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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. i I have been to a" Resonance Fair " but it didnt have that kind of ride.
  2. HiTR questions

    U dont have to leave a Tip.unlike Dinner
  3. Skinning

    I did it. It takes awhile to get it right. U can barly see it ( the # 6 on the top wings) Thanks fellows I will be trying (over the weeks) camo and last painting.
  4. Untitled Skin

    From the album Random pics

  5. HiTR questions

    HiTR did improve P3 for me. a/c , improvements, ect.
  6. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    Congrats and Best of Luck in your Business Adventure. I had only on a few occasions .where I felt contentment at work. I envy you.
  7. Skinning

    Ha Ha Ho Ho Nbryant : U kinda get the Bug Hun? As for me, I did switch to Paint Net and it does seem to have less steps. However, my skins still dont come out right.. I found the way to put the skins in the game then bad things happen The whole skin is Dark ( Its not like that in the Template) and in quick combat (OFF) when u scroll down to see the aircraft skin i.e., N-17 or Early mode Albatros D III theirs the letters Pdn after the name ( I never saw that before) I didnt put it there. I will try again later kinda puzzled right now.
  8. Skinning

    I got a lot done but cant seem to get the template back in the game. Copy from Gimp ( reads bitmap ) then OFF Icon ( right Click ) on the Desk Top -location of files-Campaigns -Campaign Data - Skins then I tryed to pate, it didnt work.. Maybe it should be a dds file or JPEG ? Thanks from a want be Skin Clubber. I will try Paint Net next. Thanks
  9. Want to Start Skinning

    Well I got a lot done but a problem popped up. I cant seem to get it back in the game. ( it wont copy and paste into skins ) OFF ( right click game icon )-location of files- Campaigns-campaign Data-skins The image reads bitmap that I copied. so maybe it should be dds ? Thanks Wanta be in the Skin Club
  10. Skinning

    Tippecanoe, Forgot about him ! How about " Its the Bees Knees" or" Beat me daddy to the Bar. " I know a lot of Idiots. Bullethead: I installed and ran Irfanview then collected 3 templates from the game . I was able to transfer and install on Gimp. That when the templates hit the Fan, I downloaded a collection of emblems and numbers to add to the basic skin, but they don't seem to transfer I added a layer on the template and used the Paintbrush and bucket but the effects were terrible. I will try again later and see what develops. Thanks everyone I do appreciate the help and advice.
  11. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF: Xmas over the Front Winter in Open Cockpits Snow in the skies
  12. wow, such a sweet find.
  13. Skinning

    23 skid do and Tyler Too We are The last of the Mohicans He was" Gas Lighting " her to believe wrongly It was the" Cats Meow" It certainly was " High Time " Its " Boss "
  14. Skinning

    Thanks, Here goes nothing
  15. Flying Smart ? Now they tell me!
  16. OT: 2012 Is The Year I Do It

    This was my year to Do It, but the wife said I couldn't date so why bother ? On the serious side, Congrats to everyone who is trying to take the Health Road. It is a difficult trail to Ride.
  17. Which GTX 580 3072mb?

    Let me know if a new card saved from the woes of CoD
  18. Which GTX 580 3072mb?

    Just my 2 cents: The idea of Picking up last years Card has a lot of Recommendations: Power supply, CPU, money saved, Cooling fans .
  19. Doing It For Real

    She must be a Keeper after that gift.
  20. Trees are a true enemy of pilots.
  21. Collision Close and Ramming Speed seem to work.

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