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Everything posted by fallenpheonix

  1. What Do You Want More??

    Looks pretty good so far, and will be making it onto my comp when its released. The only thing I really want to see is realistic carrier ops, what I've been looking for for years is the ability to fly conventional jets from a ship fly the missiona and get back to the ship. CFS 2 gave everything bar the jets and Lomac didn't have an Su-33 camaign... though I've tried soe 3rd party ones whch were pretty good. Also the level of avionics of this era seems more manageable, games like CFS2 were non existant in ths department and games like Lo-mac require a Phd
  2. I've been playing an Su-33 campaign I found the other day : "Droopy's Su-33 campaign" to be exact. Anyway theres 3 missions that are buggin the hell out of me, one is a CAP over some supply ships, however ship based SAM's get to the Turkish F-4's before us leaving us to mop up a couple of Georgian Su-25's... that is if SAM's don't overtake us. The other missions are shipping strikes, however SSM's are launched from the Russian fleet seconds after we launch and the reach their targets when my flight is only 1/3 of the way there. Is there anything I can do to prevent the fleet launching missiles to do my job... its getting kind of frustrating when I can complete a mission without taking off Still fun I guess in that this type of mission is exactly what I've been looking for in a sim for years... can't wait till theres a game of this callibre dealing with US carrier ops Craig
  3. http://www.ubi.com/US/Games/Info.aspx?pId=15 if you scroll down to the bit about game details it states that the K is player flyable, I'd never heard this before and don't remember seing any missions for it anyone know more on this subject? I wouldn't mind bringing this bird onto the Zuznetzov
  4. Mig 29 K flyable ???

    Thanks, supose its better than nothing (the not being able to trap part) Craig
  5. I've been trawling through the forums and found mods to fly the F/A-18 and F-14, though I havn't tried to get 'em to work, after having found these I went looking for some missions but didn't find anything. I'm not really looking for anything complicated, maybey just some training missions around a carrier with an S-3 tanker upstairs... that is if its even possible to use the US carrier Craig
  6. Missions/campaigns USN?

    I'm pretty sure I've seen shots of Hornets hooked up to an S-3, though I have no idea if they were AI or if any fuel was actually transfered, heres hoping it can be done though
  7. I've ran into trouble with the Su-27 training missions, speciffically the radar training, no matter what I try the F-16 (s) will lob multiple Ammram's at me an toast me. The best I've managed so far is to kill the F-4 and down the Falcon at the same time it got me Anyone have any tips on evading these buggers Craig
  8. I picked up Flanker 2.0 a few weeks back and was pretty impressed and would like to give lomac a shot, however I know it will cripple my system, anyone got any advice on what is required to run this sim at a reasonable level. I'm on a budget and I can live without counting the leaves on trees while passing bye at 500 knots :) you guys think 3Ghz, 80GB, 512mb would cover it? Craig
  9. Operating system?

    well I gad a HD Crash so figured it was as good a time as any to do an upgrade... 1GB Ram Radeon 9600 256DD 3.2 Ghz (not installed yet but will be soon) still aint tried anything out yet though, got too much rebuilding to do Craig
  10. I was reading somewhere a few days back that some guys were working on a way to implement photo taking as part of recon missions but that it couldn't be done yet. How about modded pits, say no radar screen and simply a hole with cross hairs. I don't know if this could be done and since I'm litterally 20 minutes into 3d moddeling (sidetracked at college...) I can't do this myself. Just a thought guys. Craig
  11. I just picked up a copy of flanker 2 for peanuts however its the DVD case with no manual, I figured someone around here may be familiar with the game and I'm looking for pointers. The learning curve isn't so much a curve... more of a brick wall Craig
  12. Operating system?

    to be honest I had no idea what I would need as far as a graphics card went, looks like its gonna be about 6 months before I can get this up and running thanks guys
  13. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    "Then shot down over Stanley by own AA defences (4.15 pm). " indeed... he was only hit by one, which is what it says above
  14. RN Alpha Strike



