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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Came as a shock to me. Thought I had a 3 winger cold.
  2. To: Commander Jasta 6, Premount, France From: Lt. O. Lehmann 2 wing, Jasta 6 Date 5 Dec 1917 Subject: Loss of pilot: Otto Matic Jasta 6 Sir, this is the accounting of how we came to loose 2 wing Flight Leader Ober LT Otto Matic. We were on a patrol between here and Ceurne, France. when we came across another flight being attacked by Sopwith 3 wingers I Couldnt tell how many because the fur ball allreadt started. There were 5 Hanovers being escourted by 4 Albatross D-3s with Red colorings along in the swriling mess was 4 or 8 Tri wing tommy a/c The signal was given to attack as I and G. Bover engaged a tommy I saw the Flight lead pull away from a smoking Tommy a/c and chased another as a second Tri plane lined up on his tail I saw the Lt Matic turn tighly and smacked yet another Tommy aircraft with his wing then he was gone. Regetfully he aws Just to Keen.
  3. Spot on, was typing to fast and did not proof read.
  4. First Impressions

    Ahhh Foreign Devil wecome to the meat grinder and for your 1st few flights we will play OFF s favorite Tune for you. Taps.
  5. Journal Ober LT Otto Matic Permount, France WX Hot partly cloudy Two missions today 3 Jun 1917. The bomber escourt was the longest got off on time at 0932 hrs. The flight of 4 Albatross D-3s was weaving trying to stay with the 5 Bombers heading to clairmarais. Spotted 3 FE2bs at our 2 oclock as we crossed the lines. Signal the flight to attack since the Fee s were crossing to the bombers position. I got off 2 bursts then swung left as I did so Lt Koch caught some Archie Bursts. I saw his a/c begin to burn as he entered a clould the a Fee swung by me I began fireing in long bursts but only got a few hits before I ran out of ammo. Circled and headed home when I spotted my wingman Lt Longeveldt attacking a Fee his bursts were hiting all over the tommy a/c. The Fee went into a flat spin and was seen to crash on our side of the lines. The 2nd mission was a short scramble. 6 Albatross s took off after 8 high flying 11/2 Strutters We couldnt get to them before they turned for home. Re turned and landed. Took off at 1346 Landed at 1355 hrs Burning Lt Koch from Flack hit
  6. burning Koch.JPG

  7. Richard Todd R.I.P.

    He was a fine actor and gentleman . I never heard anytjing bad said about the man. May he R.I.P.
  8. Thanks Olham I am still learning I must say that the Albatross handels nicely.
  9. JOURNAL Ober LT. Otto Matic Date: 2 Jun 1917 Not a great Day, We had two Scrambles. The 1st was at 1228 hrs The four of us barely got into the air when at least 4 SE5s were diving I saw four scouts comeing down when I got the 1st burst from two SE 5 s on my tail ( 6 ?) the 6 went into my right Top wing. I broke left and went between the trees then broke right caught another burst along the tail 3and 1 rd behind my seat pulled harder and climbed spotted the field off to the right nosed over and caught another burst from the two SE5 s Left top wing 6 hits. I reached the end of the field and made a hot (Fast) landing. Flt tim 10 mins Total hits on my mount 16. Heard that Cruzzdorf s D-3 didnt make it back. 2nd Scramble. 1558hrs Tommys flying high launched 4 Albatross s Mine was only getting 80 percent power so soon fell behind Spotted 8 Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutters in a ragged formation one a/c was far behind so went after him. began fireing at 200 yards the strutters rear gunner fired 2 or 3 bursts some of his rounds hit my gas tank switch off motor and nosed down landed at nearest airfield (Barely made that one) Heard later that the tommys got shot up good and my a/c seemed to be the only one hurt.
  10. No Kiddin No rear gun? ahhhhhh they are Albatross Fodder
  11. If they take away the YO YOING, I will never get any kills
  12. Amazed again

    Kudos to the OBD Team
  13. URL=http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=10846][/url] He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day
  14. 1st kill Jasta 6.JPG

  15. Journal Date 1 Jun 1917 Ober Lt. Otto Matic Unit Jasta 6, 2 wing I led 2nd wing this afternoon on a defence of the Airfield at Permont. The flight of 4 Albatross D-3 s were at 5000ft and hafe way to our target when we spotted a mixed flight of 8 English a/c. They were on an intercepting course so I signaled attack and started a climing turn to get up to their 8 or 10000 ft level. The tommy a/c split up The 4 sopwith strutters circled as the BE2Cs went to wards Permont. Lehmann to his wingman and attacked the strutters as my wing and I attacked the BE2Cs. I fired too far out, used up most of my ammo, Finally at point blank he caught fire and slant down to crash. All of the flight returned safely. However my wingman Bover was wounded. Must try to get closer.
  16. Good story Bravo oldham
  17. U could use Herr Trigger
  18. URL=http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=10833][/url]
  19. I agree it will be The Baron Otto Matic assigned to Jasta 6. Thanks VonGuber and Olham Its decided.
  20. OK How about Dirty Oil ? or Baron Auto Matic ?
  21. URL=http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=10832][/url] Lets roll her out and kick the Tires.
  22. Lt Disel Oil


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