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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. img00040.jpg

    From the album Skippybing's Album

  2. img00039.jpg

    From the album Skippybing's Album

  3. img00038.jpg

    From the album Skippybing's Album

  4. Tsk, Sundowner RN planes don't have fin flashes unless we're borrowing them off the RAF!
  5. I'm guessing it depends on how it's mounted. The 'Toom gunpod was on a pylon which introduced an extra element of flex, if you look at something like the Harrier the pods are more closely integrated to the fuselage which should reduce flex to negligible amounts. You're also dealing with 40 odd years of advance in materials engineering. Just noticed in the pictures there's a tip vortex from the wing-tip, and the outer edge of the aileron. Never seen that before but the way they wrap round each other seems to be showing the larger vortex generated by the span wise flow etc.
  6. youtube site

    I found once I got a youtube account set up it stopped playing spin-the-wheel with what language I'd end up with.
  7. Any FSX pilots here?

    It's the only version of FS I use now the Acceleration add-on allows for proper carrier ops. Try my Wyvern! Here!
  8. Nice shots. In the hover mode, what are the second set of doors for on top of the fuselage? I'm guessing the front set are for the lift fan, but I'm not sure what the pair behind that are for, is it some sort of auxiliary intake for the engine? Also curious as to weather anyone knows what the plan is if any of the doors refuse to work, e.g. if you're mid ocean how do you land back on the carrier?
  9. Lightning II from 893 Naval Air Squadron
  10. 893 NAS JSF

    From the album Skippybing's Album

  11. My KLu adventure

    Jrz, I take it you go straight to the PC-7 rather than starting off on a small piston engined aircraft?
  12. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    Awesome. Of course in the UK the Air Force aren't even considered to be competition, it's all about the Army-Navy game.
  13. So I want to add some weapons to WoI for the Wyvern to use. I've got the latest patch and the Feb 08 editor from the Third Wire site, I also added the MF Weapons pack. After setting the Editor to run in Win 95 compatibility mode it opened up fine, however when I click the 'Open' button it just closes, ditto the 'Import/Merge' button, has anyone else seen this problem?
  14. I can't remember exactly but I think the gear limiting speed is correct but you have to use full flap on take-off rather than take-off flap. This is at least partially correct as for a carrier launch the Vixen used full flap, and I did all the testing off a carrier. Although it should be possible to take off from land with take-off flap and not rip the gear off, you have to be quick though as in real life. I'll have a check in game and get back to you. Possibly when I'm more sober.
  15. Turboprop Skyraider

    I'm sure I've heard an instructor mention that before now...
  16. Turboprop Skyraider

    Very nice. You'd get a s**t load of torque when you opened her up!
  17. I think a lot of the problems with the Wyvern were engine related, the original Rolls-Royce Eagle engine was supposed to be very good. Unfortunately RR decided they wanted to get into the jet game so only built 20 odd Eagles which wasn't really enough! I think if they'd been able to stick with the Eagle more effort could have been expended on sorting out the rest of the airframe. That TurboProp A-1 looks rather neat!
  18. To be honest, it just wasn't that good! They were originally bought to fulfil a NATO commitment to have two Torpedo Fighter squadrons, as this was deemed a suicidal idea against post WW2 weapons systems it became a strike fighter, however despite being massive it could only lift 30% more bombs than a Sea Fury and carry them 50 miles further. Unfortunately once it'd dropped it's bombs it wasn't a particularly good fighter either, in fact the Pilot's Notes say it's not cleared for aerobatics and it's turning radius was about twice that of a Seafire/Fury! Oh and if the engine didn't try and kill you the prop pitch control unit had a nasty habit of breaking so that the aft blades would go fully fine and block any airflow to the control surfaces. Fortunately by the time of the Suez Conflict there was enough experience of the type to operate it effectively. You're probably at least partly right with the jets angle (the RN happily operating terrible aircraft for long periods of time), it was effectively replaced by the Scimitar which could definitely move more faster further!
  19. Latest look at the Wyvern in game. I've got all the animations working now, shadows and the latest version of the cockpit. Oh and the propellers spin round as well which is nice. A bit more optimisation on that and then it's a case of sorting the ini files. Everything hanging out.
  20. Scrapping the F-117

    I doubt it, both MBB and BAe Systems have produced stealth design studies, the only thing stopping them entering production being a lack of orders. The technology used in the F-117 is actually based on a decades old mathematics paper by a Soviet academic and is to some extent used in a lot of the latest generation of naval vessels, think La Fayette and Daring class. It may just be that the airframes are at the end of their fatigue lives in which case there's not a lot of point keeping them around.
  21. Coming soon

    Hopefully plan to have it out this weekend. Then for those who like blowing stuff up we'll shoehorn it into WOI. Click the pic below to go to the preview site.
  22. Yet another checkride...

    I think he's using the maths that there are 8760 hours in a year so 4380 hours would give you six months airborne.
  23. Scary Pictures

    I don't really think there was a plot beyond how many f*** off special effects shots can we get in. Fortunately the core of the storm is a lot smaller than the amount of cloud cover, I think when we trailed Dean last year we were a couple of hundred miles behind the eye, it was a bit bumpier than usual and cloudy but no worse. Obviously up at the eye was a whole different story!

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