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Capitaine Vengeur

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Everything posted by Capitaine Vengeur

  1. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    A real question, that is, when can a foetus be considered a person? Some people now want for a miscarried foetus the same things they'd have wanted for a stillborn child: giving him/her a name, and deserving funerals. In the past times, the question could have been the same for living, standing people to be considered as persons, integrated in their societies. In many archaic societies (some Native American peoples, for example), there were formal rituals for every individual to become a real part of the community, and before these, he/she was naught, only bearing a temporary, unofficial name, when having one. At the Romans, the newborn wasn't part of the family before the paterfamilias has recognized him/her as such. Wasn't it the case, he/she could be abandoned like a waste. As heartless as they could look, these archaic rituals kept close to the nature, not polluted by the Jewish/ Christian/ Muslim beliefs that placed the Man far above the rest of Creation. We can see today how large the way we have f****d up this Creation. I'm for a total freedom of choice for the women to carry on or abort their pregnancy. If the question can be asked for a foetus, a woman is unquestionaby a human being whose free will can't be suspended for 9 months for any reason. She can't be seen as a simple egg shell on two legs, condemned to carry on a pregnancy she don't want. In fact, even with an egg, maturing life can be swiftly aborted by simply raising your arse up! By the way, I have a real admiration for the women's ability to carry and mature life. If I was feeling a life growing in my belly, I think I would simply turn mad! Personally, I don't have children and don't want to have ones. When you give life, you also give pain, old age, and death. Strange birth gifts, to say the truth, but that's a package, you can't choose to discard some options. That's not because you won't live old enough to see your children use pipes and bags to painfully piss that they'll never use them. Moreover, I agree with some things that have been said before: we humans really become much too numerous and greedy for this poor little round rock. And the future we have prepared for the next generations is a scaring one. Sometimes, I think that the human kind should just stop to reproduce and accept to die from old age, as it would be a much more deserving, decent, and quiet death than to be drowned in her own s**t, which is to happen within the next two centuries.
  2. Russia buys French carrier?

    Breaking news! Dmitri Medvedev is on tour in France, and negociations are taking place about the sell of one to four French Mistral-class command & intervention ships to Russia. Some papers say there would be a deal, some others say there will be none. It will be decided within three days. If four ships are ordered, two of them should be built in France, and two in Russia. It would be the first time since 1949 that a NATO member sells such heavy device to Russia. Although President Sarkozy has promised that the ships would be delivered unarmed, the Mistral-class in herself is almost unarmed, as I said in a precedent post: it's a support ship, fit for limited-scale interventions ashore, but needing close protection. This will certainly poison in some way the next discussions between Presidents Obama and Sarkozy, that will take place very soon. To be continued...
  3. Utah women may face murder charges after miscarriages

    "Flexible law" is a law where people with money and connections never get imprisoned. While ordinary law... oh, well, it's the same case, after all.
  4. It seems that the bad opinion towards monoplanes finds its origin in the conclusions from a military commission in 1912. High landing speed has never prohibited the SPAD to make a great career.
  5. Killer Whale drowns Trainer

    And they don't eat their preys afterwards, when they're civilized. Presumably. Just keep the ears in some cases.
  6. Pilot damage

    William George Barker, Canadian (201Sqn), on October 27, 1918. These were the four last of his fifty kills, that earned him the VC.
  7. Run George run !

    The American and Chinese presidents George W. Bush and Hu Jintao meet, and discuss about their respective countries' assets, trying to impress their counterpart: The Chinese begins: "You know, our country's traditional medicine has progressed so far that we are now able to resurrect even people dead for long!" W searches for a response, then replies: "You know, our sport trainings are so advanced that we now have a man able to run the mile in two minutes only!" "Oh really? replies the Chinese. Well so, I will send you my best doctors to revivify your Thomas Jefferson, and then you will send me back your famous athlete. Do we have a deal?" After Hu Jintao has left, W feels really annoyed and speaks to Dick Cheney: "Oh Dick, what will we do if the Chinese really can awake Thomas Jefferson? You know that we don't have an athlete fast enough to run the mile in two minutes!" "No problem, Mr President, the Vice answers. If the Chinese can really resurrect Thomas Jefferson, YOU will be the man who runs the mile in two minutes!"
  8. Run George run !

