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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. OT My Favourite War Film

    Kinda Of: Its a B-17 movie and a Love Story. This the War Part.
  2. OT My Favourite War Film

    I dont watch the News all the time . Its just to Vilolent
  3. I agree, Asus are great Boards
  4. See if one of us can guess the Release ate of OFF 2 ( No insiders Please) Max days 1/2 a month I go with Jun 1-15th
  5. The "pending release" of P4...

    Somone Guessed the Name ?
  6. Spanish ? Hey Lou : Nice work and I share your interest in the " Escadrille Americane ".
  7. The "pending release" of P4...

    :drinks:mmmmmmmmmm The internet Department of Suspicious Activity and Rumors on Simulators predicts Jun as the season opener. This due to the virtual pre sales of WWI Flying Helmets , Uniforms, Skinning Questions and Track IR.
  8. mmmmmmmmmm I better lower my sliders so my pilot can pass the 20.0 hr mark.
  9. Not a U boat with wolf packs in sight , but the year will be saved by OFF 2.
  10. P4 & P3 Question

    It might work on 2 PC s. People say OFF does not demand much in a graphics card so a (low priced) re conditioned PC should work U could call it Eating your Cake and Ice Cream.
  11. Off Subject

    I know that this is off subject matter but What is the price of a gallon of gas in your area ? Reference: a news cast saying that the price of a Gallon is 15.00 dollars USD in Europe and 10.00 USD in South America. The momentary price here ( Low Deseret area of Calif USA ) is 4.00 USD.
  12. OT: For Widowmaker

    Did she get the Roses
  13. OFF and Me

    We are in agreement about Uncle Al , OFF and the Forum
  14. A Big Thank You To Hauksbee!

    :good:A Heart warming Letter about good deeds.
  15. OFF and Me

    Me too, I started Skinning ( Cut and Paste) and I spend even more time involving the Sim.
  16. Well I am going to try it ( Skins) If I understand correctly , there are a number of Steps. 1. from the game: take and a/c template, copy to Gimp ( Graphics Tool) Follow instructions for skinning numbers to profile. ( Skinners Paint Shop) Place new template back in game. Does this procedure sound right ? Any Help or Advice, I would appreciate . Thanks,
  17. Skinning

    Got the cut and paste down.
  18. Untitled Cut And Paste

    From the album Random pics

  19. OT: iPhone Goodness

    I guess I phone do come in handy Cheers !
  20. Wartime footage

    :clapping:Good find
  21. Off Subject

    Hi., What Kills me is the taxes. Of the gas price 64 to 67 cents of a dollar USD is taxes. In fact, there is a state and local tax plus a state excise tax then comes the Fed tax and a 2 cents per gallon storage fee ( don't know who gets that money). According to the internet in 2012, The Refinery People Profit was 22 cents per gallon sold in the USA.because of the Cost of Crude Oil. The Government ( according to various sources) is set up to listen to the people. However, it seems to listens to the people with money. According to my old High School Book on the U.S. Government those people are called lobbyists Currently, they want more Imports and are blocking any Local Oil development and dragging their feet on Fuel Alternatives . Thus : the Prices will only go Up increasing the Refinery Profits and Tax base per gallon of Gas. An Example: According to the Seattle, Washington. Times ( Newspaper) , The USA used 375 Million gals Thus: 375 million X 22 cents +Equals a lot of Influence in Politics and more Taxes.
  22. I always wondered why Airplanes Wave at people. I had thought that they were a friendly airline ?
  23. Skinning

    I did a second one with numbers on the tail then filled in with white color and " Waa- La " a nice little rectangle on the Tail of the S E Viper. Found some good number downloads at simmers paint shop. But where to fine the different looking numbers the French painted on their a/c ?

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