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Everything posted by Macklroy

  1. The new fields also seem to blend into the surrounding scenery almost seamlessly. Looks great!
  2. Really intruiging title no? Just finished a patrol over the front with my trusty nupe11 when I spoted 3 mono-wing scouts between our flight and our field. Being as it was, we were sent up to look for enemy aircraft, and as it was we had not found any yet. I decided petrol reserves were sufficient to signal our flight of three to engage theirs. A decicsion that ultimately resulted in the destruction of 4 previously flyable aircraft (3 enemy 1 friendly ) Anyway to the point. I took a ss of the final victory (a shared one) and noticed that shell casings are visible. I've never noticed it. zoomed around a bit to try and get the best shot. In this pic you can see not only the casings from my lewis gun but also my wingmates. Very cool.
  3. Maybe I wasn't looking

    JFM: - Just speaking for myself buy I had never noticed them at all. I haven't spent a lot of time in the DH2 either, Ill have to check it out. Olham: - You're right. OFF never seems to cease to amaze. And I do strongly sugest a nieuport campaign. On a light petrol tank she flies loops and circles around the EIII's early in the war. Just have to make your shots count. Only one lewis gun with very limited ammo.
  4. New Member

    Welcome to a great sim and a forum equal to the task. Many helpful chaps around and always good banter after a long flight over the front. S! and welcome
  5. My 4000th Post!

    Some quality banter there Lou! Bravo sir.

    Looking glorious gents!

    #5 is my new desktop. Thanks guys! Really is getting tough to wait when such amazing leaps have already been made. I guess ill settle for being impressed continually with the new pics. Great stuff gents keep up the fantastic work!

    Going to be a good day.
  9. OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

    Lord Percy Pepper Lincoln S!
  10. I was not arround when the P3 screen shots were first comming out while everyone was flying in P2. But I immagine these shots will bring out as much, if not more, excitement for this sim. Asstounding work gents! You have outdone yourselves again. Looking forward to this one would be an understatement!

    Cheers adger! welcome to your new adiction!
  12. Why the Heck?!

    Under "realism" in workshops there are 3 settings. Normal - claims - promotions Easy - claims - promotions Easiest - bypass claims Set to easiest, you will not have to fill out a claims form And I believe its A to order wingmen to attack?
  13. Why the Heck?!

    I recomend the "easy" claims form Lewie. The "hard" claims are for those who enjoy the immersion of a sim. Filling out a form with all the names and locations may or may not lead to a confirmation. Many people enjoy feeling a part of a squadron of pilots, while others just enjoy the excitment of wwi air combat. Would it be nice to have the duty roster board visible (or accessable) while filling out a claim? Yes. Maybe something for the next update via p4. For now we live with it how it is. If thats a deal breaker I would recomend skipping the form all together. Just my opinion though.

    Preachin' to the choir here! If the multiplayer issues were ever smashed out of the original cfs3 platform, THIS sim would be topped by NONE. In my humble opinion. Looks amazing guys! I've already started my p4 fund. totall engine overhall when this comes out! Looking forward to it! S!
  15. I wanna have a face off with MvR

    I've had a 'close encounter' with the baron only once. Wish I could tell you what sqn I was in at the time. But it's been too long now. Flying the camel, that's all i remember. Managed to snap a shot of him as he burst through the clouds. At the time I was by myself, returning home. Simply put the nose down and dove for the field. Never did see any of his mates. (note *not* in his tripe here. just his alby)
  16. With all the number 1 lists goin on I figured I'd start one about OFF. I know there is a SS shot thread but this is a different beast. If you're anything like me you have a folder (or two) with screen shots from in game. Without spending ALL day looking through countless pics, I wanted to see some of the shots that people have taken in the past that really show off the great sim that is Over Flanders Fields. Not just the best 'kill shots' but shots that incorporate all the great aspects of the game from the great landscape, atmosphere effects, to the detailed skins. Now I realize that no ONE shot is going to be able to incorporate ALL the great aspects of the game. But I think you catch my meaning. As the OP I shall start. This is an old SS, even prior to HITR. But still remains one of my favs. Enjoy. I call this one "My day in the sun" PS - Lets try to keep this on track. One screenie only. (Its tough but I have faith in you all). Preferably unedited, but more importantly what YOU think is your best OFF pic in your album.
  17. ReDDot, I know exactly the feeling. When I stumbled upon OFF I could not believe what an amazing sim it truely was, and what was even more unbelieveable was that it had somehow avoided my radar for so long. The community and the amazing Dev team are just icing on the cake! (once you learn uncleal's quirks hehe) Welcome, welcome. And since this IS the ss thread. here is my latest Jasta 5 pilot. Just confirmed his 8 kill and decided on a more subtle paint scheme. Here he is now after downing 3 camels was out of ammo and simply became an onlooker. Jasta 5 pilots made short work of the remaining camels as shown here.
  18. No. 1 OFF Screenie

    Real nice shots so far. Great action shot Olham! Elephant, is that shot of your alby goin after the spad edited in anyway? looks lovely! And Dej, that shot of yours has been (and will be again) on my desktop. (helps that im in love with the nieuport!) Keep em comming gents!
  19. OT..Lucky?...some are just stoopid!

    Well the ones that weren't edited are pretty amazing. I'd say about 1/3 of those clips are not real (unedited) footage.
  20. A mission every 10 days?

    You also can set time advancement to "manual" in the workshop. This would allow you to advance time manually 10days after each mission.
  21. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    5th and 6th screen shots in Pol's reply are good stuff. The trees cleared out among the fields and only present along the borders and yet still scatered throught the forrest regions. Greatly increases the realistic nature of the landscape. Just outsanding work gentlmen.! Can't wait for this one.
  22. First of all ~Salute~ to everyone. I've been away (from these boards) for some time. Nice to see so many familiar 'offers' as well as new faces. Back on task. Has it been discovered what exactly makes the player craft so much slower than the ai? (yes i have wind turned off). Just had to test the extremes finally and found that a spadXIII will barely (if even) outrun a Dr1. If the spad is flown by the player and the ai is piloting the Dr1. If reveresed the spad flys laps around you. I wanted to try out the spad since my campaign pilot is approaching the end of his nieuport 24 days, and will be flying the spad shortly. But if I cant even outrun the slowest aircraft that the luftwaffe has I may just retire him early. I thought I saw it posted somewhere that the 'weight' of the aircraft is not counted for the ai. Is that true? Hope everyone is well. S~
  23. Have we figured this out?

    That would be fantastic! I also understand that giving the "AI" aircraft advantages over the player helps make the computer a little bit tougher to shoot down. Thus increasing the dificulty for all those Aces out there. But at some point it really is just sacrificing gameplay. If it was possible I wonder if the Devs would even want to implement the 'fix'. As it may cripple the AI a bit too much. I dunno, but I guess we all will never know unless we try. PS - good idea of limiting the fuel load to help compinsate. I usually take 100% as I seem to have a giant flashing target on my fuel tank as it is invariably the first thing to get shot.
  24. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    Love what I see so far. Sceenery looks great. The OFF team really does great work. Too bad they are restricted by CFS3. Some issues can never be completely squashed. But the evolution of this project is amazing and seems to always get better. Cheers

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