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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. OT Cops Revenge

  2. Olham amazes me. I cant even fine the crash sites in the game much less GPS
  3. OT A great story on TV

    Thers a U tube vid that has a story about Lord Lovett going ashore on D Day with Bag Pipes playing. Althought the British Command had ordered no Bag Pipes. ( They made too much racket) Lovett is said to have stated that the order didn't apply to his Command because they were Scottish. Another story . Some of the captured Germen Infantry on D Day were ask why they didn't shoot the Bag Pipe players The reply was ( From most of them) How can you shoot someone so dumb to be making all that noise pointing out where he is located.
  4. A Small Suggestion For OFF2 P4

    Wow P-4 is sounding sweeter all the time. I cant wait ?
  5. OFF P4

    :salute:I may have been at fault. Regretfully I use that expression in my posts. I use " 2 weeks " as just a figure of speech for an unknown amount of time
  6. Grandad's RFC tech manual.

    If I came up big on the Lotto I would buy all the replica s in New Zealand and re name the them The OFF Air Corps. Or the P-4 Attack Sgn ?
  7. Grandad's RFC tech manual.

    What a find Congrats. Out here there is just the sidewinders going by and the old book study Hall.
  8. Congrats on your Rig and its just in time for P-4 in 2 weeks !
  9. OT Question

    Did they throw salt or garlic powder
  10. First Light

    Found this on U tube its a Docu - Drama http://youtu.be/yTQRBmIx4nk
  11. OT: War or gaming fun?

    OFF 4 is so real that u can get Shingles from thinking about siting in a virtual cockpit
  12. Yes Lou, Let it all hang out.
  13. Ernst Udet's LO!

    I was told that the U.S. Navy Guys did the the same thing in WWI. The lady in white was called Airazona. However , The 2 in front are cuties ( left and Right)
  14. h52947 Airazona

    From the album Random pics

  15. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

    Well Said.
  16. OT: War or gaming fun?

    I am in agreement with Herr Olham. Besides, I suffer from PTSD from cleaning the Cat Box.
  17. My Special day was today. I flew 3 different pilots in 3 different Sqns in 3 different Aircraft. I was shot down in all 3 rolls on the first flight !. What a Sim ya just never know?
  18. HPW's FM werks

    Good Work
  19. Matt Lee Shadley Lee Shadley's Great Grandson Mike Sullivan writes: My Great Grandfather was born in Big Bend, California on May 15, 1895. He was a member of the Madasi band of the Pit River tribe. All of our family are proud of the service record or American Indians in our wars, even though at times, we were not classified as citizens. In 1992 my family was contacted by the DOD regarding Lee. He is considered to have been the "most wounded" man to survive in the war. I don't know if that is true, but I do know that he was shot on the 25 of September, 1918 and this resulted, by one late in life count, 175 entry and exit wounds on his body. The machine gun round went through his hip and struck a bag of grenades on the other side causing a large explosion. The reason he didn't die from infection during the three days he was in no man's land was due to not having eaten for a couple days and that the bullets which went in, and the damage from the exploding bag of grenades manage to miss every vital organ! He spent two days in the field before being taken to hospital. There he was more or less given up on, and moved to the hall outside the morgue with other soldiers who were not expected to make it. Later, while at San Francisco's Presidio, in March 1919, he was given the highest "score" of wounds among the convalescent soldiers, 117 at that time. He was awarded a Silver Star, Purple Heart and a $44.00 a month disability payment for his service.
  20. Indians in the Great War

    Talk about a lucky person
  21. Internet Pics

    Found these on the Net. Call Field Texas JN 's
  22. LLK24

    From the album Random pics


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