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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. Hmm, I'm using 2.9.5, build 7472. I remember having issues recording FSX when I upgraded, it would only do full screen not maximised on one screen* whereas before it had been fine. Might see if I can revert. *It seemed to interlace my two displays so every other frame would be my desktop. Edited to add: Just upgraded to FRAPS 2.9.6 and it all works fine.
  2. Thanks Wrench, It turned out to be my fix to stop them tipping onto the nose under braking, move the CG back a lot, was causing the problem. Changed it back and then reduced the brake coefficient!
  3. img00080.jpg

    From the album Skippybing's Album

  4. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    Sparky, I don't really see how your example condemns relationships in the military, as far as I can tell the wife wasn't in the military and even if she was, she was having an affair so there were other issues at work.
  5. addiction

    You mean you can fly these planes?
  6. Girls Gone Grabblin'

    Catfish Grabblin' song now stuck in head, urge to kill C5 rising....
  7. Has anyone had any issues with the AI taxiing post patch? The only thing stopping me releasing it at the moment is there desire to just drive around in circles rather than taking off!
  8. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    In the RN it's essentially a case of 'as long a it happens ashore and doesn't affect the chain of command on board it's not our business'. Not that I haven't met some COs who took a different opinion despite having no grounds to in the articles of war or naval discipline act. Not 100% sure on the position of the other services, I have a feeling the Army is very anti inter-rank relationships for some reason and it's all far too close to being some sort of military issue for the RAF. Of course the important thing is to remember rule #1, 'Don't get caught'.
  9. Yeah, don't listen to what they say, always trying to put the working stiff down. I'll have my revenge I tell you, revenge...
  10. My KLu adventure

    I'll have a dig around for info on the Harrier, I don't remember one crashing recently, it'd be at least the third time I know a Harrier of some sort landed without the canopy! Strangely the sound of an RN Lynx coming to pick you up after dinghy drills isn't that great when you know the guys in it. For some reason they feel the urge to dunk you like a tea bag a few times before actually getting you in the helicopter!
  11. My KLu adventure

    Congratulations, even if you are going to be a Stovie*! *Stovie - Fleet Air Arm slang for a fast jet pilot.
  12. Cool, that's five by my borderline adequate maths. Check your PM's for the download link, happy for any feedback to go here then everyone can see rather than having the same stuff reported five times. I'm now going to iron what appears to be everything I own before I hit the sack, something about forward planning...
  13. Dave, Triple, Check your PMs. And Dave which one of us is the old priest!? Skippy
  14. October '56, Two Wyverns from 830NAS return to the Eagle after a dawn patrol over the Eastern Med.
  15. WyvernEagle.jpg

    From the album Skippybing's Album

  16. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    From what I can remember of the lecture and it was a while ago, the sports drinks re-hydrate you and replenish some of the salts etc. What they can't do is help the receptors in your brain that developed to deal with the alcohol in your blood stream which is now missing. The only thing that cures those is time, or more alcohol hence hair of the dog working. Your hangover is also effected by what else is in the drink apart from alcohol, I get terrible hangovers from red wine or port because of the tannin. Vodka on the other hand because it's fairly pure doesn't really affect me that much the next day. Unfortunately I prefer port!
  17. Sharks with frickin' laser beams!! Am I right, am I? I'm guessing no.
  18. Any FSX pilots here?

    FSX gives you a couple of extra aircraft (variations on a theme I think as opposed to completely new) and you get the software development kit (SDK) which provides full instructions on how to create extra content for FSX. Although the help file is in MS's usual unhelpful prose. I think that's it, there may be extra missions etc. I really only got it for the SDK.
  19. Music in the Cockpit...

    I know some guys have their flight maintainers make up an adaptor so they can plug an ipod/walkman/whatever into one of the comms jacks, but last year we found you can just stuff one of those earbud style headphones in you ear and put the helmet on over it. There's the definite advantage you don't have to listen to anyone else's appalling taste in music.
  20. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    Seems perfectly sensible to me. Apart from the seeing Slade bit obviously. Did I mention the Wurzles once played at my Student Union?
  21. Any FSX pilots here?

    BC, Not totally sure about the shuttle missions, are they a mission or an add on? Having read your other thread Acceleration installs service packs 1 & 2 (which make the sim what it should have been at release) and add the racing and carrier ops etc. Oh and you get a Merlin* which is nice if you like boys. Anyway, without acceleration you can install service pack two which gives all the code improvements, but won't give you air racing or carrier ops (god knows I tried but it's hard coded). I haven't found any bugs, however, I basically went from FS9 to FSX with Acceleration in about 6 weeks, if you took the year or so from first release to Acceleration there are issues with things that were altered between the initial release, SP1 and SP2, mostly to do with prop textures appearing behind clouds, then not and then doing it again, which was to do with not supporting FS9 model, supporting them and then sacking the whole thing off as stupid. Basically FSX doesn't really like FS9 Aircraft, they'll work in it but they'll hurt frame rates even if there aren't any other problems, ACES at one stage (SP1) tried to accommodate them a bit more, but then gave up again (SP2). FSX models can be a lot more detailed and have a smaller file and work faster but because of the confusion and FS9 being out for so long, a lot of people call it a bug when their FS9 models don't work properly, you know 'cos those FS5 models are still working really well. To summarise my rant, FSX SP2/Acceleration - What FSX should have been at release, FS9 add-ons will work, but there'll be a frame rate hit. Merlin aircrew - sad losers who'll still be living with their parents at 50. *It's a very nice aircraft but I once heard it's role being inadvertently described as middle management, and it still can't fire missiles so the Lynx is the far superior airframe.
  22. Yeah, taking off with that much ordinance on a Tornado my money's on the aircrew!
  23. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    That'd be nice, my father has never had a hangover, I've even had guys who served with him come up and tell me they'd never seen another man stand after as much alcohol as he'd taken, never mind turn up to work the next day. My mother drinks rarely and then really feels it. Thanks to the wonders of genetics I have my old man's thirst for alcohol and my mum's tolerance for it!!! We even ended up at the same mess dinner early this year (50th Anniversary of 815 going rotary) I got a call at 0930 the next morning saying 'That was great I'm off home now', five hours later I could just about get out of bed!
  24. Any FSX pilots here?

    Crash effects in FSX are on a per model basis, i.e. you can define parts of the model to show when you crash, like in SF, but it won't break up. At the moment not many (any?) developers are using that option (I'm to lazy for starters). I think because it's not a combat sim so crashes/dying horribly aren't really the aim of the game! I don't think Acceleration has any bugs, apart from Hornets obviously. I've been using it since I realised you could do proper carrier ops with it.

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