Thanks for the info, Chaps.
I shall try changing the mapping in the cfs utility, and see if the problem might relate to my joystick rather than the particular character used for the toggle function. I guess my question relates almost more to Autohotkeys. I am "up in the air" (chuckle) about which bits of X-45 work with Vista ... which I might post about on another thread, so lots of things are running around in my head at present.
I LOVE padlock. It is the way one's head moves when flying and chasing an enemy, but I always have a toggle switch mapped onto one of the main buttons of my joystick so I can check my position with respect to earth as well as the enemy.
I have a track IR 4 Pro, but I get literally airsick after 10 minutes of use ... hot, sweaty, tired, pale and nearly throw up. I think need to get used to it, but my main computer is dying at present and my laptop I think will not cope with OFF plus Track IR. I think the planes and the weather patterns look gorgeous in OFF and I could watch them for hours, which is my plan.
George (but Charles is a very gentlemanly name too!)