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Everything posted by BigJim

  1. I am flying with the Hard Damage model on, my question is does this apply to BOTH me and the AI or just ME cause if it is just me its going bye bye. It seems like a couple of pings and my plane is unflyable (this from 1000 to 1500 feet), while I can wail away at them and if i don't hit the engine "no joy". Now I know all the rationals about how hard it is to hit a strut, wing wire, etc etc etc, but what about the AI are they all dead eyes???? they seem to hit control surfaces quite well
  2. best ace

    Yes I really have to laugh when Lou equates an FM to "arcade style" if it is not overly difficult, making a plane fly to its' spec's IS the proper FM, if it is made overly hard to impress some "computer jocks" that doesn't make it correct. The WWI pilot had it hard enough, and making his mount unrealistic is just silly, this sim offers sooo much in its content that I don't think it needs overblown characteristics in its' FM. If you are indeed an "old" vet at these games you SHOULD be able to easily over come the AI unless they daisy chain copious amounts of what WoW players call adds. This was the situation my last flight (no matter which way I evaded there was another on my six and more coming from alt) this becomes an unwinnable situation and if repeated over and over becomes very frustrating and leads to the recommendations you see on these boards "only fly in spring avoid bad weather" "only fly the sophwith tri wing it is very stable" etc, etc, etc. The AI can be whatever the programmer wishes it to be, ditto for the flight model, and so on.... asking for a realistic FM and AI is NOT requesting an arcade game, actually if the AI is not subject to the same physics as the player THAT is arcade in my book.
  3. Damage Model

    yeah I try to do that too but when it's 6 v 1 (as it seems to be most of the time), and you are trying to get used to TrackiR (and actual heavy combat is THE only way to test it) it gets fairly hairly real quick when they ping you and you can see no visable damage but your plane is now flying like a truck Makes me wonder "where the hell did my wingmen go" since only one or two will show as shot down or lost after the mission.
  4. best ace

    Well I have been flying off and online flight sims since 1984, is that enought time? Correct me if I am wrong but it isn't this FM based on cfs3?? I find that in certain manuvers in this game (as compared to others) that the aircraft "depart" much too quickly and usually are "unrecoverable" even though in most cases these old birds recovered quite well in proper hands. Example an aileron roll to the left in a DR1 seems to cause immediate departure, while one to the right does not (even though in the left hand one I used rudder authority to offset the torque). In all other sims the DR1 was capabile of a "flat turn" with rudder authority only being applied, here the plane departs after more than 60 degrees of turn. These are not "game breakers" but will cause some yelps from some of us "oldtimers" who are used to a different FM, but for me the AI always arriving 5k above me for advantage is tidious, I point these things out as something that needs to be looked at for possible fixing. If this game was placed in an Aces High II setting with everyone being online and every enemy being human I think most of my complaints/suggestions would be gone because there would be no "the AI isn't effected by wind" type of things. Thanks for the tips on filling out the claim forms (I tried something simular but it didn't work I must have messed up somehow :yes:
  5. Having some problems with the gun site view, seems the overlay gauges and gun site are tied to my head movement which means the sights move where I am looking not where the guns really are? Any fix for this short of turning TrackiR off? BTW does everyone meet the bogys where they have alt 95% of the time? Seems like I am always fighting at a disadvantage from the start
  6. best ace

    Ok now point me to which "aide" keeps me from being vulched. Like we just were as we were taking off from the field in DR1's, which as I am sure you know are modeled really twichy in this sim so you have your handsfull just trying to get airborne. This the "gamey" stuff I refer to.... it's just a programmed routine out of many the AI can grab and apply when it wants to. The weather is another AI use of difficulty added, seems everytime I grab a "quaility aircraft" the weather suddenly turns bad and the "wind" kicks up which is good for the AI cause wind don't effect it . While I am at it, why do I have to write down all the names of the guys flying with me, why can't I access that info when I am filling out my claims report??
  7. TrackiR and gun sights

    Ok well this not a trackir problem per say I know about trackiR and have it programmed to my stick, the problem is apparently the game uses the same overlay as trackiR to show those added gauges and sight ring. Your answer is obvious just disable trackiR (which also have programmed to my stick) which I would like not to do what I would like to do is disable the movement of the overlay gauges and sight ring. Maybe this request belongs in some "wish list for next patch"????
  8. best ace

    heheh nothing this game is a typical "at home vs AI" game, anytime the computer wants to kill you off it can "load the deck" with Ace AI pilots or bring them in 5k above ya with 4 wingmen all hunting YOU, while your wingmen fly away picking their toes You can try to filter out some of that junk but until you can fly vs human opponents whose aircraft are subject to the same forces you are you cannot compare your skill. Opinions vary but I have been flying this now a week with all the stuff I mentioned, I will leave with this cravte "statistics don't lie but liars can make statistics". Just have fun with this and realize it IS not very realistic as far as AI fm is concerned.
  9. Filming

    What is the command to start and stop filming, as I need to film some of this stuff to see whats going on, I just had an EIII AI plane go 90 degrees Vertical for a sustained climb (I thought he would loop but nooooo he just kept climbing while my strutter wallowed and crashed) Understand at the moment I am PISSED that I just lost one of my best bomber pilots to what appers to a "computer trick", but I would like to film it and see if its me or the game and I am too lazy to go look it up
  10. Filming

