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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. mmmmmmmmm How do U figure the Varibles in accuarcy ? My Personal Best : Albatross 2 a/c some rds left over N-17 1 dest and 1 smokeing N-24 1 dest Very little ammo left N-17 Bis 3 possible no ammo These were at normal ranges to close. Useing a Twisty stick :pioneer:
  2. OT: I Know It's Not OFF, But Still...

    Thanks a lot good site Here is the link to a u Tube vid It should be appropriate Carrick58
  3. OT: I Know It's Not OFF, But Still...

    Thanks, Bird Dog , I will give it a shot.
  4. OT: I Know It's Not OFF, But Still...

    This is a U tube, The guy made a really good vid useing all the mods for IL2, My personal choie for the Best of IL2 is another Vid from the same person Called North and South. If I could fine all the mods I would be playing IL2 along with OFF>
  5. I use the N-17-N-24 all of the time, I can state with assurance that the wings on the N-17 snap like a chicken wing:rofl:. No power dives, Maybe a loop with very little power on the down slide. Remember the what the wish Bone on a chicken sounds like when you break it making a wish. The N-17 wings sound like that pulling up from a steep dive.
  6. N-17 and Halb.JPG

  7. OT: violence in video games

    I once had a Stripper as an ally in San Fran ,But when the money was gone so was she. OFF sets my standard for game vilolence. Tryed some of the others ,but they are mostly all gore.
  8. :drinks:HA HA we get Lunch pax s ?
  9. 88 hrs, I cant seem to make more than 17 hrs in off without getting KIA ed
  10. Thoughts about P4

    I agree with Hasse wind, more 2 Seaters for Recon and easy kills. Just AI flown would be cool, it would be more like what WWI was like in the Air.
  11. Tactics

    I started a campagin in late Apr 1917 with a German Albatross pilot. It seems that over the lines I attacked a 3 a/c N-17 flight after a few turns 4 N-17s join then near the time I was crash landing 5 spads joined as high flight. Does the AI tactics change in late 1917? or just collect more flights as the fight spreads out ? P.S. Lost all three Albatross s I got one frenchie and saw another smokeing. It was a hard contest.
  12. Tactics

    Thanks guys, Next time I will look before I leep
  13. Me thinks, Death left his sting in me. Been crashing and running into large formations of enemy A/c Lost a lot of pilots. Only 2 remain at 38 mins Flight Time and the Yank at 3.2 hrs in a N-28 with 2 kills and recovering in a hospital.
  14. I knew that we should have toilet papered his Albatross while he was gone. Welcome back
  15. Alright.....who stole my airplanes

    Althought I just play without some of the aircraft, they were lost on a reinstall. Somewhere in loading the patches. Good luck
  16. construction

    I suppose this is a geekie question, but what kind of wood did they use to build the airplanes ? I know that Albatross used plywood for the covering ,but what about the Ribs ? What did the British use ? In the repair depots were local trees used or wait for a shipment of wood from england ?
  17. construction

    Never knew that . Thanks all
  18. those wretched EV's

    The Fokker E-V is a twichie at best. I end of rocking left to right or vice versa when shooting. no flying steady and fireing. As Kurtz stated, she is a slow kite in one fight (before my pilot got killed by 2 SE s) a Spad 7 out ran me.
  19. construction

    Wow, A lot of information to digest.
  20. construction

    Thanks, the Vid is awsome.
  21. nice red baron vid with good music

    So I am not the only one that couldnt find it.
  22. Thoughts about P4

    I kinda agree with this one. I almost never know where My victims crash However, the same map helps get me back.

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