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Everything posted by mustang60348

  1. I wish I could, but unfortunately I can't
  2. Does it use a formula 2piR to figure out the value for CL OR do 'we' create an alpha table for CL.
  3. Good, that makes sense. From what I gather then, this game doesn't take alpha into account when using and figuring out CL.
  4. OK, perhaps this is where i am getting confused. is CL = Lift or is CL = Coefficient of Lift.
  5. I think the main confusion I am having is that I define CL as part of an airfoil, vice part of a wing. IOW, an airfoil does not have a surface area, chord, etc. And I was expecting to take the CL value from a Lift Curve graph and input that into the game.
  6. Which values are you referring to when you say "when you introduced the required values into the application". This is what is confusing me about the AeroConv application: When you enter CLa calcul, you enter Surface, Span, Ctip, Croot, LE Angle and Mach. Now CLa, is the Coeffecient of Lift , which should need Lift, V2, S and P (density). Yet you never enter, Density or Lift into that application. So how does it give you CLa.
  7. I don't see what you are saying, everything I have read says that CLa varies on an airfoil with alpha, NOT with mach. Lift varies with speed (as well as area, density and CLa) but NOT CLa. What am I missing here. After reading again. Perhaps this is why it varies with Mach Cl = 1/2(L/S*P*V2*) where L = Lift S = Area of the wing P = Density V2 = Velocity squared Is this what you are referring to. The confusing part is that L isn't solved for without knowing CL, which would appear to be a circular formula. How can the game solve for L without knowing CL and therefore you can't solve for CL.
  8. After lots of reading, I am very confused by CLa, from my 'research' , CLa is Coeffecient of Lift, which is determined in a wind tunnel (in real life) and varies by Alpha. If this is the case, WHY in the game is there a CLa table based on Mach, since CLa doesn't change with Mach, but in fact changes by Alpha.
  9. That doesn't sound right because it will vary with shape of the wing. Now, unless the definition of a finite one is based on a specific shape. As far as I can tell, the only way to get CLa is from wind tunnel testing and creating a lift curve vs Alpha for that airfoil. Same goes for CDa (Coeffecient of Drag)
  10. Yes, CLa, of course is the Coeffecient of Lift (at Alpha) and is determined by wind tunnel testing so I wonder how he is gettting his numbers for CLa
  11. Thanks for the kind words I just thought, perhaps I could put out a series of "Mustang gone wild", I am a 46 year old grey haired man, Would anyone like to see that. :) I didn't think so. I could probably make lots of money from people who DON'T want to see that.
  12. I have come up with CLa = 4.03, mac = 2.33, Ymac = 2.23 I used 3.0 meters for Root Chord and 1.5 for Tip (based on the size of the picture and scale) How close am I
  13. Would you consider , putting up a simple post to explain what each input is. For example I know CLa (Coefficient of Lift at Alpha) <- Correct CL (Lift Coefficient) But what is GRAVITY (in terms of this program) , is it a standard value, What about N (for calculating CL)
  14. Not sure if it of any use, but here is a neat little Java Applet I found. If anyone can figure how to get the numbers from it, into WOE/WOV/SF , let me know. http://www.mh-aerotools.de/airfoils/javafoil.htm
  15. You are most welcome, I have gotten some excellent emails over the last couple of years about them. A fair number of people have found them to be an excellent introduction to modelling aircraft that they haven't found anywhere else. Most modelling tuts are for characters or weapons etc and while those are helpfull, it doesn't help the total newbie much for getting into aircraft modelling. What has been most satisfying for me is seeing someone who has never used a 3d program before, release a model into games like WOE/WOV/SF or FS series and it looks really good.
  16. Thanks for the info. Yup, this is the same mustang that did the tuts.
  17. I was hoping you folks would have some nice quick source. I am using Google, found some decent stuff
  18. Does anyone know if TK and Thirdwire got drag chutes working yet. If so , how???
  19. Drag Chute

    thanks, I will try that.
  20. Drag Chute

    I tried these things and for some reason when I put in that line, it won't animate anymore. It will animate if I leave it out BUT of course now the thing deploys in the air.
  21. I am looking to develop a program (assuming there already isn't one) that would allow me to run the weaponeditor on an existing .ini file to create a new weapondata.dat file iow, I have a custom weapon , I have created an .ini file for it, I want to have an external program that will add the .ini file to the end of the weapondata.ini file, save the weapondata.ini file , then run (non interactively) the weaponeditor and create the new weapondata.dat file.

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