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Posts posted by mustang60348

  1. Are you going to animate the external model rudder pedals or the Virtual Cockpit rudder pedals?


    For the external model you create an animation slot for the rudder and for the rudder pedals.


    I haven't tried it but thinking about it, I wonder if you can use a dummy rudder in the ini.


    Since the game engine seems to animate meshes along an axis (rudder, ailerons, elevators, etc), you could create a dummy rudder entry using the rudder pedal mesh, be sure that the pedal pivot is set correctly and so is the axis of rotation. You can change the axis of rotation in the ini too.


    Something to try


    I was referring to the virtual cockpit. Right now I have the stick and throttle working. I guess what I really need to know is , what is the name of the variable in the cockpit.ini file for rudder pedals.

  2. Just wanted to let you know I am working on an OV10D for WOE


    This model is the original work of Tim "Piglet" Conrad. I have gotten permission to convert it to WOE (Strike Fighters Series). Many thanks to Tim for giving me permission.


    I am also in the process of converting his OV1 Mohawk as well.


    The external models are converted, I am in the process of converting the cockpit as well.


    BTW, this model are 'fairly' high poly, I am shooting for them to be around 20,000 polys (a bit high I know). I will be including 4 LODs with each (A fairly easy thing to do actually, takes 2 mins).


    I will give you an update as I get closer.



    Here is a little movie I created with the bird ingame.


    Don't worry about the cockpit not being finished, it is a WIP.


  3. Just wanted to let you know I am working on an OV10D for WOE


    This model is the original work of Tim "Piglet" Conrad. I have gotten permission to convert it to WOE (Strike Fighters Series). Many thanks to Tim for giving me permission.


    I am also in the process of converting his OV1 Mohawk as well.


    The external models are converted, I am in the process of converting the cockpit as well.


    BTW, this model are 'fairly' high poly, I am shooting for them to be around 20,000 polys (a bit high I know). I will be including 4 LODs with each (A fairly easy thing to do actually, takes 2 mins).


    I will give you an update as I get closer.

  4. I'm testing out the 3ds Max 9.

    I've got the exporter plugin from Third Wire, but I can't find .lod as an exporter option.

    If it isn't at file -> Export... where can it be.

    I've checked at the plugin manager if it's loaded and it is.

    Can someone help me finding it?


    Click on UTILITIES (on same panel as Create, Modify etc, TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER)


    then click Configure Button Sets


    in the pop up box, scroll the left hand area down to the bottom till you see the thirdwire exporter


    on the right, you should see TOTAL BUTTONS, add one for this new button


    when you have a blank button added, (scroll down the right hand side of that popup). Drag the thirdwire exporter onto the blank button , click OK, Viola, you have have access to the exporter

  5. they are currently working on oversea distribution.


    The game went GOLD over a month ago, not a single post anywhere from anyone about it.


    The game was shipping and it wasn't until someone accidently ran across it on a website. Again not a single post from anywhere.


    Why all the secrecy, it isn't like this game is the second coming.


    It is SF with a static small airfield with wires (that is called a carrier).


    Except for the carrier , there is very little in this game that SF doesn't have.

  6. Thanks Dagger for slapping me into action (grin).


    I will be around in some degree to help answer questions.


    For a little background on who I am:


    For the last 8 years I have been making video games.  Begining with QA and Tech Support, going to Producer.  Now, I am not a programer nor an artist.  Basically what a Producer does is make sure the scope of the project is maintained, and that the timelines are met.  That being said, I will answer most any question, but seeing that I am not a programer or artist, I may not know the answer off the top of my head...so be kind (grin)


    Wings Over Vietnam is the latest title that I have produced.  I have the honor with working alongside Thirdwire to bring this game to the market.





    Hello and welcome.


    I have a couple of questions for ya:


    Why the total secrecy about the game going GOLD about a month ago and then released without so much as a single post anymore


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