    Fly top cover, in a Royal Navy Phantom, for a package of Skyhawk FG.2's. There are more Migs than I care to cound and SAM's. Enjoy SFP1 only
  15. If you want huge furballs try the F-14 missions uploaded a few days back, they are TK's (they came with the F-4J and A-4) but moddified to fly from carriers. The alpha strike is nuts, 20 or so Migs 8 F-4's and 16 A-4's. BTW love the second shot, looks like something out of Top Gun with everyone so close Craig
  16. I just tried the new F-14 mission set available here, the thing is I can't launch from the Forestall, I reach around 80 knots and then go swimming Really wish I had a better understanding of what makes this game tick
  17. carrier launch

    ok new problem... now none of the new missions work, in the selection menu they show up but the aircraft selected does not apear in the information window nor does any other information bar the title, this is after nothoing has been altered since last playing them. Even the unedited missions for the F-14 dont work
  18. carrier launch

    thanks guys, I appreciate it Before I tried this I edited the mission to use the Victorious and an FAA F-4J, I've been waiting for a game that would let me do this kind of flying in this era for years and after downing 4 Migs and evading a few SAMs then trapping on my first approach I have the biggest, and probably dumbest, grin I've ever had img00004.bmp
  19. carrier launch

    its actually any mission involving the Forrestal. anyway here it is: [MissionHeader] AircraftType=F-14A MissionMap=Desert MissionType=SWEEP StartTime=08:00 StartDate=07/14/1986 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=1 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=1 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1 AdjustStartPosition=FALSE AdjustBaseWaypoint=FALSE [Weather] WeatherType=SCATTERED WeatherAlt=2000 WeatherThickness=500.0 FogAmount=0.6 ContrailAlt=3000 StartWindDirection=270 StartWindSpeed=10 WindGustingAmount=0.0 [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=F-14A Name=Dallas FormationType=USFighter Size=2 RandomChance=100 MissionType=SWEEP ObjectiveID=2 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=661114,586675,0 CarrierBased=TRUE StartOnGround=TRUE StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=0.00 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Texture=VF1 Squadron=VF84 AircraftNumber=00 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT TargetArea= Loadout=AirToAir Waypoint[01].Command=DEPART Waypoint[01].Position=670525,586787,304 Waypoint[01].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[01].Speed=272.66 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=700471,561823,6096 Waypoint[02].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[02].Speed=272.66 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Position=726704,524082,6096 Waypoint[03].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[03].Speed=272.66 Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Position=578865,522530,6096 Waypoint[04].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[04].Speed=272.66 Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Position=537740,499769,6096 Waypoint[05].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[05].Speed=272.66 Waypoint[06].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[06].Position=572097,551499,6096 Waypoint[06].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[06].Speed=272.66 Waypoint[07].Command=APPROACH Waypoint[07].Position=639671,581277,1524 Waypoint[07].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[07].Speed=154.33 Waypoint[08].Command=LAND_LINEUP Waypoint[08].Position=651017,586720,304 Waypoint[08].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[08].Speed=64.31 Waypoint[09].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[09].Position=660798,587108,0 Waypoint[09].Size=1500.00 Waypoint[09].Speed=64.31 [AircraftMission002] AircraftType=MiG-21PFM Name=Tiger FormationType=SovietFighter Size=4 RandomChance=100 MissionType=INTERCEPT ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=486129,437643,350 CarrierBased=FALSE StartOnGround=FALSE StartTime=0 Heading=180 Speed=200.00 Alignment=ENEMY Nation=Libya Texture=SovietSilver1 Squadron= AircraftNumber=00 PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT TargetArea= Loadout=AirToAir Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=502977,446296,3048 Waypoint[01].Size=1500 Waypoint[01].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[02].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[02].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[02].Position=533437,508541,3048 Waypoint[02].Size=1500 Waypoint[02].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Position=744945,512405,3048 Waypoint[03].Size=1500 Waypoint[03].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Position=740279,462177,3048 Waypoint[04].Size=1500 Waypoint[04].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Position=479782,414267,3048 Waypoint[05].Size=1500 Waypoint[05].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[06].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[06].Position=469673,428949,3048 Waypoint[06].Size=1500 Waypoint[06].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[07].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[07].Position=486994,439134,3048 Waypoint[07].Size=1500 Waypoint[07].Speed=250.00 [AircraftMission003] AircraftType=MiG-19S Name=Zebra FormationType=SovietFighter Size=4 RandomChance=50 MissionType=INTERCEPT ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=547361,465675,350 CarrierBased=FALSE StartOnGround=FALSE StartTime=0 Heading=180 Speed=200.00 Alignment=ENEMY Nation=Libya Texture=SovietSilver1 Squadron= AircraftNumber=00 PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL TargetArea= Loadout=AirToAir Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=546738,483416,3048 Waypoint[01].Size=1500 Waypoint[01].