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Everything posted by carrick58

  1. Took my german pilot up in FA45B 13 apr 1971 Left Roucourt during an Afternoon hop to the Tommies side of the lines. Figured it would be like Flying the BE2C s High and Quiet. Wrong ! got up to 6000ft and was jumped by 56 sqn RFC A flight of 3 SE5 s flashed across our formation of 9 DFW C V s. peppering the right end a/c. Then when they circled to come back the flights 9 rear guns opened up peppering Two of the three SE 5 s. All was quiet for awhile lost the Se s Nearing the lines we avioded another flight of 5 SE 5s as our escort Albatross D-3 s joined 2 Flights 4 a/c and a lower flight of 3. Nearing the lines the escort peeled off and attacked e/a ( 5 SE5 s) . We in turn got hit by 4 SE 5 s again everyone got hits My pilot Hugo Von Zepplin got 2 in the wing the tail gunners opened up putting holes in the 4 e/c I broke away from the formation heading to wards the target (Rail Road) Off to the right, saw a N-17 catch fire while being chased by D-3 who in turn was being fired on by 2 SE 5s. Nearing the bomb drop, a lone SE 5 closed for a high side run firing a long burst the DFW took 3 more hits in the wing. The rear gunner fired three bursts and got one hit in Albert Balls 56 sqn a/c. Ditching the bombs, Kicking the rudder, and pointing the nose down I sped for the german side of the lines. For what ever reasons, Albert Ball ( out of ammo? Guns jamed?) did not reattack my retreating DFW. Total Score. One N17 down 2 Albatross D-3 down Everyone else had holes everywhere. (Gotta due better ) Carrick58
  2. Archie

    They got my kite. I was doing a routine hop with 43 sqn in a 1/1/2 Strutter no fighters anywhere so poped a little look see over the lines, As I neared a town, Archie stared going off far stuff then 3 poped below and under my kite then level and boom got bracketed by flack and one more pop and out went the engine. Falling out of my crate to land 6000ft below Fred Astair and Ginger (my pilot and gunner) went down with what was left of my crate Over Flanders Field. I Must work harder.

    I only have 1.32 hours on a DFW and they are kickin my %$#@#$#. Been flying Hugo Von Zepplin FA 45 B Roucort airdrome in Flanders 13 Apr 1917. No kiddin this crate has a bomb site seems too slugglish to fly high but more fun then a Roland Ony evasive manuevers, I used on this old bus was to kick the rudder around and run The formation seems to stay together when attacked. Thanks to all for tips and advice. Olham there seems to be a lot of tommie aces in this area but 56 sgn seems to be the roughest bunch they are a handful.
  4. A Question about `puters

    Hi mines a 2.0 dual core Xp operating system a 256 mg Nvida Ge 7600 Graphics Card AMD 64 processor. It runs OFF most of the time fine max frame rate is 40 (Puter has a heat problem) wish the frame rate was 60. Check with sittin duck in this forum he set mine up to run OFF when I had problems. Althought I do run a single cpu (theres a down load thingy U can get) The game played with both cpus at the set up. Hope this helps. The game and the forum rocks. Carrick58

    Sorry ment, 1917 sometimes I type backwards. Seems like this big DFW a/c slows down the frame rate ? Went up a second time never made the bomb run. Avoided a flight of 3 Sopwith Pups by flying low. In the distance, they went into a fur ball with Albatrosses D-2 S or D-3s ? Saw a pup trailing smoke. Nearing the lines avioded another flight of pups (5) a/c . Started the run into target and my flight of 3 DFW s got jumped by 5 sopwith pups The last bus in line puffed out black smoke and crashed. My tail gunner got off a few bursts (no hits) My kite got peppered 5 hits in the wing 3 in the tail My gunner got off another burst (no hits) then a pup came from dead ahead a short burst 2 hits in my bus s engine Clack Clack The rear gunner fired 3 bursts got 1 hit ( an Ace name stockard ) Put my kites nose down a kicked the rudder ditched the 3 bombs and slowly got up to 100 mph from 2000ft. Making the lines, I put the kite down with a crump. ( hard landing destroyed) Total: All 3 DFW s 2 pups
  6. Life as a BE2c pilot has been nice. My pilot Fred Astair and his gunner Ginger has been popping over the lines for 8.5 hours now always taking along a couple of copper bombs to drop. Life has been pleasent except for the last flight having never seen an e/a but always careful they droped the bombs swung around and nosed down gaining speed they sped away at 120 mph just in case the hun blithers were up and hopeing to get back by Tea time. Thinking what a jolly good show, since one bomb did hit a tent .They entered the landing circle droping lower and slowing. appoaching the edge of the airfied they noticed the trees growing bigger. Full power the engine roared .The kite being a BE2c was slow to respond and kept sinking in the landing approach kicking hard left rudder , just the tip of the aircraft hit the bloody tree at the edge of the airfield. Well, they were down but the BE2C was spread all over the field like starwberry jam a total wreck. Bit of a stickey wicket Wot ?
  7. Cant seem to get the uploader to work ?
  8. Things a flight sim shouldnt have

    Smashing wot? Niped over the lines for a bit of dawn patrol took a few coppers (bombs) along. Lined up at 6000ft looking down from the top of My bus (BE2C) when the nose was over the tents let go the coppers Right on, old chap. But not this time, the bloomin bombs hit in the center of the airdome . Bit of a stiff wind today wot? Dirt and muck every where. Do hope they have defauters to clean up the mess. Err next time ell have to drop a bloody shovel. ( they shouldnt have trees and strong winds in flight sims)
  9. Awsome vid, thanks for sharing OFF Rules
  10. Suckered

