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Everything posted by wiwa

  1. Hey, I'd like to change the sound of the engine in dry thrust or 100% military power (no afterburner). The file that needs to be changed is called JetEngine in the sound folder. The default sound is just lame. I have a hairdryer that makes an even more impressive sound. In real life the full mil power sounds of a jet engine really screams. And then, when the throttle is pushed even further you have the added rumble and decibels of an afterburner. I found no existing mods for the dry non afterburning sounds. I'm a sound tech myself and could make some sounds myself. I tried something but I can't seem to make it work for the SF2 series. For the clarity. I want to change the JetEngine file in the soundfolder. When I make a new sound and name it 'JetEngine' it doesn't seem to work. I changed the sounds of sims like Falcon, MSFS in the past. But somehow this works different. How? Can anyone help me out?
  2. Hey guys, A little late..I know. KJakker,... Wow thanks for the great effort! I must admit I got discouraged because one of the folders you described was empty. Maybe something to do with the fact that I installed it to another location than the default location. But... The thing is. I made another engine sound file myself last week, Just renamed it "JetEnhine" but somehow the game didn't pick this up. So that's where I thought that more actions would be needed. Since Wrench told me that it should work this way I tried it again. And, i figured that the audio files have to be in mono, no stereo. So that was the problem. No I have a standard adapted sound file for almost all of the non afterburning planes. I made a mixed file of a jet engine in idle and in full power. Then I changed the pitch because the game engine does change the engine sound in pitch to create the effect of powering up. That's just how the game works. You can use this fact to make a cool and very usable soundfile. The lowered pitch when in zero power setting is perfect for creating an idle sound, when powered op all the way to 70%(or 80% in the super sabre) you get a cool military power sound, including the sound of the whining, heard up close(cockpit) to the plane. However, the game also mixes a short sound loop in all the planes when powering up which I think is not so cool. But it adds to the power of the sound, so it does its job. I don't know where that sound is located. Loved to change that as well. And for the A4 and Hunter aircraft it uses that loop as the main engine sound without the JetEngine soundfile. It gives a sence of power but like I said, I think is a rather short loop which isn't very inspiring. But I'm satisfied with the sound I've made and in most of the stock planes it is a real improvement, including some of the mods like the Tornado, and Buccaneer. Most of the times the standard sound file used is the one of the engine in idle. Just swap it for something more powerfull. What do I do when somebody wants to use that file as well? Yes I know, I'm a bit of a sound freak...
  3. Hey guys, Again thank you all for your replies! And wow, thanks for the collection of sounds! That's really kind of you! I listened to them all. Some cool sounds. I picked some favourites and thinking of making a mix to create a truly powerful engine sound. However, were do I find the "XXX(plane)_data.ini" file of a certain plane? Correct me when I'm wrong, or .... confirm when I'm right. 1. I go to the modfolder and copy my new sound to the main aircraft folder of the plane I want to change. Or can I put them in a general place for use of more than one plane? 2. I look (help, where?) for the "xxx(plane)_data.ini" and change line in the sound chapter. There I put the name of my new soundfile, right? Any advice would be much appreciated, again.
  4. Hello, I'm new to this forum and see that this is a truly committed community with excellent mods. I flew my way from falcon, dcs, il2 to strike fighters. I was grounded for several years due to professional reasons. Now, with limited time available, I want more flying and less reading (manuals). I found strike fighters the perfect match! And, I must say...it feels really immersive! It is the perfect combination between realism and playability. I enjoy it! Altough I see it as an early jet era sim. The lesser extend of complexity of those jets are perfect for these kind of sims. That's were it's suited for the most in my opinion. But...I must say that I found the way sf2 works, especially the way it can be modded confusing. I succeded in installing the rends europe enhancement mod, eventually. It is truly great work! However, the Israël mod by Stary is a mistery for me. Maybe I have to explain that I installed both of the games on a different location on Win 7 machine( asus i5 laptop). On my d drive instead of my c drive. For WOE, i could find all the folders, including the so. called mod folders. But for wings over Israel... There is no folder such as the modfolder like there is for WOE! I can't find it! Apart from the original install folder on my d drive. I did what was decribed. Opened the game ones, searched in user/saved games/ etc... I find the folder for WoE but no Israel folder! So, I have no place to put the folders in... I don't understand. HELP! Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
  5. Oh shit...I realise I created quite a confusion. I might have confused myself the most though. I'm sorry for that. But, I think I know what's going on... Now I have to find the courage to tell you all this...way to make a first impression... Ok here ot goes. I own SF2 Europe. I bought and downloaded this last week. And I have ... Wings over Israel! So that's were it all went wrong! I bought this a couple of years ago, and redownloaded this. I figured it was the last version. Why? Well, because the older 'wings over Israel' is not suppose to work on a win7 machine! But I've been playing it this week without any problems at all. In addition I always thought I had the latest SF 2 version. It is until now that I realize I have the older version! I've read somewere that the older series don't use the modgolder. That explains a lot I want to add that I really do not rush to post for some help. I did all the reading in advance about the mod folder etc. But it was so confusing for me that I didn't found any of the folders for my Israel game while my SF2 europe was the way I read about. Now I know why! I hope you understand. Again thank you all, you guys surely helped me to see the light!
  6. Hey, Thanks for the quick replies! I do have woe2 and Woi2. And, i ran the israel exe first. At least that's what i think. I presume that since i played it before that must have been the case, right? Or is there another 'hidden' exe file? I clicked on the exe file in the installation folder so.... The funny thing is that i managed to create the mod folders of woe. Now, woi... Seems to be a different story... They don't appear anywhere... Probably me doing something wrong or? Any advice would be much appreciated. Any possibility it might has something to do with the different (vs default) location of the installed game? D drive instead of c drive?

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