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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. For a space sim I want something like a cross between Elite (depressingly I'm old enough to remember the original, on tape) and the Third Wire Sims i.e. open moddable spacecraft with the option of trading or blowing stuff up.
  2. In the real world radar minimum range is down to a number of factors, however the main one is that most radars can't talk and listen at the same time. Basically the receiver is very sensitive as it's listening for a very faint signal and the transmitter is putting out a very loud one so it'd tend to overpower the receiver and damage it. Although the transmitter is transmitting for a very short period of time the signal is going out at the speed of light so the signal goes a long way in this time, this is the minimum radar range. Different radars have different minimum detection ranges, for instance a long range air search radar has a large one as it's putting lots of energy into the air to try and get a return off a small contact at long range. A shipborne nav radar will have quite a small one as it doesn't need to illuminate anything more than about 20 miles away and even then it'll have a large cross section. Radar band comes into this as well but to some extent that's governed by what you're trying to do anyway.
  3. American Futbol in London

    How delightful, the colonials are displaying some of their ethnic rituals in the capital. Although I think that might be my Mother's birthday so I shan't be able to make it, toddle pip.
  4. I don't think the installer will be in your main WOI folder, it'll be wherever you downloaded it to, or subsequently moved it to.
  5. What is wrong with the USAF?

    Trying to think outside the box here, what if you accidentally took your USAF dependants passport to the Marine base?
  6. Women in uniform...

    Ahh sorry, wasn't clear from some of the earlier posts, seemed to be questioning what an AC-130 was rather than if it actually was one in the photo. Out of interest if I have pictures of Royal Marines in women's clothing that's not what we're after for here is it?
  7. Too true, there's about two angles it looks alright from and the rest you can see why they called it 'The Beast'!!
  8. Coming together, the main problem is converting the FSX animations to Strike Fighters/WOI ones as there are some differences in the way they're structured.
  9. Women in uniform...

    Ahh no fair. That picture actually popped up as our station flight safety screensaver a few months back. Something along the lines of "This is Sgt Clara Doohickey, she likes walks on the beach, puppies and raining lead on insurgents. Her dislikes include malfunctioning NVGs, stoppages and people who create FOD". Mind you I find it disturbing the number of users of this site who don't know what an AC-130 is...
  10. Women in uniform...

    Probably because she was the first woman to be awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross a month or so back.
  11. Women in uniform...

    Yeah, she was on the course behind me at RAF Shawbury. My main memory of her is that she always had a supply of ice cream bars after a night on the town, these things are important..
  12. Women in uniform...

    It's very disturbing when people you used to work with appear on this thread. No I haven't got her number.
  13. English Computers?

    Accurate? What do you think I'm typing this on dear fellow?
  14. It's SkyNET... or worse!

    I don't know why everyone has such a downer on Skynet, it's just the UK's military sat coms....
  15. I know QuinetQ have done a lot of work on the flight control system for the V/STOL version which is based on a long running (decades?) programme in the UK. That and an auto land system for ship board use. I'm not saying it couldn't have been developed in the US, but it would have meant re-inventing the wheel.
  16. Airbus Lost 1,4 Bi with A-380

    I seem to remember reading a few years ago (ok maybe 8 it was in 2000) that Airbus has never actually made a profit. That's not to say the companies that owned it didn't make a profit, just Airbus didn't. I'm guessing it was something along the lines of BAe selling Airbus the wings it makes at a price whereby all the profit went straight to BAe rather than going through two sets of books. Now it's virtually the civil arm of EADS I don't know if that's still the case.
  17. I thought PIRATE was a Typhoon thing? Obviously you can get bearing from an IR seeker, if you track something for long enough you'll get a range of bearings due to the relative motion between the two. Once you have enough data you can generate a position course and speed for the other unit, like passive ASW, with the processing power in modern fighters it should be possible to do this fairly quickly. Alternatively, once you've ID'd the contact, you know how big it is and then it's just a question of how big it appears in the sensor and some simple maths.
  18. Can't sleep...won't sleep.

    From experience/experimentation I've found the best thing to do if I wake up in the night is to get up and do something rather than lie in bed staring at the ceiling slowly going mad. This has on occasion led to me effectively getting up at 4am and doing a full days work, on the plus side the following night I had no problems getting to sleep.
  19. Can't sleep...won't sleep.

    I had a similar problem last year, at the time alcohol and dugs were out because I was at sea at 45mins notice to fly (subsequently I've found alcohol doesn't work that well either). How much caffeine are you drinking during the day? I found six plus cans of diet coke a day weren't helping!
  20. 849 were strictly AEW Skyraiders, the RN never used the Spad for ASW. Not sure if the ASW bubble is the same as the AEW one, I'm assuming they both hold a radar just pointing in slightly different directions.
  21. I shouldn't think it'd be a problem there's probably as much energy coming off the SPY 1 radar. They've been doing R & D on this for at least a decade. Now if we can just persuade the UK government to get this for the RN's new carriers rather than going VTOL.
  22. I'm in the (now extremely long-winded) process of modelling the Westland Wyvern which popped up at Suez. I think I started it for SF and at some point it morphed into an FSX project, however it'll still come to SF probably a month or two after FSX. Anyway due to my anal level of research I can probably fill in any blanks on it. For starters weapons wise if it fits on a Seahawk it'll do for the Wyvern. And they never flew operationally with torpedoes despite the original design aim.
  23. Should be Libya, Iraq has some weird triangle thingy. Standing by to be flamed with the proper description of the weird triangle thingy.
  24. Inline VS Radial

    Many thanks Major Lee
  25. Inline VS Radial

    And err where could I find a copy of that to work myself into a fit with?!

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