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Everything posted by TalonOne

  1. Hi, i was wondering if mid air refueling was possible in SF2V or SF2? Like in LOMAC or Falcon 4? Thanks
  2. Hi guys, i've been having some problems with my HUD. You cant see the hud if you zoom out, it just moves to the right out of the HUD screen but when you zoom right up to the place where the HUD supposed to be (The screen) it slides back into place? Any suggestions?
  3. Are Anti-Ship missions possible in SF2V? Because i don't know/cant find a NVA ship
  4. MV-22 Deploying Flares and a couple flights of F/A-18A's launching sidewinders
  5. ughh, i only have SF2V...Could i use that Le Missiouner (Sorry, don't speak French) to make an Anti-Ship mission?
  6. Ok, would i have to go through some missions in the campaign to get to the Tonkin mission?
  7. How can you drop one w/o blowing yourself up in the process?
  8. It's the Z-9 Kestrel but the problem is on all the planes w/ HUDs i have.
  9. That's not a bad thing ;)
  10. For expedite infantry delivery! the C-18E!

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