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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Mosquito

    A little off subject but in line with the film 633 Sq http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNJ8rIEPLOo
  2. U tube Vid

    Olham: I never had that problem at U tube sites However, I have encountered that problem at another site. It read Flash player needed up date ( I think flash player 10 ) I updated but it crashed soon after opening ( Kinda like my pilots ) Anyway just never went back to the site. I was useing MSN or Yahoo as a bowser. Sorry if U had a problem. Carrick 58
  3. <S!> and Hello from Canada

    Welcome to the meat grinder.and soon you will be hearing a favorite OFF Tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtRg5DyyLtA
  4. The Red Baron

    I got a copy of Red Baron and its not that bad. Allbeit, it is not a serious film. I did enjoy the recreated Albatross aircraft and I was left thinking what a waste. They could have made a few more films TV or Vids at the time before destroying all the props and rigs. However, The woman that played the Red Barons sister was spectacular and would fit in any WW1 film. I have seen My Dark Blue World and it is a serious film with good era type a/c and locals., other Epic Type war films are better. Just my 2 cents.
  5. Brit WWI Film

    A kinda long news reel spliced. The Repair of the BE2C anf the other repairs by a Hanger is worth watching plus the Seaplane. <h2>( PATHE WWI R.A.F. MATERIAL )</h2><iframe src="http://www.britishpathe.com/embed.php?archive=75171" name="pathe_flash_embed" width="352" height="264" scrolling="no" frameborder="1"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>
  6. Some of the Business people in the West call it a Watermark:hunter:
  7. Brit WWI Film

    Bit long but detailed Glad U watched it.
  8. Thanks Duce You too Ras Thanks Now if only I can find another Movie maker:salute:
  9. Thanks Olham and cameljockey. The D 7 is Fritz Anders from Jasta 73 Thanks Raz I will search for it.
  10. I am useing the screenshots from fraps I nevr could re adjust the normal screenshot Prt Scm.
  11. Has this happen to U ? Got into a small furball shooting at everything. I gots hits on a N17 smoke poured out then he was gone and in a turning figh I t fired on 2 more N-17s got a lot of hits on both. Next came a diving attack and a different N-17s lower wing came off. RTB I Posted a claim for 1 a/c dest. The pop up read Errornous claim will be rejected so put in for 2 a.c same pop up so put in 3 then 4, same pop up. Number 5 this time it read all claims rejected. so I ended up with zip. dest.:scout:
  12. Counting Kills

    Oh well, Back in to the:flyer:
  13. Well I am getting closer. hits are up by 1 percent A 13 % overall from 1000 rds However, Ive almost had 2 midairs for the 1 % gain. Needless to say, I am returning to 12 % because I cant handel the Mid airs.:suicide2:
  14. Censorship is a strange concept. It applies to even Music.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHGCUDG1y4I It wouldnt let me Edit Hows This one.
  16. This a clip from the Airshow in california I didnt go see this year, Watch the P-51 in sq fly by. Some one at U tube said it might be a hand slip or got in someones wake ( Prop wash ?)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHGCUDG1y4I
  17. Went to the workshop and clicked on Stats. My normal shooting range from an Albatross and 1000 rds of 8mm is 12 per cent. Thanks to all. Must get closer.
  18. I had to use the insurance:grin: and it works fine.
  19. 4 Stars from me. Thanks Olham great show. I didnt get to the Airshow here in Calif this year so, now I feel I didnt miss anything.
  20. OT: violence in video games

    I agree about the smoke and chances of a crash because u cant see. The Gas leak ? Although I cant remember where I saw vid of a restored or reconstructed Vintage a/c with a gas leak, It was airborne and puking gas all over the pilots legs. He landed at ounce:heat: with the engine still ticking away.
  21. RAF Louvert, U are just too cool.

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