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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. I have to disagree with Bullethead about BoB II . As it was released , It was Buggie, ( in fact , I threw it in my closet) but Modders have worked on patches to correct and make it a playable game. In addition, They are currently making another mod for for it ( Ref: Forum over at Sim Hq.) . The game is still not as playable as OFF but Modders are still working to smooth it out. Otherwise , I agree with BulletHead 's statement Cliffs of Dover: I don't have that game because u need a Steam account to play. Plus, It needs a lot of work by developers and Modders that care about the subject matter and the final product. Maybe in a few years. The Other WWI Flight Sim: I have it for the Eye Candy and play it once in awhile ( Kinda like watching women ) However, the Campaign is nothing to speak of, and the Multi player brings questions to mind. For example, A Camel uses its wings to break apart another a/c 's wings then flys on. , Or an Albatros D-5 using its wheels to destroy the top wings of an enemy and flys on and lands with no problems. Perhaps because there's no real penalty for Ramming , U get rammed a lot. Granted no big things but enough to @#%% u off. Just my 2 Cents worth. Olham: I am in agreement with Olham's statement about OFF. It is a Must Have WWI Flight Sim
  2. We have reputations?

    This is sad. Olham rating is higher then my credit rating :yes:
  3. old planes

    Speaking of Nostalgia , I can still remember flying on : C-47 ( with seats) An Air America a/c ( CIA ?) From Saigon to Da Nang , Vietnam C-130 s ( jump seats or floor. ( a really smooth ride) C- 123 Provider ( Noise very High) DC-4 ( More common name C-54 Skymaster) Alabama- Tennessee ( U.S.) ( Noise and oil leaks from the cowlings. Scary ) UH-1H Helicopters, UH-1B OH 58, OH-58A
  4. old planes

    My Man. I knew that someone in the forum could add a touch of Personal History to the aircraft.
  5. old planes

    Hi, There Hood. From what u stated U were must have been an Airmobile Division
  6. New Member

    Welcome to the MeatGrinder. On the serious side by configuring both the Forum and the Game U get the Best enjoyment
  7. We have reputations?

    Mines a -3 I wonder if that is good ?
  8. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Nice pics
  9. old planes

    My only Paratroop story: An over heard conversation between 2 men passing time in airport terminal . Both men were taking about the Service. The young man said that he had 5 jumps under his belt. The older man said that He had only 1 jump : Normandy.
  10. old planes

    I have hopes to ride in a Steerman this summer . or some other 2 winged wonder.
  11. old planes

    There is one in Santa Monica, Calif (U.S.) Its hanging from the celing . I dont know of its history only that it was a gift .
  12. old planes

    Holy &%$&, Tell us more, I havent seen any written resources on the Australian Airborne ,but I would luv to Hear or Read some.
  13. old planes

    What an Impressive Group !
  14. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF: Burning Coffins or Contrails over France. or The Hun in the Sun. or Over Flanders Fields: No place to Hide!
  15. old planes

    We must have someone in the Forum that has flown on one . How about it anyone ? or knew someone describe a flight on one.
  16. old planes

    Same O on Air America s C 47 ( DC 3) CIA Must have been Cheap &^%$% However, on the airliners the flight attendant 's wore outfits similar to these except the had a wings pined on Probably Delta airlines or PSA or TWA ? I cant remember. http://youtu.be/35oy2Howz_M
  17. Makes ya kinda of wonder what does P-5 have in store ?
  18. old planes

    My Man !
  19. old planes

    Hey Widowmaker, what was it like on board the Bristol in flight ? For example, On board Treats ? Airliners 707 and 747 used to pass out dinner, peanuts, booze. On the C-54 I only got an Apple and a 7 up . On the current Airbus U bring your Sandwich unless flying 1st Class then they give u a Sandwich and Drink. ( difference in price was 650.00 U.S.) of course u board and off plane 1st.
  20. old planes

    I had a ride in a Cessna 172 also up by the Artic Circle ( My 1st wife was in the back with me and she puked. Not an enjoyable experience .) Freedom Bird was a 707. Later had a Ride on a 747. 3 Years ago went back east ( Calif to Noth Carolina ) on a B 330 AirBus ? ( and it was a Bus people brought everything on board except live Chickens)
  21. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Open Cockpits Legion of Honor Order of the Eagle Pour le merite Victoria Cross Above Verdun Eagles of the Argonne Forest :fan_1:
  22. Tanquillo: I hope to get into R/C this summer ( depending on taxes ) I look forward to trying to build a 2 winger after learning the basics.
  23. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Rumbling under carriages Tails Up Dance of Death Ballet in the clouds Or Over Flanders Field P-4 or In Flanders fields ? Or Air Battles over France? :mega_shok:
  24. Out of the cold and into the MeatGrinder Welcome.
  25. This was the only part of the film that I liked. The DH 4 s look nice http://youtu.be/fk-aojWLFws

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