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Everything posted by Condor44

  1. battle damage to aircraft

    whoops, here's the one I messed up
  2. battle damage to aircraft

    Thanks Olham, Here are my settings.
  3. battle damage to aircraft

    In overides I have disable intro movie, hi res Z buffer, terrain detail texture, disable validate device, disable chat, disable advisor messages, disable simulation warnings, and disable water animation checked. Do you know which shouldn't be? They are the same overides I had checked when I saw damage and damage messages before.
  4. battle damage to aircraft

    I have been following this thread with great interest. Like badgerboy, I never see any damage no matter how badly my plane is shot up. I have overall graphics detail, aircraft detail, and effects quality at 5. I have my resolution set at the highest my monitor will support, 1920x1200x32. Dej, by skins on 5 do you mean the aircraft detail slider or is there another setting I am missing? I have aircraft skins set at normal resolution in the workshops. I also never see the red text describing the damage. Is there a toggle to turn this feature on and off? I thought it might be Status Message (Shift+D) but that had no effect. Interestingly, I did see damage and the red damage messages earlier before I reset my CFS3 files bacause of the problem I was having with not having my campaign flights recorded. My campaign flights are now recorded (Unfortunately they have all ended with the funeral video ) but I see no damage or damage messages even though I restored all of my graphics and workshop settings to what they had been before the file reset. (I just reviewed thjem again last night) As you can see below I have a system that should run the game well. I use the same overall graphics settings as Homeboy and he sees visible damage and the red damage messages. My system has a little more horsepower than his but is fairly similar. I'm puzzeled. Any suggestions will be welcome.
  5. More campaign strangeness. I have to say I'm getting frustrated. I flew a mission to patrol behind enemy lines. I had labels on and used TAC. I followed all the way points. When I saw bogeis I flew to check them out. In some cases the white squares turned to red but I saw no label for enemy planes at the locations of the red squares on the TAC. I had the TAC set for planes so the resd sqauares shouldn't have been anything else, right? I could see labels for the friendlies with me and enemy air bases so the labels were on and working. Why didn't I see labels forthe enemy planes? I circled around and looked high and low. I use TIR so my views are great. This happenend multiple times. I finally completed all of the waypoints and landed at my home base. I hit control Q to exit and got the usual yes no question. I clicked yes and the game froze. After looking at the hourglass for 5 minutes I realized nothing was going to happen. I have already discovred from past similar experiences that hitting the Windows key does not take me to the desktop so I can close the game. Is there a way out of this other then shutting down the computer? That's what I finally did. Of course, when I got things up and running again my pilot had no hours or flights recorded. So now that I've vented; I have two questions Why didn't I see any labels for the enemy aircraft that showed on the TAC Is there a way to exit the game to the desktop when it locks up? (It freezes about 10% of the times I exit. does anyoe else have this problem?) On a positive note, my pilot is still alive. I just wish I had captured the two hours he spent in the air
  6. OT IL-2

