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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Ras: Slient Hunter 3 had me doing that too. Whenever I went to the Beach, I would look for ships and do mental Target Bearings. I wonder if thats part of game immersion or getting hung up on the subject
  2. Fraps movies

    Made a few Fraps movies and uploaded them to U tube . They are somewhere around page 3 to 5 I think. Some one take a break and post what ya think of them. Its keeping me busy till I join The Campagin on the 5th of nov besides DID partice flying. Kudos Carrick 58
  3. Super, Looks like a lot of fun. It would be a nice Xmas with the add-on. Cant wait till its out
  4. DiD Standard

    Been Practising with Full DID . Its Harder than I thought. Been taking up a N-11 BeBe, Made 3 Flights . The aircraft seem to wobble a lot. The landings seemed to level and hot but made it down. The 3rd flight was the charm ? the right wing tip droped to the right and slew the a/c. As the a/c slewed to the right the the whole wing dug in and my little N-11 Be Be skided full power on its side into a tree and I was KIA. Did U guys square away the form ( Procedures for posting stories?, Kill boards, Reporting In? Thanks
  5. Nieuport 28 :

    looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  6. OFF Questions

    OFF is one of the few games thats worth the Time and effort involved. Total immersion. Not to mention The total support of the forum. Its awsome and great fun.
  7. You guys just amaze me with the wealth of information and work thats put into this forum. Awsome.
  8. Nieuport N.17 Bis

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm N-17 Bis
  9. Stiffy I am having the same problem How did U work it out? Carrick
  10. To: Commander 2 RNAS Subject: Replacement Sir, This is to inform you of a slight delay concerning the Transfer of Sub LT. Rufus T. Firefly. He will be delayed for 2 days due to walking a punishment tour for Rideing a farmers cow thru a local Traven. Albeit, the old chap did a good show. Commander, Sir Hyde Parker 3 RNAS, Royal Navy http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1256651191/med_gallery_50835_358_55347.jpg
  11. Rufus T Firefly.JPG

  12. AHH Fraps

    Just wondering how U guys get the pilots log book to post. When I am Fraps-in -around I can get screenshots of everything except the logbook. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  13. AHH Fraps

    Oh I get it. Paint save as -documents or my pics-upload to gallery fourms Presto
  14. Ringo.JPG

  15. I say, bit of a sticky wicket wot? All that paint and stuff on t he airframes. Thanks Awfully,but I am a no fills type pilot so its a plain jane kite for me mon Captaine.
  16. AHH Fraps

    ahhhhhhhhhHH OK, BUT IT COMES OUT AS Bmp file How do ya change to a file that can be uploaded?
  17. AHH Fraps

    Cant seem to get it to work.so I will have to try something else.
  18. I guess that means : not in this life Hun?
  19. OT What Job do you do?

  20. AHH Fraps

    I just luv this place, learn something new each time I come Thanks
  21. I have a suggestion on the subject of the disagreement over English sqns. Some want RNAS some want 54 becauswe of the time frame for replacement Bombers/ Fighters. How about, Letting those that want " Go Temporary Duty to the sqn they want , but send their TDY reports to 2 nd RNAs. In that manner No one needs to change the current set ups i,e, Reports, Boards, sgn numbers ect.
  22. OT What Job do you do?

    Wanted to be a Hippie,but was drafted in the late 60 s Stayed a few years in the U.S. Army and traveled because I didnt have anything to do. Got out, Married, Finished school, Worked out on the Freeways as part of a Roadgang Retired . Guess, they wont make a movie of my life hun?

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