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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. 2009-3-28_15-42-44-203.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  2. Skippy's FSX Album

    What it says, on the tin.
  3. Hi Guys, For the FSX carrier fans, we've updated the Ark Royal model for FSX which has massively improved frame rates, activated the waist cat and done a bit of generally tidying up. New download available from the link, enjoy! http://www.flyingstations.com/ark-royal.html
  4. Who Prime Minister is the biggest spoiled brat in the world...?

    You're joking right? If not we can probably come to some sort of deal, you take Gordon Brown and we'll take a collective sigh of relief.
  5. Man tried to kill his Mother-in-Law with a anti-tank missile

    Tactical nuclear strike from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.
  6. Which countries did you visit, when and how was it?

    From my alcohol ravaged memory (why did I go out last night, why??) Canada - Lived there for two years when my Dad was on exchange I was only 5 when we left so I thought I was Canadian! USA - More times than I can remember! Favourite time was a short notice port visit to New Orleans. France - Quite a few times, I even worked in Paris for three months after Uni. Germany, Holland, Austria, Italy, Monaco - As part of a mammoth road trip with friends from the Navy. Spain, Gib, and Portugal - Mammoth road trip part two. Norway - North of the Arctic circle on exercise, saw the Northern Lights and got a Husky ride. Denmark - Pretty cool, although Copenhagen is the hardest capital city to get a drink in past midnight on a weekday. Andorra - Don't actually remember much about it! Belgium - Although I did manage to drive through it without realising on the first road trip, I went there on purpose as part of a continental nav exercise and had a great time! Singapore - Based there with work before I joined the Navy, great place if a bit cramped. Bangladesh - Again with work before I joined up, I wouldn't recommend it for a holiday but it was great to get to go there and I had some good times. UAE - Yet again before I joined up, the Navy don't seem to want to send me to the Gulf! Hong Kong - Before we gave it back when my Dad got a short posting out there. Like Singapore but more hectic, I hear it hasn't changed that much. Japan - Only Tokyo really, saw a cheap deal on the internet and though why not? I'd like to go back and see more of the country Barbados - Two weeks when our ship had a maintenance period, not good for my liver! Martinique - The capital city is a bit of a dive but the rest of the island is lovely. Curacao - Awesome. Belize - We were doing disaster relief after hurricane Dean so I can't really give a fair opinion. Great for low flying though...... Cayman Islands - I'm obviously too poor to live there! Turks and Caicos - Grand Turk isn't that great but the other islands aren't bad. Jamaica - The only place I refuse to go back to. I'm sure I've forgotten some, still off to Turkey on Sunday so I can add that to the list when I get back!
  7. I think it's just the angle too, if it was the AEW the nose cone diameter would be larger than the fuselage's. A seriously bonkers idea, doomed by trying to fit so much electronics into the Nimrod's fuselage.
  8. Well, I got the Cornish People's Liberation Army Air Force roundel.
  9. windows 7

    Not sure, it didn't happen when I installed! I take it you're using an internal IDE drive?
  10. I was under the impression you could still rotate the bomb bay with the bulged door, I'll try and dig out my reference, the curve on it is designed to fit through the gap in the fuselage. You could fit the bomb bay fuel tank without the bulged section on the door, the RN certainly did as they never used the bulged door due to clearance with carrier landings.
  11. P1030303.jpg

    From the album Random Phots

  12. As I understand it the USN interest was along the lines of 'if the A-6 turns out to be a turkey what can we get instead'. I wouldn't knock the Bucc's Nav/Attack suite, it was very comprehensive, if geared primarily for ASuW, and had a range of bombing modes as well as a nav suite the equal of the first generation INS. I need to read up on the A-6 again to compare the two as I'm currently deep in Buccaneer research but from memory they're both pretty much equal in most areas if you compare similar generations, although the later versions of the A-6 may have had the edge on the later S.2Bs I need to read up on the various mods they did and didn't receive.
  13. Russos Buc

    Apologies for posting in English, but looking at the pictures I think the model has the early pylon spacing. I'm 99% sure all the RAF Buccaneers had the later spacing where the outer pylon was further out. This page has the measurements. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, I did a scan of the thread but my German isn't that good!
  14. How long for? I'm guessing both the Vark and the F-105 had to go into burner to go faster than the Bucc at sea level (Bucc VMax at sea level M0.92) whereas the Bucc only had dry thrust and had ridiculous levels of endurance, at least for a European aircraft! I'm thinking the other difference may be training, in that the Bucc crews pretty much spent their whole time at 250' and lower so it was their playground. Be interesting to find out, I need to dig out my Wings of Fame with the feature on the Bucc and some stuff on their time at Red Flag.
  15. PCs still the biggest gaming market shock

    Lots of pissed of nerds who can't handle daylight?
  16. Blackburn Aircraft Naval Aircraft 39 = BANA hence banana Allegedly.
  17. Wrench, random thought, could you hide the decal bleed with a bit of weathering? Separate thought, does anyone know where I can get an actual Hurricane for July the 11th? The one I was thinking of seems to have been damaged!
  18. U.S. Eyes Super Tucano for SpecOps Work

    I'm guessing the idea with the Super T is that you could have deliveries start tomorrow if you asked nicely. Everything else would involve a delay, I'm also guessing if the DoD is anything like the MoD new build OV-10s would have to go through a certification process to ensure they meet the current requirements in terms of airworthiness etc. Of course if AMARC have enough lying around you could just re-activate them.....
  19. U.S. Eyes Super Tucano for SpecOps Work

    I note your comment about the USN reducing to three aircraft types, it's apparently the aim of the UK's Defence Logistics Organisation to reduce to four types of helicopter little things like wars keep getting in the way though!
  20. It's Malta Convoys by Richard Woodman, the underlined bit in my last post is actually a link to it on Amazon! If you start off with stand in ships e.g. SF default tanker/cargo for development, if anyone can find some plans I could probably knock up some reasonable 1940s cargo and tanker ships. I'm thinking medium levels of detail so we can have a large convoy without single digit frame rates!
  21. Nice idea, I have a book on the convoys so I may be able to help if you need more info than you can get from wikipedia. Also we should be releasing the early war Victorious in the near future which would fit in for any of the Illustrious class carriers that took part. I might even have a Swordfish available soonish, depending on how much I find is wrong with it when I get the 'From the Cockpit' book through!
  22. I can't remember the exact specs of the first laptop I played SFP1 on, but it had shared video memory of about 8MB I think (laptop was bought end of '00), with everything turned right down I got about 5fps and it turns out the bombs are rectangles at the lowest detail setting! Anyway if you get it working let us know how as I'm looking to buy myself one of the Asus T91s when they come out.
  23. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    Caesar, likewise. From what I know of radar they haven't done enough to change the shape. As to RAM, I'm guessing it's not an easy thing to replace sections of airframe with it without significant engineering changes. I'm not saying it can't be done, and may be why the price is so high for such an old design.
  24. Love the idea, especially as Cornish man but seriously:- LOL

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