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Everything posted by S77th-Dante

  1. is anybody going to e3 to check out lock on if you are , come back to the forum and tell all.. :)
  2. E3 & video's ?

    you would think they would of got the procedure for setting up lock on at the display 'down' by now...
  3. The Savage 77th, Online Simulation Squad (S77th) Is accepting new memberships before the release of Lock On Modern Air Combat. We are looking for mature aged simulation gamers with or with out any jet sim experience to become pilots in the squad & experienced pilots preferably from Flanker 2.5 or Falcon 4.0 to become Flight & Combat Instructors. Requirements: [*]Be 21 Years or Older. [*]Have ICQ instant messenger [*]Be able to attend regular events @ 8pm USA - EST [*]BroadBand Connection preferred [*]Microphone & Fullduplex Sound card [*]Must not be in any other squad/clan in Il2, FB, LoMac or Americas Army if you meet the requirements feel free to send me an E-mail dante20@optusnet.com.au or ICQ 74471610. Members From USA Preferred. We do accept members from Australia, New Zealand & Canada.. Thank You -Dante www.maddog-simulations.com

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