    While flying my French Pilot Pepe lay Pew in a N-17 (Vickers machine gun) with Esc 48. My flight of 3 ran into a flight of 5 Albatross D-2s amid tall thick clouds on their side of the lines. The Huns were 3000ft higher then us. I started a wide circle and my wingmates attacked ( this way we were to do a formation attack Othwise they seem to show up very late) The D-2s split formation in the melee mostly turned to the right with noses pointed down except for one who split left. That hun was my bird. as I line up he turned the n circled He did chandels corkscrews Every time I put the nose on him he skided away from my N-17. After a lot of turning He dove for the weeds. Ah ha I have him. Pointing the nose at him I dove gaining on him I fired at long range 2 bursts 12 rds and 24 rds no hits. Out of no where Tacka Tacka His wingmate was curveing in behind and firing his twin spandau s 8 hits in my little N-17 Kicking into a skid and droping lower I was headed for the weeds The other aircraft ( he must have chandeled) added his fire ( The D-2 I was after) 6 more hits. I Droped the nose and made a forced landing. Spend the next 12 days as a pow befor going over the fence and back to the Esc. Viva la France I was suckered into chaseing him down.
  11. luv this sim having a good time. I never know whats going to happen like getting suckered in to an ambush its immerseive and u got to keep ur wits about u.
  12. Suckered

    Thanks all, will try but its hard to let go after doing all the moves to get in a good firing position making hits then seeing the aircraft fly away.
  13. Things a flight sim shouldnt have

    Scout 77 I say, jolly good show. Just Pop over and nip the blithers. However, Beware of the Hun in the Sun Which for some reason u havnt met a good one, We have lost a few good boys Over There and a couple of em had 2 or 3 kills. Rule Britrania !
  14. Things a flight sim shouldnt have

    A Albatross D-3 ? I say, spot on old chap Bloody Marvelous. My computer overheats so I ve never tryed DID. Besides I have a hard time keeping alive in roleplaying a be2c on easy modes. Always remember, Old Boy, England expects all to do his duty. The Old School Tie and all that rot Cheerio. Carrick
  15. How can U guys talk about the bombers hitting nothing Only recently I manged to hit a tree albet it with the whole airplane. Kiddin a side, I dropped to 6000ft and look down as the engine of the plane crossed the target Bombs away (4) some hit on ocassion Carrick
  16. Things a flight sim shouldnt have

    I say old Chap, Pip ,Pip , rather, and all that rot. ! Sent to the Hospital for 14 days popin the old leg back in place. Blommin, good medical , Then sent back to the bloody front. Packed me off like a bloody peasent they did. Carrich58
  17. Off Track

    A CONSOLIDATED PT 6 A little off track but nice
  18. I dont know how far the CFS3 can be developed? But it proabaly it could support different a/c : Fokker D11 and DIII s, Albatross D-1, early french 2 seaters early German 2 seaters (Albatross C-IIIs). Arty adjustment missions i.e., Fire a flare the Arty hits move .say, use the current model where the arty has multi hits. Just leave one on when the adjustment flare is triggered turn it off and the other one on. Maybe switch the sound files to the actual sounds the guns made, Vickers, Spandau, Maxmim, Engine noise same idea. Proabaly could get the sound files from Youtube.com videos. Except for the albatross engine noise? By the same token, the numbers in a flight could be changed so that lone arty spotting or recon could be flown ( They are set up for a flight just turn off the rest in the flight) Same could done to fly a one plane or two bomber escort mission. Maybe, during an airfield attack have the planes on the ground catch fire faster ( like hollywood movies more destruction things blowing up) Finally, More patoling the lines less Airfield attacks be scripted. I know it seems like a lot. carrick58
  19. The Hard Stuff

    Champagne any vintage or wine are fine. In the younger days ,just about anything wet Carrick58
  20. Good choice: imerssive game, good price, and a forum of airplane nuts for advice and help. welcome!
  21. The Kingston Spaniel

    Somewhere, I read about a Sop pup being forced to land by a German pilot , dont know if he had a red plane because the british pilot couldnt run away from him. ( out of ammo? Lack of speed ?, The wind at the front?)
  22. Mental note "dont do scrambles"

    I agree, the temptation is to Turn and fight them on take off. Lost one of my favorite Albatross D-3 pilots Johnny Wisemuller , Two D-3s were luanching when the 2 flights of N17s or N16s droped like rain, The Wingmate got smoked and was burnig just off the edge of the airdrome when a N16 overshot him I banked right and got a long burst of 50 or so rds from the spandos ( spandus?) the Nuieport staggered 6 hits but flew on while I picked up 2 Nuieports on my 6 oclock and they were the best shots in england 8 hits then 8 more barked the lewis drum fed machine guns. Clack went the motor , Black smoke then all Red as my kite hit the trees. Pity he had almost 9 hours 2 kills ( N 16 and a Sop 1 1/2 strutter) and 2 claims a Balloon and a N 16. In conclusion, follow the Olham Ditca because Low and slow= find a new pilot.
  23. Planes

    Hope U guys like these a P 26 , a F4B4 ,and a orginal Hanorit brought over at the request of Charles Nungesser The French Ace for his Film called skyraiders 1925. Rumors had it that this was an aircraft he had flown in the war and wanted to fly it in the hollywood movie.
  24. Planes

    U know I dont know. F4b4 ? Whatever it is, They fly it in the month may. It screams but doesnt seem to go faster dowhill then uphill. Maybe the two wings ? Just a question. Anyone ever hear of an F-8 made in the 1920s or 1930s ? They said that the P-26 is being returned to flyable status and has had test flights. Susposed to have replicas of a sopwith Pup and a Fokker DR-1 coming in for the Airshow next May.

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