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Everything posted by matzeb

  1. Fantastic new terrains?

    You are right! There should be a new type of mission, there you should to throw some leaflets to warn these people before bombing them. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time for beeing serious! Jan, I like the uptade very much and i´m looking forward for your terrain! :notworthy: And please take as much time as you need! ( For this fantastic result i´m willing to wait longer) Best regards!
  2. Merry Christmas

    I´m also a little bit too late, BUT I want to wish you all a peacefull Christmas with your family and your friends! Thanks for your wishes too!
  3. Fantastic new terrains?

    Nothing to add! THANKS for your never ending enthusiasm and your attention to detail!! Matthew
  4. Albatros D.V Jasta 15 Pack

    He Saltfiskur! You´ve must been very busy at the last days, I supose. Thank you very very much for this beautifull planes and also for this plenty of other Albatros-Skins. It will take a lot of time to fly and enjoy them all THANKS!! Matthew
  5. Thanks a lot! I have to say that you are new big genius (which is also very fast and busy) of skinning It will bw an honour for my to shoot down the planes wearing this skins. (but for me its very hard to fight two-seaters , so I will prefer flying them ) So thank you again for your hard work!
  6. My FE wish

    @Quack74: I totally agree with you! :yes: I´m also getting angree when i have to fight against this always identical-looking planes. When the enemy squadrons would use all different skins, I would get the feeling to fight against a "more realistic Flying Circus". For the first time it would be a nice improvement, when the skins for the AI-planes would be choosen randomly by the game. (this wouldn´t be more realistic, but better-looking) Greetings!
  7. HalbCL.IV

    Excellent piece of work! I will enjoy to fly this beautiful plane with your brilliant skin :yes: ! Thank you! Matthew
  8. Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

    I have to post again how much I love your Gibraltar, after I have flown over the harbour of gibraltar for the first time. There you get a realy good feeling! Thank you again for your attention to detail. Here one very nice impression of the port with the lighthouse and the battleship.
  9. Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

    THANK YOU!! Very nice map! I nearly can feel the heat of the Mediterranean. Keep up with your excellent work! (But take the time you need!) Greetings! Matthew
  10. File Name: "Hunting Snake" skin for Fokker D8 File Submitter: matzeb File Submitted: 31 Aug 2009 File Category: Fokker Skins This is a skin for the fokker D8. My template was a picture of a modelplane which I´ve found in the internet. As base for my skin I´ve used the Stock-skin. Unfortaintly I don´t know the Jasta or the pilot. Mabey someone can help? Please read the readme for the instalation! I hope you like the Skin! Enjoy it! Matthew Click here to download this file
  11. Thank you very much!! I´m sure that your update will improve your nearly perfect mod! THANKS!! Matthew
  12. Version


    This is a skin for the fokker D8. My template was a picture of a modelplane which I´ve found in the internet. As base for my skin I´ve used the Stock-skin. Unfortaintly I don´t know the Jasta or the pilot. Mabey someone can help? Please read the readme for the instalation! I hope you like the Skin! Enjoy it! Matthew
  13. He Saltfiskur! Your skins are looking very very good Nice Job. I especially like the wood of the fuselage. So the Halberstadt will get more and more skins! Thanks a lot! @Hansa: I´ve found this picture too. And I thought that this was the inspiration for Latons skin, because it looks like the stock-skin. So thank you anyhow for searching! Grettings Matthew
  14. Thank you! I´m pleased that you like it! Surely I´d like to make another skin for this plane! Because I also would like to fly with a squadron of halberstadts which look all different. But my problem is that I have not found a lot of nice photographs with paintshemes for the CL.IV. So it would be great if someone of you could post some pictures and links with your favourite paintings. But i cant guarantee that i can manage it to create the skin, but i will try my best! :yes: If we can´t find anything I also would create some non-100%-realistic skins. So you also could post some nice-loking paintings, which aren´t been seen on a Cl.IV in the war. Greetings Matthew
  15. At first I want to say: Thank you!!! This is a realy nice plane. Thanks Laton! I liked the plane so much, that I´ve tried to make my first real skin. This are my first steeps on making skins. I think it looks not too bad for the first time. My inspiration for the skin was this picture which I´ve found on the internet. I dont have any more information. So i cant say if this painting was used in the war. My skin uses the same decals (red numbers) as the stock skin. I hope you like it. Here is the download-link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9546 (Please excuse my english!) Greetings! Matthew
  16. File Name: Black-Stripes skin for Halberstadt CL.IV File Submitter: matzeb File Submitted: 26 Jul 2009 File Category: Other Central Powers Aircraft Skins This is my first skin. Its for the fantastic Halberstadt CL.IV which was made by Laton. I hope you will like it! I´ve got no information if this skin was used in the war. My inspiration was apicture of a plane in a museum, which I´ve found in the internet. It uses the same decals as the stock-skin. Enjoy it! Matthew Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    This is my first skin. Its for the fantastic Halberstadt CL.IV which was made by Laton. I hope you will like it! I´ve got no information if this skin was used in the war. My inspiration was apicture of a plane in a museum, which I´ve found in the internet. It uses the same decals as the stock-skin. Enjoy it! Matthew
  18. Fantastic new terrains?

    Nice Eye-Candy!! (looking a little bit strange for the first view ) But it is a nice idea. Waiting for more Grettings!
  19. Fantastic new terrains?

    Looking very very good and fantastic :NotWorthy: I think that this will be a real Masterpiece. Take the time you need!! I can wait ;) Grettings Matthew
  20. FE Troop Columns?

    Thanks a lot!! for your fast answer. Another thing I´ve learned I think that FE could be much better with more "life" (people, troops, trucks, trains, tanks.........) at the bottom. Grettings Matthew
  21. FE Troop Columns?

    One stupid question: What is a CAS mission? Is it a army co-operation? (sorry, but english isn´t my mothertongue and so it is sometimes like a quiz for me to understand these shortcuts:oops:) If my suggestion is right and this means army-co-operation, i have an other question: Is it possible to see tanks and these troops together at the same time? Or only the tanks or the troops can be seen in a "CAS-Mission"?

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