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Posts posted by fallenpheonix

  1. nope, its never been removed since it was installed 5 months ago (by the manufacturer). It never worked perfectly but was bearable, my system crashed two months ago and now after getting everything else on line the card wont work, I did manage to get a signal after following advice from a friend at SimV and so was able to reinstall drivers but 5 minutes into SFP1 I lost the signal again.

    All I did was take it out and put it back in, still a pain in the ass, though it seems to be working now for everything except games :dntknw:




    Win XP home SP2



    512 Game RAM


    Craig :cool:

  2. title says it all really, its in place and secure however my monitor dosn't want to talk to the card. If I use the motherboard socket I can't reinstall any drivers incase thats the problem since theres some kind of security feature on the disk and the download packs that wont let me install them since it cant detect the card... :dry:


    anyone have any ideas or do I have to go kick a salesman in the nether regions?


    Craig :cool:

  3. I've recently installed the Su-33 campaign "White Wolf" but I'm having trouble getting ast mission one, there is a preprogrammed radar failure that coupled with the fact that I cant keep up witht the Mig-25 I'm escorting means that I cant survive the mission.*


    Brief: Escort a recon bird, protect from Ukranian Migs and come home....


    If I want to be effecive in escorting the Foxbat I have to use up my fuel too fast to leave enough to make it back to the ship and if I stay behind the Foxbat it gets nailed by the Ukranians..


    Anyone know how I could either disable the radar failure or add external tanks/ place a tanker in the mission?

  4. fair enough


    its a new machine, however is far more powerful than my old machine and it nevever had any trouble, I also have problems in Lomac and FS2k2, though these will both reopen at the point they crashed out.






    MS Win XP

    Heome edition

    V 2k2



    AMD Athlon XP2002+

    1.67 GHz, 1.00 GB RAM



    as to a dodgy fan I've noticed it sounding strange however only in the last few days and this has been goin on for weeks :dntknw:




    ps. thanks for being patient :cool:

  5. Ok I'm having stability problems with this card, I'm often lucky to get o an engagement before the game crashes, sometimes I'm lucky to get to 500 AGL... :dntknw:


    Does anyone know of a stable driver set for this card... I'm not the brightest guy when it comes to computers and don't really have a clue as to how to resolve any issues in this department :help:


    PS. before anyone tells me I'm in the wrong forum I've moved this up here since noone replyed in the hardware/software board and my thread has been there for over a week... that and the most severe problems are with SFP1 anyway


    Craig :cool:

  6. Ok I'm having stability problems with this card, I'm often lucky to get o an engagement before the game crashes, sometimes I'm lucky to get to 500 AGL... :dntknw:


    Does anyone know of a stable driver set for this card... I'm not the brightest guy when it comes to computers and don't really have a clue as to how to resolve any issues in this department :help:

  7. I edited a few missions a while back to use the "Victorious" and RN F-4's... wouldn't take too much to get the RN F-14's and the vindictive involved.

    Its available here under "RN Alpha Strike"



    Whilst on the subject of fictive Royal Navy types does anyone know if Sundowner released his RAF and FAA skins for the A-7E?



    Craig :cool:

  8. Well I can't speak for Brazil, but the Indians are getting the "Admiral Gorshkov"* and upgraded Mig-29K's

    I've not really looked into it but I imagine the Rafale could operate from the Sao Paulo given that it is about the same size as an Etandard yet has much more powerful engines, so perhaps the Brazilians might consider it.



    * The Gorshkov, a Kiev class aircraft carrying cruiser, is being overhalled, removal of weapons systems from infront of the island ,the installation of a lauch ramp similar to that of the Kuznetzov and arrestor gear. The ship will be known as the INS Vikramaditya.

  9. http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...;f=121;t=005500


    this got me thinking, AWACS arn't modeled in this game, however the player can lock a target on radar then visually designate it and then hand it off to wingmen to destroy... right?


    So would I be right in thinking we can be AWACS?


    Craig :cool:


    PS. I'd post this in the thread I meantioned exept HQ dosn't like me, I'm banned even though I've never been a member and the staff wont answer my emails :dry:


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