but OMG that really looks difficult to convert Series 1 to series 2.... Just hope someone does it for me.
  22. Hi I love the F5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_F-5 How do i get an decent F5 add-on for Wings over Europe? I've seen some, but they are only for Strike figher: project 1. How do i get an F5 for WoE??? Please help me, step by step!

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