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Position=585467,547804,3048 Waypoint[02].Size=1500 Waypoint[02].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Position=542479,532200,3048 Waypoint[03].Size=1500 Waypoint[03].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[04].Command=OBJECTIVE_POINT Waypoint[04].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[04].Position=537547,493885,3048 Waypoint[04].Size=1500 Waypoint[04].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[05].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[05].Position=584683,507026,3048 Waypoint[05].Size=1500 Waypoint[05].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[06].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[06].Position=583115,546765,3048 Waypoint[06].Size=1500 Waypoint[06].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[07].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[07].Position=546962,533983,3048 Waypoint[07].Size=1500 Waypoint[07].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[08].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[08].Position=541358,491881,3048 Waypoint[08].Size=1500 Waypoint[08].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[09].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[09].Position=535530,455348,3048 Waypoint[09].Size=1500 Waypoint[09].Speed=250.00 Waypoint[10].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[10].Position=569012,453661,3048 Waypoint[10].Size=1500 Waypoint[10].Speed=250.00 [GroundMission001] GroundObjectType=CV59 Name=Forrestal FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber= Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=661103,586695,0 StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=15.43 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=764962,586621,0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Speed=15.43 [GroundMission002] GroundObjectType=Spruance Name=Delta 47 FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber=00 Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=664988,588859,0 StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=15.43 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=762346,588937,0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Speed=15.43 [GroundMission003] GroundObjectType=OHPerry Name=Delta 48 FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber=00 Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=662787,585264,0 StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=15.43 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=767056,585233,0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Speed=15.43 [GroundMission004] GroundObjectType=Spruance Name=Delta 49 FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber=00 Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=659720,587921,0 StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=15.43 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=766358,588008,0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Speed=15.43 [GroundMission005] GroundObjectType=Spruance Name=Echo 77 FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber=00 Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=704164,560000,0 StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=15.43 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=812991,560131,0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Speed=15.43 [GroundMission006] GroundObjectType=OHPerry Name=Echo 78 FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber=00 Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=699372,558511,0 StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=15.43 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=803208,558727,0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Speed=15.43 [GroundMission007] GroundObjectType=Spruance Name=Hotel 45 FormationType=Single NavalObject=TRUE Carrier=TRUE ShipNumber=00 Size=1 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=642707,581310,0 StartTime=0 Heading=90 Speed=15.43 Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=USN Loadout= Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Position=713277,581310,0 Waypoint[01].Size=500 Waypoint[01].Speed=15.43
  20. carrier launch

    I've been able to launch F-4's, A-4's and A-6's in other missions so I don't know what I could be doing wrong. Is there maybey a way to increase the strenght of the catapult?
  21. thanks got it working now
  22. what are you gus using to watch this? I'm using Win Media 9 and everytime I try to watch it I get a message telling me that there was an error downloading a codec... so I've only got sound Craig
  23. Ok I know I've seen screens of it with the canopy open but I can't figure out the key combination, didn't see anything in the Readme and don't see anything in the commands option list... anotherthing, anyone know why I can't load nukes in the bombay of any 111, even though in the Data.INI it says NUC at this station and I can gt them on the wing pylons? I really love this bird, especially trhe 9 SQN RAF Craig
  24. F-111

    Fair enough. Thanks for this bird, love buzzin around on the deck at 600knots Craig
  25. Hi guys, I've had a couple of problems with the 25 de Mayo (it dosn't move) and the other aplies to some aircraft, the hooks wont lower. In the case of the A-4Q it wont engage the wires of the 25 de Mayo. I looked at the A-4Q data INI and got the hook to lower, it just wont engage though. I have the USS Forestall and HMS Victorious installed and moving, and can trap with the F-4J and Sea Vixen, any ideas guys? Craig

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