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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. I remember a book my Dad had years ago which basically had the wing-loading and thrust to weight ratio of various aircraft types done as a scatter graph. I.e. Wing-loading on the Y axis, thrust to weight on the X Axis, the further right and up the aircraft was on the graph the better a dog fighter it was. Basically it combined the first two graphs, which makes comparing types easier, might be worth trying as you've already got the data?
  2. To be honest I'm not sure if the unicode inis help, although I have read it improves frame rates. Anecdotally it seems to have helped on my laptop but I haven't done any scientific testing more just a quick check of the hud data! More than happy for you to use the Wyvern, I must update it to full SF2 sometime with bump mapping...
  3. Sweet work, looking forward to this when I get a chance to play it! The appropriate Wyvern squadron has accurate serial numbers, bar a couple I couldn't find, but they're possibles anyway. If you haven't already I've got unicode ini files to make it more SF2 compatible, just give me the word and I'll upload them.
  4. The AEW Sea Kings use a Searchwater radar, the same as the Nimrod with various upgrades to the electronics over the years. When they were retired from ASW four Mk5 Sea Kings were also converted to the AEW role, although the only approved way to do this was to first downgrade them to the earlier Mk2 ASW version and then convert them to the Mk2 AEW before upgrading to the Mk7 AEW version. The alternative was to design a new work package to make the conversion in one step which would probably have taken longer!
  5. With radars taken from the Skyraiders, which then found their way into the Shackletons after the Gannets retired and the RAF had to do their own AEW. Not that I'm saying the MoD are cheap....
  6. What the hell is going on with women in England

    Dude, if I knew the answer to that I wouldn't be hiding in Iraq!!!
  7. Runs A Mile In a Bomb Suit

    Reminds me of the guy who ran the London Marathon in an old fashioned diving suit a few years back, you the kind with a solid brass helmet and weighted boots. Well I say ran, took him the best part of a week. Raised a **** load of money for charity doing it.
  8. Actually, being a Batch 1 (or 2 I can't remember it's just a difference in hull length) Brilliant would have had Exocet rather than Harpoon, no 4.5" gun and no Goalkeeper. They only came in on the Batch 3. I think they had 30mm crew served guns, which were then swapped for 20mm when the RN tried to standardise on ammo types, although it may have been the other way round as it's changed again since!!
  9. I wouldn't confuse PIRATE with what the F-4B was using, you're looking at a massive change in the equipment being used. Compare how early AiM-9s tracked targets and the staring array used in the -9X and ASRAAM.
  10. Return of the Falklands

    It's seriously lost then!
  11. Return of the Falklands

    As I said, the territories that want to remain part of the UK, have done and the ones that wanted to be independent are. In fact in some cases we may have left too quickly before a sustainable government was established, but ultimately it's far to expensive to maintain colonies whose inhabitants don't want you there. Hence the colonies we do still have want to remain British, seriously go to the Falklands and ask the inhabitants whether they'd rather be under Argentine or British rule.
  12. Return of the Falklands

    Which is also the position of the UN, self-determination of the inhabitants is the over-riding principle. Geography is essentially irrelevant as far as they're concerned, otherwise by an extension of the Argentine logic France could claim the UK as her territory as it's on the European continental shelf. As for people saying the UK is a country of colonies, you must be using a very old atlas as the few remaining specks of the empire are all territories who's inhabitants want to remain part of the UK.
  13. Looking for work

    Pimping my own service but you could try the Royal Navy, you could try for aircrew or air engineer. They might try and push you down the Weapons Engineer route but just say no, they kept trying to make me a Marine Engineer because of my degree but it's one of the few branches I've kept well away from!
  14. What Do You All Think About the IPad?

    I'm disappointed, it really is just a big iPod touch with no extra functionality, you can't even have e-mail and the web browser open at the same time as it's got the same one app at a time restriction. I mean for the size you'd think it might do something extra and maybe have more than 64GB of memory. For less money you can pick up an Asus T91 which is about the same size, does all the usual netbook stuff, but also has the screen rotate and foldback over the keyboard to basically give you the same form factor as the iPad, actually if you spec it up you can get GPS and TV built in as well.
  15. Chemical Ali is Dead

    Maybe we can get them to do a reunion tour?!
  16. Swordfish

    Now available from here give me a month or two and it'll be in Strike Fighters....
  17. Chemical Ali is Dead

    What about Comical Ali? You know the one who made outrageous claims like 'Allied forces will never enter Baghadad' while an Abrams was in the background blowing s**t up? I liked him, he seemed to have a sense of humour....
  18. Hell yeah, I'm not making another one!! FSX version available now from here, Strike Fighters version hopefully within the next two months. Out of interest, what's the preferred patch version for prop flying these days? I spend far more time modding than flying these days so I've got no idea what the state of the art is in these things!
  19. Some shots of the Swordfish in FSX, once she's released (soon now, just the sound set to go) I'll look at exporting the model to SF. Which is the easy bit...
  20. 9/11 Trial

    I may be wrong, God knows I normally am, but surely it's going to take the rest of their natural lives just to find an unbiased jury. Otherwise the defence attorney isn't doing his job and they can call for a mistrial or something?! Maybe they ought to be thinking along the lines of the Lockerbie trial that took place in a third party country? Although probably not release them if they start feeling a bit poorly....
  21. Just a quick update, I'm still working on the Swordfish, pressure of real life has slowed things down slightly, apparently moving into a house can't happen overnight, especially if you're only there at weekends! Plus work is going to be hectic for another week or two. My plan is to have it and Victorious (as well as some FSX stuff) out by the end of January, mainly because I'm deployed for about six months from then...
  22. Not totally sure about the Fury as I'm don't know who has the source files and what was used to make it. I have a sneaky feeling it may have been made in FSDS or gMax, if the former then it'll be hard to impossible to get in to WoX, if it's gMax it's not impossible just time consuming. I think there's a project underway to make a native FSX Sea Fury which may be a better bet as it'll probably have a proper 3D VC, rather than relying on 2D gauges as most FS9 models do.
  23. Odd, not sure why the mapping does that. Mind you it was '05 when I made it so who knows what I was thinking at the time! Unfortunately at some point I lost the Max files in a hard drive crash so it's not easily fixable. Incidentally, Swordfish model in FSX here

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