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About WarrenG

  1. Wow... So many replies, in less that 24 hours! This website is awesome. Thanks for everyone's advise. I will check out all these links, and also try some dive-bombing, like those Stukkas (spelling?) from WW2. EGT2007, I'll definately be flying on both sides, if that's an option in the game, as I want to get everyone's perspective. Thanks again, everyone.
  2. Hello all, I'm just starting out in the game, flying in the 6 Day War campaign, in the Mirage III. Quite a few ground attack missions. Does anyone have a good technique they could share on how to manually bomb? I couldn't really find anything in the manual, and maybe i'm just not good at combat flight sims, but i don't see anything in the cockpit that serves as some sort of manual sight/guide mechanism. Looking over all the keyboard assignments, i don't see anything there either. I'm basically flying over the target and releasing the selected bomb at what i think is the right time based on my airspeed and altitude. I hit the target about 10 - 20% of the time. Any suggestions? Cheers, Warren from Vancouver

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