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Oswald Bastable

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Everything posted by Oswald Bastable

  1. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    Well one of the things that attracts me to WoV is the ability to create missions. "Downtown" is an interesting war boardgame that attempts to simulate air operations during Linebacker. I am having fun looking it over and planning to recreate some missions in WoV "Downtown" website
  2. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    Fun to find out how many people are involved with these games here
  3. Modified the mission a bit. I have two flights of the NV 923rd up intercepting immediately as three flights of the NV 921st rise up from their airfield. A flight of B52s is in route downtown after the SEAD and diversionary F-105D attacks. Download B52 Strike 2
  4. I find the "Hun" to be pretty maneuverable except for extreme hard G-turns with external tanks. Winging into my mission, I made a couple medium distance shots with missiles then when my tanks were near empty I dropped them to engage more closely.
  5. Books, books, books

    Maybe I was spoiled by discovering Alexander Kent before ever reading C.S. Forester or Patrick O'Brian, great stories!! Even though it is "dry" history probably the BEST history books I have read are Alfred Thayer Mahan's books on Naval history. Manybooks A. T. Mahn link
  6. guys......fairwell for now

    You just need to go covert and pull a LCFW mission. Laptop, Coffee Shop, Free Wireless
  7. I am only flying WoV at the moment but even in this version I am amazed at some of the AI maneuvers. Well they have no fear when the plane goes into a fluttering stall I suppose.
  8. Well, I put the settings on "Hard" for fuel consumption. Even just a few bursts of AB I burned away I would say an 1/8 of fuel in my external. Seems I was already down to 40% after flight into target. I would guess I would have had to refuel along the way with that usage. Not worrying about campaign resupply issues, I kicked away tanks when empty. I was basically observing the mission that I hacked so I wasn't really worried about engaging. (Hope it works properly, animated gif of mission with pauses on gauges and map to see the small distance I traveled down Thud ridge on AB and how much fuel I used.)
  9. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    Yes, I agree!! It seems to be a "Great" game and well worth the price. I hadn't been aware that all parts were not downloadable. Even the map in Cyberboard and Vassal is graphically great to look at!
  10. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    Here is one I noticed http://www.airbattle.co.uk/Downloads/LinebackerIIIArt.pdf You are farther ahead than me Viper ha ha. I have been reading history books on Linebacker so I haven't read all the rules yet. I will look around to see if I can find more cards Here is the GMT magazine download section http://www.gmtgames.com/gmt0c3i.htm
  11. OT: Downtown (Vietnam wargame)

    Yes I thought maybe this should be posted somewhere else but my focus is WoV so I haven't read many of the other threads Yes it is all down-loadable There are two different virtual boardgame softwares, Vassal and Cyberboard There is a module for "Downtown" made for both Here is the vassal website Vassal "Downtown" game board
  12. I modified the Going Downtown scenario in WoV
  13. I decided what I really needed to be able to do is see the fuel gauge. I was able to find some hi-Rez gauges for the f100 in the downloads section. Now I can see what I have to work with.
  14. I have to admit I have been flying on normal settings, the flight model seems so heavy and sluggish on hard. Slowly I am making the settings more difficult as I learn the game. Nice to know the AB is limited in hard. With no penalty that is why I was like "hey" why not burn a lot of fuel. Makes sense the engine would burn out.
  15. Thx Jg7XMAN, I was thinking this way also. To pop up to a more energy alt and then drop back into the fray.
  16. No I don't plan to crash just blaze around the sky like Buck Rogers. I think it is very hard to be disciplined not to get into a turning battle. I think there is a expectation of luxury of space with this type of combat however.
  17. CC Thnx Eric about Damage modelling
  18. Oh yes I suppose I am somewhat thinking crazy "cool hand" style. How much does the damage model, model flak shrapnel? Also does the hard setting incorporate problems with dropping the external tanks? From reading I guess this was a real concern with the wing tanks that they would not fully disconnect. I imagine pulling some hard Gs would exasperate this effect. But do you see where I am getting at if the battle is vertical and thrust rather than horizontal and turning? You burn a lot of fuel, nice to have a lot.
  19. I have been flying the "Thud" in the WoV instant combat scenario. Reading a lot of "Top Gun" literature as well as Osprey books on the Israelis' use of the Mirage, I was why not apply vertical tactics to the "Thud". Its less maneuverable than the F-4 but has a powerful engine. With that said I seem to be burning a lot of fuel around the battlefield. Should the afterburner always go off after 70% thrust? Is this realistic?
  20. I have got an old joystick with a hat control. Has anyone modded the .INI control so that they can use all features of the hat? I can get 4 settings but I would like to use 8 so that I can assign snap views to each. example: JOYSTICK01_POV01_UP JOYSTICK01_POV01_LEFT JOYSTICK01_POV01_RIGHT JOYSTICK01_POV01_DOWN Is there a DOWN RIGHT, DOWN LEFT, UP RIGHT & UP LEFT ? What would be the syntax? Thanks
  21. Ah that is what I want Rico ! JOYSTICK01_POV01_UPRIGHT I didn't know the syntax, my hat has 8 way but it didn't seem to register. Pan? as in camera pan? I tried that but not fast enough for combat. I am use to old warbirds so combat cockpit views are ok for me.
  22. I am lucky to have an old Sidewinder Force Feedback stick so its easy to feel when the plane starts to buffet. Usually when I do a hard turn and drop under 300kts. I was reading somewhere that the plane had some sort of slat system? Anyways I can usually drop flaps that slow and stops the buffeting.

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