    I have IL-2 and like it but if you want the best WWII combat flight experience try Aces High II. I havn't played IL-2 since Homeboy recruited me into his Aces High squad.. It's strictly on line multiplayer. There is an outstanding selection of aircraft including fighters, ground attack planes, and heavy bombers. The flight models are very realistic. If you want fast you can fly an ME-262. If you want manuverability you can fly a hurricane or zeke. The graphics have not been up to OFF at its best but they have just done an upgrade that has improved the graphics a lot. If you get tired of flying you can jump in a tank and fight other ground vehicles (of course you might get bombed by a P47 or shot to pieces by an IL2). I have OFF because, like you, I'm a WWI fan but I still fly Aces High regularly. There is nothing like fighting real live opponenents. It costs $15/month but you can try it for 2 weeks free of charge. Here is the link http://www2.hitechcreations.com/frindex.html Check it out. I hope this isn't too much of a commercial for the competition. It's no competition for the WWI fan because it's strictly WWII.
  7. Thanks Winder. Now I just need to work on those landings.
  8. I started a new campaign. The good news is that my flight was logged and my flight time was recorded. I also smoked a couple of BE2c's. The bad news is I clipped one of those pesky trees at the edge of the field while trying to land my EIII and was killed. So my best and only pilot had a grand total of 32 minutes flying time. My problem seems to be fixed. Now I just need to learn how to land.
  9. Winder, If I understood correctly you said that pressing the CFS3 files button in workshops would not change my graphic settings but would delete my pilots. I decided to give it a try rather than reinstall. Not only did it delete my pilots but it changed the graphics settings from my custom settings to default and changed some of my controller assignments (e.g. Rudder and throttle were assigned to two different controler axes whereas they were each assigned to only one before the reset). It seems presssing the reset CFS3 files can cause a lot of grief if you have many custom settings and don't have them documented. Fortunately I had saved screen shots of my custom graphics settings and was able to restore them and everything looks good. The default settings looked awful. I have not tried another campaign flight yet. I will report if I see the same problems again. I still may just do the reinstall but will try campaign first.
  10. Thanks Winder and Uncleal, Won't resetting CFS3 wipe out my ghraphics settings as well? I'm wondering if a complete reinstall as per uncleal might not be the best way to go. I've saved screen shots of my graphics settings to make reconfiguring easy and my mine.xca file so I will still have my controller assignments. Uncleal, where are those to hidden files you mentioned located, in the OBD files, the microsoft applications section of documents and settings, or somewhere else? Is there anything else I should save to make setting up after reinstall easier?
  11. Losing all my pilots won't be much of a loss since there is no record that they have accomplished anything anyway.
  12. Actually, what I see is more blue than green. No language problem. Just poor memory of the color between the game and the forum. But I do know where to look for the record of the flight and time and it's not being recorded.
  13. I just flew another mission with the same result. The mission was to escort bombers to an enemy airfield. I followed all the way points (the green line on the TAC) and just kept going back and forth over the same area in friendly territory. They never took me near the front. I finally landed after an hour of touring the same area of sky. Why didn't the green line eventually lead me to the enemy air base? Why, again, wasn't my flight recorded? And no, I didn't shoot a tree Uncleal, I was flying when you posted. I'll try that next time. It doesn't seem the waypoiont system is working right or is it typical to fly around in friendly territory for over an hour before heading for the front?
  14. Very nice looking Ugly Stick, Homeboy.
  15. Claim report details and cryptic map numbers

    I'm not questioning that it was a real hassel that WWI pilots had to endure. I do wonder why it's weighted more than inactivating g effects, increasing the efficacy of your guns, decreasing the efficacy of the AI guns, turning on auto rudder, etc. (I played around a little with workshop settings and their effect on the realism number. I must have too much time on my hands.) It seems we should b be more concerned about the things that effect the flight model and difficulty of the fight than the paperwork when assessing realism. I would apply ther VERY unreal more to those other changes than the claim report. But that just my probably worthless 2 cents. The nice thing is there are no hard and fast rules for OFF and we can set things up as we want. It's not a big deal, I hope, just makes for intertesting discussion late at night.
  16. Immelman turn and manoevers

    Interesting, I have tried it with several birds including the EIII. I dive for speed and observe speeds well above the normal maximum level speed. But when I attempt the manuver I also always stall out. My gear's fine. If I go to Aces High I have no trouble performing Immelmanns with WWII birds. Now I'm reffering to dives that I would do in a combat situation. In stress testing OFF planes in vertical dives I have gotten them to come over the top in a loop without stalling but that's after pulling up at speeds of 180-190mph. And no, except for the Nups 11 and 16, they don't shed any parts. So Broadside, your not alone in this. It'd like stress. I can't get an Albatross DV or Nup 17 to lose wings when pulling up from vertical dives at 180-190mph. Others say they lose wings under less stress than that. There are obviously some variables we don't understand.
  17. I'm a happy Homeboy customer. If you have any skepticism about the gameport to USB conversion you can set it aside. I have a Homeboy built custom lefty HOTAS that incorporates an old CH gameport force feedback stick that has been converted to USB. I also have several "extra" axes on my stick and throttle thanks to his cutomization. It's all worked fine for over two years of almost daily use. Homeboy knows his stuff and does quality work.
  18. Claim report details and cryptic map numbers

