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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF : Sods on the Hunt
  2. Does P4 get it's own name?

    " Hintergedanken " is that kinda like dating ?
  3. :good:The three Musketeers, Treasure Island, A Xmas Carol, those were written and filmed by people who loved their craft. It seem now its more like slop it together.
  4. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Over Flanders Fields: The Continuing Story Kites aloft Dogfight Burning Crates
  5. Elephant : I am a fan of Barfly s Vids My favorite was the one U posted of the BoB I dont know how he did the scenes.
  6. BoB2 with a lot of mods I think 110 times better than I could ever do.
  7. Dawn Flight

    good job
  8. Perhaps, One of the most easy on the eye to watch
  9. Does P4 get it's own name?

    That has a nice ring to it
  10. Lou's OFF Flying Desk Redux

    Good work Lou
  11. Little physical things add up. Walk a little more, take the stairs, less sugar, park the car further out in the parking lot. .
  12. A hug from wife and from a Grandson. Along with a pair of socks.
  13. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Over Flanders Fields: " Bloody E ll " Sods on Parade Part four Thru a Wine Bottle Darkly Contact Spinning Props Check Six Goggles and Helmet Verdun in Sight Enemy Patrol Ahead Hurray for the next one to Die The Meat Grinder Flight Leader
  14. Does P4 get it's own name?

    How about Over Flanders Fields: Blood Stained Skys or Fighter Days or No Escape or Contrails of Death or when Fire marked the skies and Blood marked the Earth. or maybe Hell in the Heavens. ( OFF HH ) or Over the Trenches or High above the dugouts ? I like: OFF Part 4.
  15. It can get worse. My wireless ( and internet connection went south a while back. In order to connect 3 Computers and have ( for the other 2 Grandsons when they come over) Land party availability, I am back to a wire connection. yep, now there is a cord running into 3 rooms. Oh well, gaming is hell.
  16. What was your favorite Non War Aviation movie ? or movies ? 1. Flight Command 2. Cpt of the clouds 3. Dive Bomber. ( More about Flight Doctors and women chasing ).
  17. OT My Favourite War Film

    So far I have heard the women cry and the men stop eating popcorn when the horse meets Barbed Wire. I can do without seeing it since I still remember the sadness of " Old Yeller"
  18. My wing mates are just Fokker Fodder so the names dont mean much. However, I remember and old Avalon Hill Board game ( something about a Sherman Tank ) and B-17 the mighty 8 approach with fondness. It seems you would list fellow Tankers/ aircrew as people U knew so it became kinda personal. For example, I named my grandpa as a Tank driver and when we ran over a mine destroying the Drivers compartment and Track, I felt kinda bad for a second. On the other hand, I named my tail gunner after my 1st mother in law and when a 109 took her out I thought mmmmmmmmm Kinda cool.
  19. Swordfish

    Found this on U tube Not WWI but it dose fly and has 2 wings.
  20. Its not B rrrrrrrr Kit
  21. By Jove, she was flying fine till I switched on the external fuel Tanks then she went down like a rock
  22. Swordfish

    mmmmmmmmmm Floats
  23. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    Yes, but it also had : B-29 with Parasite Fighter ( Bell X-1 ? ) a ( F-94 ?) Starfighter practise night interception with a B-36 , F-86 s F-80 or T-33 s and a Nubile Janet Lee
  24. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    Un decided Movie
  25. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    :grin:Sky King He flew a hunky 2 prop and Penny flew an in line prop ?

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