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Everything posted by 10107

  1. "Look to the data.ini" It's a manual deployed drogue system.
  2. That's Florian's skin. He rebuilt the model and skinned it. I can't get a single mission to work where they deploy yet. Not doing something right.
  3. Florian's A310 in the CC150 Polaris scheme.
  4. The first pics wee Florian's first A310. This one is his latest...well last year. But I guess its a patch issue I have where I quit updating years back. It would be so much better if the new one could be used.
  5. OK. Thanks I'll replace it. I have an info sheet on an older Ryan drone and has a profile and upper view if this modeller is interested. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&ved=0ahUKEwjHjqjYz7LZAhUFZKwKHbktByoQFghJMAY&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocuments.techno-science.ca%2Fdocuments%2FCASM-Aircrafthistories-RyanKDA-4Firebeetargetdrone.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0tObe1TePlV1TtLtojWMCP
  6. Funny how much time is gone when you fix something on a skin you don't like :) Traced all of the panel lines. Adjusting of camo lines can happen later.
  7. Thanks. I'll probably just bite the bullet and redraw the panel lines. Won't take too long.
  8. Started a camo process on it. Has anyone repainted this yet and done the panel lines over?
  9. Rising from the past. Is Zur still around? His website address is selling clothes now.
  10. Wingos view of my head to head with a MiG that ended badly.
  11. Well sure....but we wouldn't add anything like that to our aircraft.
  12. To enhance the ground support of the troops on deployments...the GoC purchased A-10s in a deal brokered with Washington. Still needs some serial work to complete it.

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