    I agree that this is an awesome game but do not extend that to the claims process. After reading some threads on claims I had a major headache. I'm all for realism when it comes to things like flight and damage models, challenging oponents, great graphics, etc. but I would rather not extend it to paperwork. I changed my setting to bypass claims in workshop and was amazed that it droped my realism setting by 40%. Why is it weighted so heavily? I hadn't had the opportunity to fill one out yet becuase I did not get any kills in my first two campaign missions. I'm not, however, sure "try it, you'll like it" will apply to me. I assume the computer knows the kill occurred and I will get credit. Is that correct?
  19. Gunnery

    I usually don't miss when The other bird fills my windscreen but the ensuing collision is uaually catostrphic for me .
  20. I created a German pilot and did some quick combat dogfights in several different planes. Did win a few. I decided to try a campaign. Going into the campaign the screen said I had flown 10 missions for a total of 0.35 hours. I assumed those were the quick combat missions. My campaign started in Nov. 1915 so I was flying an EIII. I was the flight leader. We ran into a flight of four RAF BE2c's. I scored hits on 3 and watched one go down flaming. I did not see him crash as I went after another which headed down trailing smoke after I hit him several times. I shot at a third but saw no significant sign of damage. The mission review said I scored hits on all three at multiple times. When I exited the mission I did not get a prompt to file a claim. That's OK, maybe I didn't really kill them but it sure seemed like I had killed the one that was burning. How does the claim prompt show up? Could I have miised it? I then checked my pilot dossier and found that he was still credited with 10 missions and 0.35 hrs. The mission I had just flown should have been number 11 and it lasted about 45 minutes. I landed earely, before the entire mission was completed as briefed, because I was out of ammo. Did I lose credit because of that? It was as if the mission had never been flown. There was nothing listed on the mission log on the right side of the dossier screen. What am I missing here? It was fun, by the way. I'm not complaining. Just wondering what went wrong or, more likely, what I did wrong.
  21. Better yet an axis if you have one that's not being used.
  22. Downed plane explosions

    Now I don't see any explosions at all. They just get close to the ground and seem to disappear.
  23. I figured I may have lost the kills for the reasons you stated. So what's thew best ting to do? just keep after them until you see them crash? By doing that I would have lost all my altitude and would never have had a chance at the others. It takes a lot longer to get to 4,000ft in an EIII than in a Spit 8. butthis isn't Aces High. The not getting credited for the mission and the time is what concerned me more. Just to clarify, when I said nothing was listed in the mission log after the flight I meant the flight log on the right hand side of the pilot dossier. The 10 missions and 0.35 were on the left side. My campaign settings in the Wokshop are: Date Advance-Auto Mission Freq - Historical Data Base Warnings - off Regional Air Activity - Light Spawn Control - OFF Campaign My statistics settings are: Persistant weather stats- off Flight Eval/log - campaign only Player Stats - off Methinks the last one may be the problem. Should player stats be on to get credidted for campaign flights?
  24. I am new to OFF and am flying a variety of planes in dogfights in Quick Combat. I like to review my missions upon completion to see if I scored hits when I thought I did. I always get a review mission error and the review stops before completion of the mission. Sometimes it occurs after all of my shots and hits have been reviewed and the enemy is shot down. That's OK because I've learned what I wated from the review. Other times the error occurs before the first round is fired and I get no information. Other times the error occurs partway through. This is not a major issue by any means but I'm wondering if there is a problem in the program that needs to be fixed or if it has something to do with my configuration. Does anyone else see this?
  25. FOV

    Tsk. Tsk, Homeboy. we already went through this excercise and came up with 30 and 19.

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