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topcat II

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Everything posted by topcat II

  1. Hi All, Wondering if anyone is working on a canopy for the F-14, 15, 16, 18 so they can be open position? Thanks in advance!!! Cheers
  2. Looking for hangers for SFP1 where can I find harden ones? Thanks in advance!!
  3. SFP1

    Thank You both for the help CA_STARY I will obtain the map thanks again!!
  4. SFP1

    Hi Sag yes not wooden..
  5. Nice and Thank You Pedro!!!
  6. The Loss of a Veteran

  7. Happy new year.

    Happy 2008 to all!!!
  8. Happy new year.

    Happy New Year!!!
  9. On a Good Note.....

    Very nice family Dave Happy Birthday girls!!!
  10. AS Always Ouststanding guys!!!
  11. Happy Birthday, BABY!

    Happy Birthday!!! such a sweet ride!!
  12. Hey guys lost my note how do you change the skins so all the planes are the same skin when you start missions??
  13. Thank You Allen I will do that.
  14. Well Fastcargo I have the skin in the folder and then selected it in the loadout and also in the squadron listing I selected VMFA531 and when started the mission the squadron came out VF-84. Mine was ok which is VMFA531?
  15. I will try that! Thank You for the help!
  16. Can you tell me what file and the step next so all have the same please. Many Thanks!!
  17. Thank You Kukulino my bad I am using a add on skin and want all to be the same where do I start??

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