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Everything posted by GermanPilot

  1. Cheers! I bought CFS3 a year ago in anticipation of OFF Phase 3. Haven't had the chance to play any of the earlier phases. Since I'm on a budget, CFS3 runs on a cheapish laptop. Nevertheless, I get on almost highest settings fluid frames. Never seriously drops below 20 FPS. Highest observed FPS were in the 30s to 40s. Any chance to tweak OFF into something flyable, even on lowish settings? Or should I forget about it until I can afford a new PC? Thanks a lot for any honest and constructive input!
  2. You may laugh as much as you want. My comparison was made to give insight how my system performs on another sim with mesh, landclass, and a lot of other addons, high settings, with the result of very fluid frames. If that is not good enough to play OFF on lowest settings with its core engine being CFS3, comparable to what, FS2002, I´ll accept it and will get some more mileage out of RB3D.
  3. How does a 2.9 Celeron compare to a 1.6 Core Duo 2? Since OFF doesn't use the second core, is it comparable to just a Pentium 4 at 1.6? I know, bus speed, cache and such adds up, plyus the graphics chip which is only an Intel X3100, but hey, I play FS9 and addons with high frames on highest settings.
  4. Thanks for the responses so far. I got RAM (3 GB), but my dual core 2 only kicks at 1.6. Does someone have it running on a lower spec. system? Right now I'm tinkering and playing with Red Baron 3D. Is still a lot of fun. Though, I was looking forward to OFF.

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