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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. FLAB _ Museum / Switzerland

    FLAB U Licus display
  2. Halberstadt CL.II?

    An Aviatik ? So sweet Now I will have to look for OFF II.
  3. ETA for phase 4?

    Rumor has it that the release date for Europe is Dec 2018 Just in time for old St Nick !
  4. ETA for phase 4?

    I Agree.
  5. Film

    All right , way to go Herr Olham thanks
  6. OT My Mrs made the National News :)

    Well done
  7. The time to upgrade is now...

    Some one said that best buys are last years Cards and I agree. I have a 57 series AMD Card and this time next year I will be looking for this years top card.
  8. Film

    Found this Pic of the ship and aircraft dated 1928. It may be same to assume that these were the aircraft used in the film ( except for the Army ones used as Navy a/c) Unless new a/c came in to the fleet in 1929 when the film was made.
  9. h81279 CV Langley 1928

    From the album Random pics

  10. ETA for phase 4?

    ETA: My Guess Jun 6th
  11. thanks to combatace

    Here, Here. Congrats
  12. :clapping:Careful they look like the Hedges from " E ' LL. I heard they reach up and pull down E III s.
  13. Me Too ! and I will bring the shovels and Picks. What excitement digging up the old Lines and spent shell case ings to see who really did what ? There was a History show where they did the digging like that . They found that : Custer's last Stand really wasn't. The last of the 7th Cav was moving around according to the shell case ings.
  14. :english_en: Wow, a very interesting story. I was wondering about the machine gun range. Seemed to be long range for a machine gun firing from the Woods ? ( appx 200-250 yards where the Camel landed and out to 400 + yards to the Line Infantry of the Brits.) Good research Herr Olham , the maps and stuff added to a tense tale of an adventurer in WWI. Any Idea if the sunked road was the key point in moving in and out of Fontaine.? or The Woods ?
  15. Never had theat problem as an Adult but as a Teen I did a no no. I had a 57 Ford 2 dr No reverse in the auto matic transmission. Some one said that if u pulled off the Breather it would sound like a Hot Rod. Long story short it caught fire out front of the my High School and I had to use dirt to put out the carburetor fire. I never did hear the end to that one. However, being 17 Lived passed it.
  16. Strange mission

    I Never had that happen.
  17. Just nice to watch, The insurance is proabably to high to fly any of these. http://youtu.be/wBCIhrxVZJ0
  18. Flyable Albatros D-5

    You are a true Gentleman, Herr Olham .
  19. Patrol

    Ya know, New Zealand must be a wonderful Place. You can look up and see War birds on Patrol ( According to another Vid, The aircraft in Green Colors crashed while on tour.)
  20. HiTR questions

    I don't remember, but I did the Homework before buying OFF and HiT . No matter which way I did it ( likes dis likes, money, immersion, ect) OFF was the best buy . I am happy with the choice. I do remember researching the and comparing products, playability, ect,, till my eyes watered and my finger tips hurt from pounding the key Board and asking questions. I have no regrets and the coin was well spent. They have a good product and stand behind it which is more then u can say for a lot of games and products.
  21. Flyable Albatros D-5

    Na, according to that Vid. The a/c was being shipped off to a guy or a corporation named " Kermit Weeks" . I found a second Vid with the Kermit Weeks name owning a Mosquito a/c decked out in Sgn Colors. Its now a static display in Wisconsin so guess the Albatros will be going or has gone there too.
  22. Flyable Albatros D-5

    I also luv to see the Old Warbirds Fly. However, I wonder How many Albatros D-5 s are flyable in the World Kermit Weeks has one ( and a Mossie the lucky %$#@!&^) . Rinebeck , Airdrome in N.Y., U S A has one, and one in New Zealand. There was one near the East Coast of the U.S. But haven't heard about that one for years, of course there are mock ups in numerous museum s but they dont count.
  23. Olham: Good find. Sadly, none on the West Coast of the U.S. , But there is a 3/4 size flying around a few States to the East.

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