    I have a problem Huston, my films will only work in forward view? I can't seem to look around while filming anyone got any idea's on whats wrong with my setup??
  11. Filming

    Well my trackiR 5 showed up today man what a difference it makes just amazing I have been seeing some really silly stuff, try this load up a QB camel vs 2 DII's watch the DII's hang on their props like Schultz said verrrrry interesting
  12. Filming

    Duce I already have that other stuff CH HOTAS (have it for years started with TM moved to CH), since getting OFF and RoF have upgraded cpu to Q6700 quad and also video card to GTX260, added 2 gb of ram for a total of 4, have TracvkiR 5 otw, and looking to get Win7 in 64 bit when it comes out all in all of late about 700 bucks and I still have to buy Win7
  13. Flew into a bunch of manuvering DR1's, planned to use my superior speed to stay out of harms way?? The DR1's not only caught up with me but did so in a climb LOL. I guess I should not have been surprised since while flying formation with my flight, they all of a sudden jumped 1000 yards ahead of me? While the secenery is not CFS3 the AI and gamesmanship still are, its this kind of unrealistic AI that drove folks away from CFS3. AI planes need to suffer the same physics as the player and when they do not it makes the sim bogus.
  14. DR1 vs SE5A

    OK thanks for the info guys, I am trying to improve its just that I have been flying vs human opponets for so long I need to get use to AI one's
  15. DR1 vs SE5A

    LOL I am so dumb sometimes Pov, them DIII's was really DR1s' sheez I been flying tooooo many plane types. I do believe that the SE5A has its' handsful when dogfiting the DR1 anyhow I just got Fraps the full version I will post fims from now on for critique
  16. Filming

    LOL I have gone nuts on this sim 37 bucks more for fraps, 15 bucks cfs3 (with shipping), 30 bucks or so OFF, hmmm that totals to 82.00 (well to fair I guess I can use fraps in RoF too). Heheh guess I can give up eating for a month
  17. Filming

    Ah ok I got the free version I will take a look at it, thanks Duck
  18. What is your joystick button config?

    There ya go much better than I could since I don't have your setup, I do have TrackiR5 otw tho which will free up my throttle hat for TrackiR commands I guess
  19. What is your joystick button config?

    Depends on what you have with the stick? Like trackir? My setup is a complete CH HOTAS, Combatstick 568, pro throttle, and pro pedals and right now I use one hat on the throttle for views, 1 4wayhat for zoom/fuel mix. one 4wayhat for the "unreal" targeting from CFS3. On the stick I use one Hat for "wingman orders" 1 4wayhat for the various views, cockpit, no cockpit, etc etc as you can see I have alot more buttons than you As for most used I guess it is the "map" button
  20. As you have noticed ve german pilots due not require our enlisted ranks to crank our props on startup rather ve make the captured Englishmen do it (just listen to the man and un his hund). While flying a solo mission in the campaign I killed 3 balloons but upon returning home to base no credit or opportunity to file a claim form?
  21. German View Point

    Yes all my "critical" posts should be taken as ment to help or ask questions, because so far I love the way they have immersed me in the WWI flying experience, even more so than RB did back in the day (I think because the FM seems to be fairly good here). The only thing I can compare it with now is DoA and that is on-line vs human opposition (much different than having to contend with CFS3 and reworking it)
  22. DR1 vs SE5A

    Yes quite true maybe I just alot more time in the SE5A here, and all my posts refer to campaign mode, I very seldom fly a QC . These particular DR3's attacked from way above us, I dove to see if I could get one to destroy itself in a dive but my SE5A wouldn't exceed 150 IAS (per the added meters) and of course the DR3 just stayed and my tail amd shredded me the die roll was in my favor and I didn't die
  23. DR1 vs SE5A

    Yeah at the moment the AI DRIII completely dominates the SE5A, while trying to dogfite them my aircraft becomes unflyable in a matter of 2 manuvers whilst the DRIII flits merrily thru the sky doing any manuver without penalty and unlike the REAL DRIII they never seem to loose any energy while completing verious loops, chandels, etc??
  24. Aces High is an on-line game, it has no campaign really its more of a "capture the flag" kind of setup where there are 3 sides and each one tries to dominate the game by owning all or most all the airfields of the other guys. They do have an axis vs allies server for more "historic" settings and they run "Friday night Squad Operations" a squadron only historical setup that runs for about 3 fridays in a row then they put up a new one. You can check it out for free if ya want Olham, just go to Hitechcreations.com and dl the game (which is free) and they give you a free 2 week trial to try it out. They make their money off the subscription price of 15 bucks a month (like AW was only more in the good ole days)
  25. German View Point

    Heheh well I am an "old dog" and have been flying these sims for years, so I am in the EIII cause that is where the camp put me I am familar with its' weakness and strengths, it should do fine vs the planes of the allies in 1915, however we have advanced to 1916 now and the Jasta has not gotten any new models yet I maybe in trouble now but after 8 missions I have yet to encounter the enemy (man this sim IS realistic)

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