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Everything posted by badgerboy

  1. The Hard Stuff

    Daron XO calvados, and a good single malt scotch, currently I'm working my way (slowly) through a bottle of Oban I got as a birthday present.
  2. Fighting in a SPAD XIII

    Is the roll rate really that slow on the SPAD 13 or am I doing something wrong?
  3. Favorite all-time was Grand Prix Legends, but I don't have it installed right now. Also Civ 4 on and off.
  4. Planes

    I didn't know there were any original Hanriots left; where did you guys photograph these? I always thought Willy Coppen's HD-1 was one of the best paint schemes of WW1. Really great pictures of an underrated Allied plane. I hope it shows up again...
  5. Flying the "new" SPAD XIII

    After the new patch, I immediately tried a campaign with 28th Aero. I agree, the SPAD 13 is much improved. I've never been a very good boom and zoomer, but had a height advantage on 3 DVII's and we dove down and I was able to stay on his tail long enough to get a good burst into one of them. I then climbed, came back down and did some more damage before another DVII crashed into me, oh well. Much more enjoyable to fly and I hope more realistic. I will have to force myself to dive away from enemies with a height advantage, however.
  6. I go away for vacation for a week, (no internet) and come back to find a patch, then an update to that patch! Thanks I only wish it wasn't 12 AM so I could try them out tonight.
  7. I wanted to ask anyone who cares to answer about what percentage of the time you see visible damage to your plane when you take hits. I have yet to see ANY visible damage, although I can always tell when there is damage due to changes in the flight model. I am not using the super hi-resolution skins. I have adjusted the sliders on the graphics, anywhere from 3 to 5 and it makes no difference. I have tried the low res and high res (middle choice) skins, again with no visible damage. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions.
  8. nvidia 190.38 drivers

    Thanks, BigFish- still getting too many CTD's since going back to the older drivers so I'll give this a try.
  9. nvidia 190.38 drivers

    Thanks, Winder. It's definately the drivers, not OFF as I had very smooth gameplay (other than CTD's if I didn't shut off my antivirus program) before I installed the 190.38 drivers.
  10. nvidia 190.38 drivers

    I reverted back to my old drivers, 18- something, as I too found the 190.38 to be crap. I did this with a system restore, and although it's better, it is not perfect. I get slowdowns in combat that I never had before, and more CTD's. I'm assuming this might be due to residual data from the 190.38 drivers. does anyone know of a good FREE driver cleaner?
  11. battle damage to aircraft

    I'll try it- haven't tried the EIII yet so I guess it's about time anyway.
  12. battle damage to aircraft

    Condor- I just flew a quick combat with pilot never dies setting with a DVII, and did in fact see damage to my L wing (fabric flapping and everything) after a few well-placed bursts from a Neuport. Olham- it must have been one of the 'clicks' you suggested in the overrides, thank you VERY much :yes: This game gets better every day.
  13. battle damage to aircraft

    There it was, question #26 in small print- how could I be so stupid! Your sarcasm is thinly veiled, uncleal, as is mine.
  14. battle damage to aircraft

    Thanks, Olham; I never noticed that 'window' button at the top.
  15. battle damage to aircraft

    Guys- how do you get to these settings?
  16. nvidia 190.38 drivers

    Does AF even work in OFF even if you set it for override in your graphics card setup? If I remember, there is no option for it in the graphics config.
  17. battle damage to aircraft

    Thanks, Uncleal; I'll try that so I don't have to sacrifice a pilot.
  18. Love the Tripe

  19. Jasta 12 at Roucourt castle

    Amen to that, OvS. The funniest thing is how we build new things (homes, ballparks) but try to make them LOOK old Olham, those pics are great! I bet the swimming pool wasn't there in 1918, however. Did Jasta 12 planes have black tails?
  20. Love the Tripe

    TS- I think that's true everywhere. Those of us on this forum are of course big-time military history buffs or we would have never known how cool it is to simulate WWI air combat. Most people are either living completely in the moment or looking ahead but never back. Here in the US, I could ask 100 random citizens who Eddie Rickenbacker was and I'd get at least 98 blank stares, guaranteed. Same for Richard Bong, even here in his home state of Wisconsin.
  21. battle damage to aircraft

    Thanks Olham, I've got the 'normal res' and all sliders at 5. I did a system restore before bed, back to the old drivers and we'll see what happens tonight. I tried a quick combat with 'invincible' settings and smashed my wing into a hangar to see if it would show some damage but on invincible you just get magically sent up into the air apparently with any craft injury. When I tried this without invincibility, I died before I could see any damage. I think I'll try to find the windsock pole tonight and gently run into it with the wing, see if that shows anything..
  22. battle damage to aircraft

    Thanks, Prop-Wasche. Great explanation, perhaps I'm just not hitting the thresholds or haven't been lucky enough to see the damage, as again I know it's there. The new drivers (Nvidia 190.38) and OFF don't seem to get along, as I OFF keeps crashing once the shooting starts. I guess I'll have to do a system restore.
  23. OT IL-2

    I bought IL-2 when it came out, then recently bought the 1946 to get all the updates. I'ts great fun to load out and do ground attack missions, the IL-2 itself was an awesome plane. However, I think the dogfighting leaves a lot to be desired. The German and American planes are IL-2's version of the Spads in OFF. I know they may not have been as maneuverable as the Russian planes or Spitfires and you have to boom and zoom, but were they really that bad and stalled that easily? I just always got frustrated when I'd be in an FW-190 and stall into the ground, then fly a La-7, and have that same AI-piloted FW190 do maneuvers that were impossible when I tried them. Also the tracers drive me to distraction; they look like little green photon torpedoes.
  24. battle damage to aircraft

    Thanks Broadside- I just updated the drivers and have had a couple of crashes after flying for a few minutes I'm hoping restarting the computer again will fix this but it's getting late, will have to try tomorrow. I did notice before the game crashed that one of my comrades went down in flames, and I've never seen a flamer before; hopefully this means it is showing 'damage' more accurately.
  25. battle damage to aircraft

    Thanks for all the replies, guys. My video drivers were up to date when I built my current computer 8 months ago. I have a GTX 260 with 180.48 drivers. I can't imagine the drivers would have anything to do with it, but I'll update them and see if it makes any difference. Could it have anything to do with overriding AF and AA settings? I had AF application-controlled and AA overriding application setting. I'll try making both override.

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