Could somebody from the tekkies please help me with a problem that I have as yet not been able to solve which is OFF and CFS3 related.
Something has happened to my installs of OFF CFS3 PTO and the other ADDONs. When I go to start up any of these it gets to the splash screen and then doesn't respond and says there is a windows problem causing the programme not to work.
I have tried system restore still doesn't work
I have tried disabling services in the msconfig still doesn't work.
Uninstalling the last security windows updates still doesn't work.
Rolling back the graphics driver still doesn't work.
I installed the runtime direct X stiill doesn't work eeven when I have done a fresh install of CFS3 I'm sorry that I am mentioning CFS3 on this site but it is all related.
It would appear at this point that I may have to reinstall Windows altogether.
I have an Acer Machine running windows vista with an phenom processsor wth a geforce graphics card.
If someone is out there who can help me I'll be extremely gratifide.