    How far and ridiculous can go the national pride? Beyond the edge of the universe, I do think so. * * * * * * * Three executives from the car industry meet at a convention: a Japanese from Toyota, a German from Mercedes, and a French from Renault. After dinning, they go to the toilet together, and do the liquid thing standing in line abreast. The Japanese then goes to the washbasin, and carefully washes each square millimeter of his hands, then washes them a second, and a third time. He explains to his counterparts: “ In Japan, we learn to do things at their very best. We tolerate no default.” The German in turn goes to the washbasin, washes his hands by using very small shots of liquid soap he then spreads, and tears very small pieces of paper he uses to swab his fingertips and cuticles. He explains: “In Germany, we learn to save each resource to keep our profit margins high. We tolerate no wasting.” The French directly leaves the toilet, then opens back the door and says to both guys: “In France, we learn not to piss on our own hands!!”
  9. File Name: Medals & Musics Pack for Edward's Korean War File Submitter: Capitaine Vengeur File Submitted: 22 February 2010 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout This mod provides completely reshaped systems of awards, for the main belligerents present in Edward's mod intended to recreate the Korean War (available in Combatace downloads): the USAF, the USN/USMC, the Royal Australian Air Force, and the Soviet Air Force. Remember that in the early 1950s, the newborn US Air Force was still using mainly US Army decorations. The sources for decorations pictures are : stock SFP1, stock First Eagles, Charles' Medals Pack v2.0, my own Flesh 'n Metal for WoV (both available in Combatace downloads), and some new personal creations devoted to that mod. The complete lists of now available awards are detailed in the ReadMe. The mod also replaces many in-game musics with new ones providing a softer, Far-Eastern-sounding ambiance. Try them. Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    This mod provides completely reshaped systems of awards, for the main belligerents present in Edward's mod intended to recreate the Korean War (available in Combatace downloads): the USAF, the USN/USMC, the Royal Australian Air Force, and the Soviet Air Force. Remember that in the early 1950s, the newborn US Air Force was still using mainly US Army decorations. The sources for decorations pictures are : stock SFP1, stock First Eagles, Charles' Medals Pack v2.0, my own Flesh 'n Metal for WoV (both available in Combatace downloads), and some new personal creations devoted to that mod. The complete lists of now available awards are detailed in the ReadMe. The mod also replaces many in-game musics with new ones providing a softer, Far-Eastern-sounding ambiance. Try them.
  11. Excellent, complete, outstanding work! A revival, a real resurrection for my poor old "First Eagles"! Not only 4, but 10 seasons! I think I love you, man!
  12. It's on in Afghanistan! Say a prayer for our Troops!

    Hey yes, we are compelled to keep an eye on the past when the methods have not changed so far. I won't speak about Soviets in Afghanistan, but GIs in Vietnam. How many have there been there, of such huge, decisive, mediatized operations? Cedar Falls, Junction City, Attleboro? Ho yes, big body counts in every case, but no real change in the overall situation. It just seems that the recipes are just the same they were in the 60s: on the one hand, advanced technology, heavy weaponry, and theorical large superiority in firepower, but on the other hand, lenient and self-deceived intelligence, messianic overconfidence, and no more brains than a charging triceratops. Moreover, at that time, the Vietcongs had support of North Vietnam, and Soviet Union further away. Today, the Talz have their rest places in Pakistan, and other supports in the Gulf principalities further away. It's just like kicking a centipede's leg and hoping he will stumble. If you want at least one good lesson from the Vietnam War, better think of the Phoenix Program. I don't think that a single swift strike will end such a deeply-rooted movement, it's a long-term affair. An adaptation of the Phoenix Program covert ops, targeting accurate blows, would not eradicate the Talz, but slow and debilitate their moves enough to make them almost harmless, until tiredness evolve over time. But there could be pervert effects. During the Algerian Independence War, France used hoax tactics to have the enemy leaders tear themselves each other. The result was that amongst the Algerian leaders, the moderate doves perished and the die-hard hawks ruled. Algeria still suffers of that situation. The US should have supported Massoud sooner, it's too late now. At least, I hope that CNN and FoxNews will take good pictures for the brave American taxpayers, 'cos that's probably all they will have in return.
  13. It's on in Afghanistan! Say a prayer for our Troops!

    Would you imagine the FBI slaughter the whole rural population of the State of Michigan just to eradicate the few geeks of the Michigan Militia movements!? Don't do in other peoples' places what you wouldn't want to be done at yours...
  14. Boba Fett deserves better death than this

    In fact, in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Bobba Fett doesn't even die from the Sarlacc's gastric juices. His armor suit keeps him burnt but alive for days of slow digestion before he is saved by a passing fellow Mandalorian (=Fett's culture: tough guys with heavy weaponry and armor suits with T-visor helmets, half-Vikings and half-Spartans). He later become the new leader of the formerly scattered Mandalorians, like his father before him.
  15. New Mouse Designed For Women

