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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. The RN equivalent is Commodore, there's a handy comparison chart here
  2. AC-130 replacement

    More here:- on the C-130 laser program, although at 20 tonnes I can't see much point in putting it in a V-22. Generally you'd be better off using normal guns.
  3. Playing tag with the North Koreans

    Well at least someone was paying attention to where you were!
  4. Flight sim recreation of Hudson landing

    Fairly sure it's FSX looking at it. Slightly amused by the radar replay in google maps where they say it narrowly avoided hitting another plane, obviously forgetting that the other plane would have been a bit higher than the 900' the stricken jet was at over the river.
  5. I think it's Ferranti AI.23, not Faraday, might help if you're googling for parameters.
  6. Not on Vista, but I have started playing around with the demo of Windows 7. So far that manages FSX perfectly well and Wings Over Israel with no buggering about on my part. I don't have Lock-On but I'll try installing Il-2:1946 some time this week and see how it goes. I should mention I have one drive with Win 7 and one with XP in the same machine and just choose which one to use at boot. I had to install FSX on the Win 7 drive which has made comparing like with like a bit tricky as I have to copy the settings across, however with WoI I just ran the copy that was on the XP drive in Win 7 and it worked fine. I have disabled the User Account Control thingy which probably helped, but no graphics or other issues with WoI (with the Oct '08 patch).
  7. I 'think' add-on etc. go somewhere else in SF2, specifically to address the folder permissions in Vista which may be the problem you're having. I'm trying to remember where I read that.
  8. Navy skipper's bikini gaffe

    During our work up phase before deploying we actually have simulated press embark onboard for a couple of days (simpress), they're real media people they just aren't really reporting. They get some knowledge of the RN out of it and we get some experience talking to the press. A large part of their work is getting the ship's CO up to speed with dealing with the media, the exercise staff have us conducting some sort of police action at the time intercepting arms smugglers, providing aid to civil powers etc. so the sort of stuff that could involve media coming onboard. For reasons that escape me they decided to interview the flight personnel, either because we'd given them a ride in our chopper or because the reporter fancied my oppo (the reporter was very PC in that he liked boys, watching my mate try and avoid being caught in a tight space with him was highly amusing). Anyway the Navy's PR instructor had told us that the key is to keep to the three points you're trying to push and to avoid commenting on anything outside your area of expertise. This is actually much harder to do than it sounds and I can now spot politicians etc. trying to do it when they're interviewed. The main thing I learnt from this is that I will do anything in my power to avoid speaking to the press. Oh and if you're being interviewed on camera stand next to someone a similar height as you or your face gets obscured but the subtitles.
  9. Navy skipper's bikini gaffe

    Worked on me....
  10. I don't think the RN were that keen on the turret bit either but the Air Ministry insisted it was the next big thing!
  11. Rainbow

    I want to play with Jane's maracas. I'll get my coat....
  12. Fast food worldwide

    I think it's a Northern thing, they're not normal up there....
  13. Fast food worldwide

    I'd never realised Cornwall was some sort of affluent area that could afford high prices, good job I moved out!
  14. Fast food worldwide

    I'm sure 'The Economist' occasionally runs a Big Mac Index on the back page. Basically it converts the currencies of all the countries polled into dollars and then charts the cost of a Big Mac meal in a range of countries. Last time I looked a few years back it seemed to imply the pound was overvalued, who'd have thought.... Explained better here, but you need a subscription to actually see the index! Or a 2008 Index here no subscription needed.
  15. Disturbingly that's about when I started the model!
  16. Oh b*****ks I'd forgotten about the Stringbag er... I'll see what I can do, I've got about 4 FSX/SF projects on the go at the moment to meet a timeline but it might be a diversion this weekend. Buffalo looks great, I'm sure the FAA mainly used them in North Africa along with some Swordfish, I'll have to dig some of my books out. Oh and I think Buffaloes Roam
  17. In some towns and cities you don't have to be discreet, Hull springs to mind.
  18. WIP Strutter

    Not sure about the rest, but 1. You don't need an actual model of the fuel tank, however giving it Min/Max Extent Positions lets the game know where it is in the aircraft for damage purposes, i.e. it uses those positions to generate a kill box for the fuel tank and if it gets hit bad things happen! 2. I just kind of make them up based on the size of the seat plus a bit! I think there's a utility in the downloads section which will generate the min/max extent positions for a part. 5. I think it's up to personal preference, on my Baffin most of the struts etc. were attached to the bottom wing as I figured the top one would be more likely to get ripped off. Or at least it would look better that way if it was.
  19. Fortunately I saved the page some time back, originally posted by GeckoInf at Sim-HQ. P.S love the 'London Calling' pic
  20. Freetrack

    Christmas Tree worked great after I realised I had to set the right resolution on my webcam. Never realised how much I move around when I'm playing before so I'm still playing with the sensitivity to get a decent null spot! Earthworm Jim - Guh-roovy Of course 'There is no spoon' is from Dog Soldiers but you all knew that....
  21. If you do a google search for back-up scripts or Synctoy 2.0 you can set yourself up a nice little automated backup system. It's probably best to have a second hard drive to guard against that failing but either method will let you run a back up at a set interval that'll copy files that have changed to your back-up directory. Currently the directories I have stuff that I'm working on, models etc. get backed up once a day, onto a network drive in another machine (because I'm paranoid and I can) and less critical stuff on a weekly or monthly basis. It's well worth it if only for the piece of mind and will happily run in the background as a scheduled process.
  22. Freetrack

    Strangely never been tempted by TrackIR, too expensive for something I might not get that much use out of. Having seen this I now get the functionality of TrackIR for the few pounds it cost me for some LEDs and I really can't see the point of spending the extra for TrackIR, and yes I'm aware my time has a value but it's Sunday so it was that or watch the Hollyoaks Omnibus...
  23. Freetrack

    No worries, I'm now confident you can use red LEDs rather than IR ones which has the advantage you can tell if the things working! Although the downside is you look like a Christmas tree. I wouldn't worry about not plugging it in I almost booked a Squirrel once because I thought the hydraulics had failed. That'll be the on/off switch then....
  24. Freetrack

    wardroom/wardrobe what's a little dyslexia between friends!! Got the freetrack doo hickey to work, bulldog clipped the LEDs to a cap and then spent half an hour fighting the MS webcam software to get the right output (320x240 which is a well hidden option with the one I've got), then just play with some settings in the freetrack software so it only sees the LEDs not the background lighting. For my next trick I plan to try Strike Fighters and FSX on the Windows 7 Beta, expect anguished cries around Wednesday....

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