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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. D 7 and Se 5.JPG

  2. Pilot damage

    Would give a person a bad day
  3. Pilot damage

    Wow, He is a lucky lucky #$@% ! I killed my guy off 2 8mm bullet hits were just too much. Althought there was a recorded shooting a number of years ago outside a court house. Seems someone got a vid of it. Anyway, a man was upset with his attorney about his case and pulled a 32 cal gun and started poping caps. The attorney was weaving behind a tree and ended up catching 2 rounds then other people watching piled on the guy ( after the gun was empty) till the police arrived. The attorney survived the 2 hits. The distance looked 6 to 8 feet in the vid.
  4. U R doing better then I . Enjoy watching U build good pics
  5. Remembrance

    Jammer, Your vid is awsome. Luved the cut s and how smoothly the story line flowed. The editing seemd to appeer seemless. The added touchs ( Fireplace scene and Scrap book) made the somber setting perfect for the story line. Kudos and Well Done
  6. Rudder pedals or joystick

    Just my 2 cents, Makeing the flight sim more real set up a large fan so its faceing u and turn it on high Wow but make sure the sound is turned up. Actually, my problem with pedals is that I couldnt find any thats wireless. Their is too much clutter about my flight desk
  7. "Their Finest Hour"

  8. "Their Finest Hour"

  9. "Their Finest Hour"

    Some PicsURL=http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=11553][/url]
  10. Pilot damage

  11. Pilot damage

  12. hi_harim_04_446x600.jpg

    From the album An Albatross of Jasta 10

    Or this one,but she may be a spy
  13. N-17 and Arty.JPG

  14. Theirs a lot of screw ups all through history. Gen Custer at the Little Big Horn His men were armed with single shot carbines and pistrols. The Indians were armed with a mix of Repeating Lever action Rifles and Bows and arrows. Custer Loss ( U.S. History) In the Civil War the South lost a big battle because of their Issued ammo. Most were useing birdshot in smooth bore muskets ( limited Range) while the North at that battle used Mini balls, and Buck and Ball as standard issue ammo ( longer range) with a few rifles that were Rifled. (accuarcy). Veitnam and the M-16, It was issued without a chrome Bore ( no need to keep it clean) and the rifle powder was a dirty Ball type. Thus the weapon jammed often. The U.S. Airforce about this time and a little before figured theirs no need for a gun on aircraft because their would no dog fights. Just hang Air to Air Rockets on them. ( didnt work back to dog fight basics.) and so history goes Just my 2 cents guys Cheers

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