    Some women could be looking at that. That's not that I distrust their sense of humor, but... You should stay in touch with your lawyers. Just in case.
  16. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    I've just read again 2 days ago about this history you certainly remember to have happened in October 1990, during Desert Shield. A Kuwaiti nurse was crying before the American Congress and cameras from the whole world, while talking of the Iraqi invaders who threw babies out of incubators and let them die on the ground to steal the machines. It happened later that the nurse was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, and that the association "Citizens for a Free Kuwait" had paid USD 10.000.000 to a public relations agency for this campaign to boost the Western morale in a crusade againt pure evil. No serious investigation had been led before the testimony, and would someone have wanted one to be led, as such a fairy tale totally satisfied the warmongers?Wars that don't lie on lies lie on disguised truths. Concerning the scandals about torture in Iraq at the hands of the UN soldiers, I've been heard much, of course, about the US soldiers whose acts have been bravely denied by their own-arse-covering hierarchy. But I don't remember of such things reported from the British contingent. Has it really happened? Can you propose a link?
  17. allies/axis-red/blue,pointless friday question

    During the 500-Year War between English and Scots, the good guys brandished the red flag (up to be totally redclad by the end), and the bad guys the blue one... of course on the victor's point of view, as usual. But the Scottish blue has been integrated into the Union Jack, whose colors have been kept on the American Independence flag, whose colors in turn inspired the French Revolutionary flag (up to have the French Revolutionary soldiers wear blue until 1914, and the American Federals until about 1898). So the bad guys have finally won. --------------------------------- "The enemy is dumb. He thinks WE are the enemy, while he actually is." (a French humorist)
  18. It had to be me...

    Sure, the glass, of course! Better and cheaper than Photoshop, you won't enrich Bill Gates with it, and you can even get drunk with it if the real thing disappoints you. Hail to the glass!
  19. Dog For Sale

    Are you speaking about the right-side or the left-side article?
  20. Canadian joke

    I'm fond of jokes involving French-Canadians, implying their so tasteful accent and colloquial expressions, and their reputation of unswerving spirit of pragmatism and good sense. This joke I like very much (although perhaps a little outdated by this 21st Century): During a meeting of the British Commonwealth of Nations, an English-Canadian Member of Parliament discusses with a Scottish MP. The Jock vaunts his beloved country: "You know, in the Highlands, we have a valley between two mountains where the echo is simply amazing. When you shout: "God save the Queen!" across this valley, you can hear at least thirty voices replying: "God save the Queen!" The Canadian stays silent for a moment, sighs, then replies: "You know, in Ottawa, we have the Ottawa River, with the town of Gatineau on the next bank, in the French-speaking province of Quebec. And when you shout: "God save the Queen!" across this river, you can hear at least one hundred voices replying: "Meinge d'la maërde, gros crisse de cave!!" (in French-Canadian: "Eat s**t, you bloody fool!!") Long life, Québec !!
  21. More Dumb School News

    Fuuuh... At which age would you authorize the type of side- and shoulder-beared Minigun that can be seen in Predator?
  22. Canadian joke

    Yes, pragmatism and common sense, although Anglican subjects would probably call it the philistine point of view. Imagine you travel in a hot-air balloon, and traitor winds make you lost. You see someone on the ground, who happens to be a Quebecer, and ask him: "Excuse me sir, can you tell me where I am?". The answer would probably be: "Hé tabarnak', you are in a 'tite baskette under a crisse de big ball. Can't you see it by yourself, là, or are you kidding me, hostie?" On the philistine point of view, he is absolutely right, isn't he?
  23. Canadian joke

    I enjoy a French-Canadian series of short sketches displaying plasticine characters (Wallace & Gromitt style), "Les têtes à claques" (= worth-slapping faces). Although a very cheap production, it has surprisingly been a big hit in France, due to its diffusion on Internet, its special humor, and the popular French-Canadian accent. Due to this success, recent translations exist in English-Canadian. One sketch presents a couple of Quebecers visiting Paris, with a French waiter waiting for their orders. After several mistakes, the end of the sketch leans on a heavier mistake about the word "gosses", which means "kids" in French, and "balls" in French-Canadian (yes yes, that sort of balls). The Quebecers are talking about their children (using the word for children), the waiter hears them. Then follows this tasteful dialogue: French: Ah, you have "gosses"? Do you have a picture of your "gosses"? Quebecer: Er... No.. No, not here... French: One should always travel with a picture of one's "gosses", no? Quebecer: Er... I don't know... At the Customs, they only wanted to see my passport. French: Hey, I have two healthy "gosses". Would you want to see them? Quebecer: No no, I believe you. I trust you. Really. French: Wouldn't you want me to show you a picture of my "gosses"? Quebecer: Er... No no, we're about to have dinner... Er, later, perhaps.
  24. Bad day. It seems that even in Strike fighters, you can now fly Chinese counterfeits.
  25. I need some outside opinions on this...

    The typical Australian toilet will probably soon look like that...

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