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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. Freetrack

    Right, couldn't be bothered trying to find IR LEDs so I'm using some red ones, however the wiring is the same. If you look at the picture below black is for negative and red positive, proving that for once I can follow convention. For the LEDs the black leads go to the short leg and the red leads got to the long leg, this is basically the only bit you can get wrong but if you do it won't work. You'll also see I didn't bother with any of the current limiting resistors that the Freetrack guide recommends using, if you want to use them they go between the red lead and the long leg of the LED. Basically they'll prolong component life, there might be a safety aspect as well vis overheating but it's a risk I'm willing/drunk enough to take. This is with power applied, I'm only using two 1.5v AA batteries as that's more than enough for the LEDs I'm using as they only need about 1.6v. I'm only using an 8 cell holder because it was lying around. You wouldn't believe the crap I have lying around I found a DVD player I didn't know I had the other day and I've a sneaky suspicion I could build two more computers with the parts I've got in the back of my wardroom, it's like Narnia in there just with more motherboards and less fawns.... I suppose I should see if I can get it to work with the Freetrack software now...
  2. Wiring 2.jpg

    From the album Random Phots

  3. Wiring 1.jpg

    From the album Random Phots

  4. Freetrack

    LOL. Is a nine volt battery not slight overkill for three diodes? I did almost try building one yesterday but the local Maplins was out of IR diodes so I ended up buying a new keyboard instead.
  5. A3.jpg

    From the album Random Phots

  6. Freetrack

    I'm confused by the spoon in that picture.....
  7. X-31

    You're a sick, sick man!
  8. Wyvern Widescreen 3.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  9. Wyvern Widescreen 2.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  10. Wyvern Widescreen 1.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  11. Noooooo! Don't mess with the DLL, that's part of the source code for the game! You need to edit the xxxxx.ini files, specifically for the aircraft the Aircraft_DATA.ini found in the aircrafts folder in the Objects/Aircraft folder to adjust it's roles and in the campaign folder the campaign.ini. They can be edited with any garden variety text editor, like notepad.
  12. Ever been in an accident?

    I think I've had six accidents, it gets hard to keep track. This includes causing £1800 of damage to my Dad's car driving into a tree 9 days after passing my test, writing said car off a few months later (I'm not allowed to drive my parent's cars now, 15 years after), clipped a hedge and wrote off a mini (Cornish hedges are basically stone walls with plants growing out of them), parked a mini backwards in a ditch (towed it out and drove off), lost the left front wheel of the same mini, boy do those things go a long way, and finally wrote that mini off at a cross roads. Oh and according to my Mum I'm special.....
  13. Oh, the indignity!

    No way, I missed that by 24 hours! I was at Vail the next day, thank God it didn't happen to me!
  14. Touch My Body

    If I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night screaming I'm blaming you. And why? And why video it? And who thought to inflict it on the internet? And why do I keep asking questions?
  15. RAF at 90 TV prog on Last Night

    Hmm, I'm fairly sure the RNAS were flying anti-Zeppelin patrols during WW1, although it true British Military fashion I'm guessing it was only after the event! I know a couple of them got shot down later in the war.
  16. For the love of God it's Fraggle Rock's Dozers with Mr Mackay from Porridge.
  17. RAF at 90 TV prog on Last Night

    So four years before the RAF and countered by the Royal Naval Air Service?
  18. theres times a good joke just seems wrong

    Years ago when I was training to work on Oil Rigs we were doing the explosives preparation phase. I was rigging up a line of dummy det cord to some dummy shaped charges, following the procedures for live explosives. Despite knowing they couldn't go off I jumped like a small girl when one of the instructors crept up behind me an yelled BANG! Everyone else thought it was funny though. B******s!
  19. Apparently the dual control trainer version (also known as the Bull) could barely make 100 foot per minute rate of climb on take-off!
  20. Ah the Blackburn Blackburn, an aircraft so ugly they named it twice!
  21. Everyone knows it's December right? I mean shouldn't we have a new thread?
  22. Hinch, for Hermes it'd be either 809 66-68 or 801 68-70. Interestingly 809 trialled at least one S.2 in an overall Squirrel Grey scheme in '68 while with Hermes, I think 801 had moved to overall Extra Dark Sea Grey by the time they took over although they may still have had some in the two tone scheme. You see it won't stop.
  23. Nice Bucc, pre-Mod 1059 by the looks of it. I should get out more. Oh and you're missing the wide band homer aerials on the wings and the pilot should be a couple of inches to the left and oh god make me stop...
  24. Good question. I made it and I think it's at Avsim, search for Ark Royal, the FSX version is set up for Acceleration so you can do launches and traps. I don't really know how to set up the FS9 version as I only made the model for that someone else set up all the scenery etc. for it.
  25. Any you guys seen an aircraft carrier around here?

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