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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Huzzah!

    FRESH MEAT, welcome the grinder awaits.
  2. Early war aircraft?

    Yes, More cannon fodder please. or signal recon aircraft instead of flights of the silly beggers.
  3. Virus ?

    My AVG Virus sas no virus detected, but cant get the emoticons to work. Anyone having a problem?
  4. Virus ?

    Thanks Rickycrate I was worried but now its cool.
  5. Never read anything that stated The OAW Albatross D-3 had any mods to the wing, But I did read that the Austrian build D-3 were changed, Some think that the aircraft was a different model. Some authors state that the Oeffag version had a stronger wing and body design thusthey could take stronger engines without extensive modifications. They fitted a 185 hp motor for power. However, the Oeffag company did maintain the common fuselage, undercarriage, and tail surfaces of the D-3 but the wing design and body were changed. With that said, They did build a strong and beautifully crafted airplane.
  6. Jasta 3 flight of 5 Albatross D-3s got Bounced by a 56 sgn a flight of 5 aircraft. I used Olham method of assigning targets. The fight started with them 3000ft higher then Emil v Tripiz s (2 Kills) flight at 5 000ft Lots of diving twisting and turning and pot shots. Great deflection shot long range but only a handful of hits. Spoted a SE 5 being chased by a D-3 being chased by another SE 5. Looked up and saw a diving SE 5 shooting at an Albatross circling right a lot of misses. finally, after staying away from the enemy fighters saw close by a lone SE 5 slanted down for the weeds. The D-3s machine guns chatted and got hits as a thin veil of smoke streamed back from the english scout smearing the blue sky. Hearing gun fire from behind , Emil broke left nosed down and signaled recall. The Jasta broke off the fight. Score Card. Both sides: Loss: 0
  7. payback

    patroling the lines at 8000ft Jasta3 flight leader saw two flights. 5 Se5 s 2000ft lower and to the left. Signaling to attack the 56 sgn SE5 fighters . Emil von Tripiz turned alone to attack a closer flight of BE2c s slightly above and ahead. Slowing he slide sliped as the range closed. This is hammer time, Fangs out he fired 200 rds or so parts flew off the enemy twoseater. the 2 seater then pointed his nose down. Seeing his winmate heading back, Emil kicked the rudder of his Albatri D-3 and sent 180 rds into the second Be2c which started and engine fire. Sprialing down he watched as the smoking BE2c went into the ground below. Meanwhile, 56 sgn sent one albatross spining into the trees. The others landed with holes sometime later. Payback. no easy kills for the wingies.
  8. Lost kills

    Got into a position to shoot up 2 sitters in a flight of 4 as they were flying straight and level, no evasive action.( Jasta 3 Flying Albatross D-3s) The wing was just hangin back (3 other D-3s) so I closed The BE2c bursts into flame an engine fire and slants down in straight and level flight. Nose to the left and the remaining ammo goes into the other tommy BE2c chunks flyoff light smoke streams back as he drops out of formation and sinks towards the ground below. 2 More a/c left to go. What does my wing do they shoot up both of my smoking BE2cs and let the rest go back to France. They get the kills and I get Zippo. Pilot Emil von Tripiz, still has only 1 Kill.
  9. Lost kills

    Right on! Used it for payback Thanks
  10. European multiplayer

    Id like to give it a go. since my computer overheats, I cant do any long flights. I am in( USA) so the time differance might be a problem
  11. Maybe we could use letters to mark ace a/c individually ? The Cfs3 had a feature that let u could put letters on your individual a/c ( the P 47 ?) and go swaming off into the cyber blue maybe we could convert that to OFF ? Just my 0.02 cents.
  12. Playmate of the Month...

    mmmmmmmmmmm full figure and nice lines But can she cook ?
  13. Welcome to the meatgrinder, the people in the forum is whats makes this place great. The game is really good but the people go to the 10 percent extra to push it over the top along with the game support and developers.
  14. Typical WWI bombing technique

    I Cant speak about others, But I use the Guess-I -Mate method. U can get fairly close by setting the cam directly overhead so u look directly down from the aircraft . At 3000ft punchoff the bombs just as the nose lines up with the target. At 6000ft let go the bombs way before u get to the target. I used airfields so u can spot the bombs hits and adjust. Under 3000ft not a good idea.
  15. Well, that made me drool. Now I have someting else to save money for. Thanks for the peek at a great show.
  16. Dark side

    The Albatross D-3, I must admit flys nice. Doesnt seem to have any bad habits. Took up, Emil von Tripez and two wingmates .I found 5 56 sgn SE5s attacking the next airfield. The flight got one an d after much twisting turning and seeing the other SE5 slideing under me, I got him in a upward left turn 12 hits across his wings. I nosed up kicked right rudder and saw my winmate hit him with a burst. After that the tommy seemed to fly level. Deceding in a slow sprial to line up on his tail , I fired three short bursts 12 to 18 hits along the body wings and cockpit. Broke right and saw him fly into the ground. No other aircraft around so landed. I can see the power of the darkside plus all the &^%^$% Rolands that fly on after u hit em.
  17. Dark side

    Good information
  18. Halberstadt Lozenge Colours

    I am just getting back into modeling. I used to do 1/72 but I seriously think that 1/48 scale would be best due to costs and ease of access from the web. Check modelmadness.com for kit reviews and the ads listed or amazon.com to price and buy. Hope to learn enough to built R/C in scale.
  19. Dark side

    I was visiting a site called Modeling madness.com and noticed a bunch of 1/48 and 1/32 plastic kits of the OAW Albatross D-3s. The kit reviewer didnt list his information notes. He stated that The OAW type was so superior to the the other D-3s built that 54 of the D-3s were still in action and serviceable at wars end.
  20. Dark side

    The Albatros D.III was produced by several manufacturers including 840 completed by the Ostdeutsche Albatros Werke (OAW) at the East German factory at Schneidemuhl. The OAW built variant was virtually identical to those built at the Albatros factory at Johannistahl, with the only significant difference being the shape of the rudder. Thats all I found so far.
  21. Dark side

    I ONLY HEARD that the Albatross D-3 OAW was bulit better the the other machines. I think it was thought be the Top of that line and I Think that the topic would be worth researching.
  22. Took up my American pilot General Motors on a Patrol of the lines flight in a Spad XIII, France 1918. Its choatic at best ran up to 8000ft and was jumped by 2 flights of 4 a/c Albatross D-3s? D V s ? or D V a The three Spads did well in sissors fighting. Couldnt do Boom and zoom because of the other Hun flight above so ended in the weeds. Noticed my number 2 s engine on fire and huns coming down so did a spiraling turn nose high engine at full power. I was hopeing to turn tight enough to lead the hun fighters, but lost control and spun into the ground. 2 low and 2 slow ? 1918 is crazy.
  23. Will never do THAT again!

    Olham: It took a while to find a good comment about loseing pilots in OFF. This remark made by a unknown person was said to be of Italian pilots talking about fallen enemy aircraft in 1916. Sometimes with a salute Oggi a te, domani a me ---- You today me tomorrow. and , " Hals und Beinbruch " a German Pilots send off during the War according to Haupt Heydemarck war flying in Macedonia p. 122 , sykes, london 1935. and Lee Kennett s Book The First Air War. Free Press N. Y. 1991.
  24. Will never do THAT again!

    A bad day, and it gets worst. I am sure that they were good chaps. Be of good cheer
  25. Halberstadt Lozenge Colours

    Olham: Kudos, Fanstic amount of work and information thanks.

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