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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I have had the game a week now and I just finished modding it! I have not even played it yet! I highly recommend the great mods out there!
  2. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I guess the Skyrim stories are dead in the water?
  3. OFF P4 information please.

    With the CD version you have to have the CD in the drive to play. There is a "no CD crack" but I think I read that it leads to problems in P3. With the DVD version you do not.
  4. OFF P4 information please.

    If you find the.... DVD PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I have the CD and I want to upgrade.
  5. OFF P4 information please.

    I'm thinking of getting into this Skyrim to pass the time. Found it in the "pub" here. It has been over a decade since I played ANY AD&D type game. This one looks like a huge time sink. or maybe try PW campaign generator for ROF. Hmmmmm....choices.
  6. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    You are still playing this game Hellshade or did you burn out? You seemed to be the most excited when it was released. How is the game holding up? I am ALWAYS late to the party on games like this.
  7. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Okay read more and I think I understand the auto-level feature of the creatures. Sounds good. The dragons seem to be a little easy to kill (from my reading) so I heard of the "deadly dragons" mod. Have any of you tried it? Please report!
  8. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I am only on page 14 of this thread and I am thinking about getting this game to kill time before P4. My first question: I read that the bad guys you meet will be at or near your level. In an open game like this, shouldn't the level of the bad guys be random? I mean, the toughest and worst should be deep in a dungeon that YOU go and seek out to kill shouldn't they? When I level up will I ever meet any "easy kills" in the woods or will they always all be a challange? I sometimes want an easy fight. Also....are there all the "classic" D&D creatures like Beholders and such?
  9. OFF P4 information please.

    Just watch the video Redpiano for the sense of flight. Watch the scene where the aircraft is burning and falling as you fly by (at 40 seconds). The sense of flight is perfect right there! I know you probably mean as you yank the planes around so I guess we will have to wait for P4 for that but I really have faith here. The physics in ROF do shine though. The video also says that the AI scan the skies so I think you can sneak up on them but the Devs should confirm this. I, too, am rather let down by the career in ROF so I am completely looking forward to P4 (OFF2). To me, the graphics look even better then ROF and just check out the THOUSANDS of skins. The final straw in ROF came when I would do a line patrol and stay out an HOUR after my flight RTBed because I still had full fuel and I saw nothing. You never see anything. Ever. Not going to bash but I have tried both (ROF and P3) and I am landing my crate here.
  10. OT What Job do you do?

    Started to fly when I was 18 and have never stopped. Getting close to 40 now. Airline pilot (757/767) for major US carrier. You will find me stopping over mostly in Vegas, L.A., Florida, and London.
  11. I dont want to get rid of this killer combo but I have to. Make me an offer. Both are 4 months old and just like new. Send PM or jameslandsfeld "AT" ptd.net
  12. Yeah.... kinda rediscovering the outdoors and building rockets to launch.
  13. I am starting to get out of the hobby and I find myself flight simming less and less. I would like to recoup some of the cost and transfer it into a new hobby.
  14. FOV

    Well the three monitors would still be biggger and more panoramic and also that 30 inch has a 6 ms response time and I want 2 ms. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
  15. FOV

    I went out today to look at monitors because I now have my TrackIR5 and I was thinking of getting the TripleHead2go as well. I think this combo would be perfect. I was wondering from someone who has this setup about what type of monitor to get.....standard or widescreen? At Best Buy today I saw they only have the widescreen in stock but I can order normal if I want. Would three widescreens side by side be too much in the horizontal? Please chime in if you have seen this. Thanks.
  16. Starting Engine commands

    Your welcome! I just got the game a few days ago myself and I am discovering all these great things.
  17. Starting Engine commands

    Not sure...try it.
  18. Starting Engine commands

    I do it all the time. 1. Control and + together and hold for a good 10 seconds to advance mixture to full rich. 2. Control B to turn on battery. (Not to realistic but you have to do it... Pretend it is you yelling CLEAR) 3. Control M three times for left mag, right mag, both mags. (When you do a runup at 1000 RPM's you can see this by hitting Shift M. You will get about a 50 RPM drop on one mag. So run up, hit Shift M to see a drop. Hit Control M to see a rise (Both Mags). Hit Shift M 2 times to see a drop. Hit Control M two times to see a rise again (both Mags running). Good Mag check. To kill the engine with mags. Hit Shift M three times for off. (I use mixture to kill engine though). 4. Hit Control S and hold for a second or two until engine starts. Easy...
  19. I am trying to find the "good" version of CFS3 as the first step to getting OFF. I want the DVD as I have read that this is the one that would not require the DVD to be in the tray to play OFF. I have found the "Xplosiv" version online but I dont know if this is the DVD or CD version. Can anyone confirm which it is "Xplosiv" and if it is not the DVD then maybe someone can tell me where to get it? Many thanks!!
  20. CFS 3 DVD Question

    Thanks... I am in the States but I will keep an eye out for this copy.

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