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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Nothing great but fun to watch.
  2. OT: I've Done It!

    I liked Sabre ace too. The only problem was u couldnt land. The airstrip was too short. On the plus side was the navy jets Would love to see the old games updated and brought back on line instead of the C%$# we get these days with buggies Beta Version Silent Hunter 4comes to mine
  3. computer

    Well I bit the Bullet and ordered the parts for a new rig. The Rig : Cooler master case ( extra Fan space and open vents ( Besides it has blue lights) 3.4 Mhz AMD phenom x4 965 Black edition 125 watt. M.B. Asus ect ect has the same socket for a Hex core upgarde at later date ( room for 16 GB Ram) 8G bytes Ram DDR3 Corsair 1 TB Hard Drive Seagate Sapphire Radeon 5770 1 GB Crossfire Ready Graphics Card. Corsair 650 Watt power supply Well what do you guys think ? the Operating System and Dvd /Burner will come next month.
  4. computer

    I already paid the coin so to late. However, I do intend to up the rig s graphics card and CPU at a later date Maybe try the 5870 with a Hex Core CPU I dont really know the whys and where fores of Over Clocking except that it may invalidate the Warranty On the good side, I got the 5770 after rebate for 119.00 dollars American and a 40.00 rebate on the Motherboard. Thanks Guys ( The TI I talked to said 500 watts would work so I went a little higher .) .
  5. Thank You OBD

    Here Here, I agree.
  6. How Did You Find OFF?

    How did I find OFF ? I found it to to be a lot of fun.
  7. Hasse Wind is correct about Big Brother. The web cam part ? They would half to have a strong stomach to watch those. On the upside, Iam glad that Sparky is back. Without Olham being here. it was left up to Taillyho and Cpt Sopwith to "Carry On "
  8. Pilot Body Model or not?

    A pic from the hanger area. I get the impression the next flight may not go well
  9. Pilot Body Model or not?

    @#$#$ I knew that I should have flown a Strutter
  10. OT: I've Done It!

    :english_en: Me too. Mig Alley was a fun game and had room for improvements. The Smoking F-86s were nice eye candy.
  11. :boredom:Figured since Olham is absent we might check out French a/c . This is a U tube N-24 ? Replicate
  12. French Replicate a/c

  13. French Replicate a/c

  14. French Replicate a/c

    Not to sure of this one
  15. French Replicate a/c

    This one is real the French Ace had it shipped over for a Hollywood Movie ( note wooden guns)
  16. Gun Settings

    I bow to Mr Bullethead s expertise in Gun Matters and Cone of Fire math. I would like to add that in those old airplanes the ride except for up and down and wind gusts were constantly bouncing. They were difficult to steer which is comparable to a Soap Box Racer going down a steep hill. Just to takeoff and land is an accomplishment,but to line up and shoot down another aircraft is amazing.
  17. Emergency Funding needed!

    Will ya take an IOU ?
  18. Gun Settings

    I loss a N-17 and DH2 pilot to rear gunner s on normal setting.

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