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About Condor44

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  • Location
    Terre Haute, Indiana
  • Interests
    Flight SIMs (Aces High and OFF)<br />Flying scale model airplanes<br />Fishing


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  1. Flimsy Balloons

    I'm stumped. How do you recognize that specific balloon? There were several in the area within view.
  2. Get on your Spitfire t-shirts!

    I got on Aces High to celebrate the battle of Britain. I flew a Spit VIII though. I get killed too quickly in a Hurricane. As it turned out, I got killed several times in the Spit too. Only once by a 109. The LA-7's that killed me twice had no bussiness being there.
  3. I just completed a balloon busting mission in an EIII. I destroyed 3 allied balloons. When I looked at the mission summary it showed I had only 4 hits. I got in close and fired short bursts. I can't believe I had only 4 hits (although my gunnery is not great) but even more so I'm amazed that a single bullet will destroy a ballon. Does it usually take so little to bust them?
  4. 0.2122, bobcat. I aseem to be with most of the pac.
  5. Claim submissions

    As I recall, we don't get the opportunity to see the review until after the claim form is completed. Am I mistaken because you seem to be suggesting that information from the review be included in the claim, (I would check but my gaming computer is down for a few days.)
  6. Claim submissions

    I have had very few claims approved or rejected so my experience is limited. (It seems I frequently die with several pending.) One of my approved claims was for a kill on a lone wolf mission. The only observer was an Eindecker from another squad so I put in "airman" as the witness. I had two claims that were rejected for which both of my wingmen. who were very close. were listed as witnesses. They were rejected. I have had claims confirmed for which I just listed a witness and the type of plane that I shot down (and that I shot it down) and no other details. So it seems little detail is required and that the confirmation process is somewhat arbitrary. That's OK. It probably was in real life also. (And maybe I will learn otherwise once I can survive ong enough to get more of my claims past the pending status.)
  7. MIA

    We fished for walleye there and caught more than a few. That was 45 years ago. It probably wasn't your beach then. My dream is to live on a lake in north central Minnesota and have it be summer all of the time. I don't think I could survive the winters I lived through as a kid. Your dream is more realistic than mine. To last more than 17 hours in a campaign would be nice too. We fished for walleye there and caught more than a few. That was 45 years ago. It probably wasn't your beach then. My dream is to live on a lake in north central Minnesota and have it be summer all of the time. I don't think I could survive the winters I lived through as a kid. Your dream is more realistic than mine. To last more than 17 hours in a campaign would be nice too.
  8. MIA

    Ricketycrate, Your concern is appreciated. How is life on the St. Croix? I spent a lot of time in my younger years fishing the river at Hudson. Your right about how slow the opponents are. I'm always amazed at how fast I close on the B.E.2cs. It's hard to believe anything could fly so slowly. The stick mod is just the addition of a pot with a greater range for the elevator trim axis. It was overly sensitive with the original CH pot. Nothing spectacular.
  9. MIA

    We are alive and well; at least I am. Mark was OK a few days ago. Mark is doing a mod on my throttle so I can't fly right now. When I get it back I will have a more precise trim axis. We've been flying campaigns. I'm starting with the Germans in Nov. 1915 and can't seem to get out of the EIII. I have yet to be shot down by an enemy plane but my longest lived pilot has only lasted 8.7 hours. It's either ack or running into my prey. It's really frustrating to get killed in such a stupid way with 3 confirmed kills and 4 claims pending. I know Mark's having the same problems flying for the French in a Nup 11. It's not the game. It's us. I've been flying WWII birds for too long and have yet to get it out of my head that the EIII doesn't have the power and manuverability to avoid a collision after a close pass. In fact I'm not sure it's appropriate to use power and Eindecker in the same sentance:grin: Mark's wound has healed. He's just taking a break I think. I'm sure he will be back.
  10. pitch or elevator axis

    I suspect what you are experiencing is normal. All of the planes I have flown in OFF will nose up and climb without forward pressure on the stick even though my stick is calibrated. I assume you have calibrated your stick using the software supplied with it. You certainly should if you havn't. As has been mentioned, you can use elevator trim. My stick has trim wheels so I have an axis for elevator trim. I believe the keyboard can be used but I'm not familiar with that method. What stick are you using?
  11. Killer Spad

    I just read about a SPAD that needs to be added to the game. The S XII Ca. 1 was armed with a 37mm Hotchkiss gun that fired through the prop shaft. Only about 100 were built. Guynemer scored 4 kills in one. Reprtedly it could destroy an airplane with one hit. Only the best pilots were allowed to fly it. If this were Aces High it could be offered as a perked plane. Maybe it could be made available only to pilots who reached 40 hours or 40 kills. This sounds like WWII armament. I had no idea there were fighters with cannons in WWI. I wonder if Germany had anything like it. You would have to be sure your speed was high or the recoil might cause a stall. I found this in one of the books in my collection and confirmed it at a couple of internet sites. We gotta have it!
  12. "Phantom" Bogies

    Thanks for the responses. I guess had just been thinking in terms of horizontal distance.
  13. I use the TAC and labels. I would not survive long without them. On occasion I see what I call "phantom" bogies. While patrolling I usually have the TAC set for 8NM and to detect airplanes only. When I see white squares indicating bogies I fly to investigate. I will adjust the range of the TAC downward as I get close to them until I see the labels. In a mission last night I had two white squares within 1NM of me but never saw a label. I searched for quite a while at different altitudes but never saw them. At some times they were closer than my wingman whose square was blue whereas their squares remained white. Shouldn't they have changed to red or blue? After looking for them for some time I gave up and flew home. I have seen this several times although not on all missions. Has anyone else encountered this? Does anyone have an explanation? Thanks
  14. I think most may know this but I am posting for those who may not or are new and rely on the CSF3 game commands. CSF3 has an exit game command that is execute by pressing the control an Q keys together (CTRL+Q). You then get a dialog box that asks if you really want to exit the game. I have been using that since day one and have never had a successful flight recorded in the pilot's dossier or flight log nor have I seen claim forms. After considerable discussion in this forum and with Winder, thinking that there was a problem with the game or some obscure computer setting, we discovered that exiting s mission via CNTRL+Q was the problem. It takes you just not out of the mission but out of the game completely and no flight data is recorded. The correct way to exit a mission is to press the escape key and then click "end Flight" on the drop down menu that appears in the upper right hand corner. You then get a dialog box asking if you are sure you want to exit the mission. Answer yes and you will see the summary of the flight data, get your claim form if you shot anyone down, and the flight will be recorded in the pilit's dossier. This has been posted at the end of another long thread but I thought it might merit repetition for those who, like me, do what seems obvious from the CSF3 game command card. My apologies for boring the majority of you who were smarter than me and already knew this. I finally have logged a successful mission and filed a claim. now let's see if it gets approved. This is a case where I'm happy to have the suspense killing me.
  15. This was the answer. Thanks. I just flew several brief missions and exited via escape/end mission. All were recorded. I then flew a couple and exited via CTRL+Q. They were not recorded. Until now I have always used CTRL+Q to exit. Are Homeboy and I the only dummies who didn't know this?

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