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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. They don't use" th" on numbers? What about Henry the VIII th ?
  2. The downside: The beginning was too flowery for my taste and I had trouble getting thru the battery of Prose. The work needs more proof reading and the Office scene seems awkward or doesn't flow.? ( 4 me anyway). The Upside: Well done , a nice read and I could picture the flight scenes above The War Torn Flanders Fields in my minds eye. The word enjoyable comes to mind. I will be buy it
  3. Grahame White Factory...

  4. News Report

    As reported by Widowmaker in Combat Ace and the CNN News: A Pilot aboard Jet Blue Snapped for unknown reasons. The real Story : Its the pressure of waiting for a new game to be released. Ive come close to the same behavior awaiting the OFF 2 . or losing a 17 hour Pilot. http://youtu.be/YNm2GsNWMSo
  5. News Report

    Forgot to post the Orginal story by CNN and Widowmaker: http://edition.cnn.c...rted/?hpt=hp_c1
  6. Triple monitors

    Not me sorry, I am still trying to decide wheater or not to do Crossfire with 5780 cards or just up the card to the next level with a 600 watt power supply. Best of luck
  7. OT-My New Computer

    All righty now, U R Set. Congrats.
  8. Request for MF.11 revisions

    G-4 and the other older a/c
  9. We Can Fly

    Here in California ( Home to Holly- weird ) I had to get a Temp FAA license to Para Sail ( Gliding with a para chute) so didnt even ask about Ultra Lites.
  10. My cd arrived today

    Welcome to the Meat Grinder
  11. Far out, This project of Lou's sounds great with a G4 to boot ! Maybe do the same thing for the German side using the Av or Rumpler then EIII ?
  12. A Newbie's Experience of Phase 3

    I tried using a map, but the blast from the Prop ( A Fan turned on to make my scarf flap) knocks it around. I wonder if the WWI Pilots used a clipboard ?
  13. I had a system like that same Graphics Card cant remember if it was a Pentium 4, but close and the system worked for OFF and some Battlefield games. U can look in to my gallery of pics I think about 1/2 were from that system. Hope this Helps and welcome to OFF.
  14. Sounds like a cool expansion, Posted on Leave to England and ploped into Home Defense to thwart the Zeppelins without even a Howdy Doo.
  15. Zeppelin

    Looking out into the Skies around Newcastle upon Tyne, I can see what looks to be a burning cigar issuing clouds of Black Smoke Thru hundreds of Bullet Holes falling to earth.
  16. I think everyone should P4 before OFF2.
  17. A Newbie's Experience of Phase 3

    Full DiD is an experience.
  18. Expansion Packs: Home Defense. Thrashing the dreaded Zepplin and Gotha Menace Adlers Flug : Thrashing the Tommie with formations of Gotha's
  19. "Flying Fury" out of print?

    I don't know if this is a common practice in Europe , but I got my copy from the Public Library System. They sell off the copies in the system ( most in decent to used condition) more often then not attached to or in the Library itself. Hope this helps.
  20. Would it not be great to see these in the OFF skies. My score would climb.
  21. Albatros Fodder

    A kill is a kill
  22. Film

    I recently caught part of a 1929 American Film on T.V. ( The Flying Fleet) But could not I.D. the different types of U.S. Navy aircraft. Great clips of the a/c of that Time period on active duty ( although some Army types were used). If any of the forums members saw the film see what U can I.D. For example, 4 stack navy Destroyers ( Ships) and The Navy aircraft carrier U.S.S. Langley. The story of course is bad and did I mention its a silent film ?
  23. Film

    The film is available from Wbshop.com for 19 or 20 USD ships only to the U.S. According to the comments section, the Air shots are second to Hells Angels. However, the flight operations shown aboard the USS Langley may be the only one recorded in that era. The film shows Sea planes laying smoke screens for the fleet and acting as Torpedo a/c ? Hollywood or real tactics ? ( between Wars ). The Trailer doesn't show any A/c so didnt post it.

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