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Everything posted by whiteknight06604


    I think I'll have to seperate visual from plot on this one,from a technical standpoint it's probobly the dawn of a new era but from a plot it's the same tired old anti-american anti-military drival you see these days.it looks to me like the big pigheaded humans led by the evil inflexible steriotype military are picking on the "poor 3rd world type" aliens who are nothing more than a thinly vieled streotype natureloving native anmericanesq utopians.it's this sort of stuff that perpatraits the revisionest history thats being shoved down kids throughts nowadays.that being said It's prob the best thing in movies since the whole CGI craze hase hit.
  2. FE2 preview shots!

    as far as I can tell the next expansion pack will be for FE2.the game will be tweeked to allow it to be modded along the lines of SF@,while alot of the content is the same as FE1 FE2 takes the game forward the same way that SF2 is the future of that series.I'm not entierly thrilled at shelling out money for a game thats seems to be 80-90% something I already own but in the end I will because thats the way the game is being developed.The differences between SF1 and SF2 are great under the hood and I expect that that will be the case with FE2.it's like buying a car you can get the same basic car that gets the job done or you can get the next level up that looks generaly the same but has a few upgrades,to me(others can and will disagree)the cost of buying the upgrade is wotrth it to me rather than spending years with a car with manual windows and such.the modding of the newer series is much easier and streamlined and most of the items made for the older series will be transferable with some simple work.Part of me wishes TK had used his limeted resources making a few expansions for FE1 rather than go down this rout but as I am switching from SF! to SF2 I'm seeing much more than a few simple grafics changes.heres hoping that there will be more added to FE2 and that the expansion pack for it fills in some holes.
  3. Desperate Measures...

    I would think that it would be simpler to smash the hell out of it with a sledge hammer then throw the remains in the fireplace? it sure would relieve some stress.
  4. FE2 preview shots!

    while I am looking forward to the new release I can't help but think it will be lots of work updating the horde of older aircraft and addons to the newer standard.
  5. MiG-19PT FARMER-B

    Ihave to say thanks again for all these Mig-19 variants.these were the final push I needed to completely change over to SF2 from the first generation sims.
  6. Yes I like those very much.
  7. New Years Plans?

    1st new Years eve in 4 years I'll be off from work so I'll probobly drink like I did in my 20's and with luck I'll be so hammered that I can take advantage of myself without my knowledge.If thats the case don't let me post any screenshots that day ;)
  8. OMG WTF?

    GGGRRRRrrr ;)
  9. simply awesome,thank you to all involved.
  10. I always loved this vehicle to see it in game will be great,thank you for making it.
  11. If there is even a chance of some Mig-17 varients that are of the quality that these Mig-19 have I will be the happiest person on earth.
  12. excellent work...I'll be waiting for these beauties.thanks for the updated pics.
  13. Merry Christmas

    I'm late to the party but merry Christmas to all of you guys.
  14. HMS-Antelope

  15. Fighters Anthology here we come! great job Dels,thank you.
  16. TAM

    love it!,thanks
  17. excellent as we have come to expect,thank you.
  18. BTR-80A

    excellent stuff...as usual
  19. POTEZ 630

    excellent job,thank you.
  20. awesome update of an already awesome plane.
  21. Crab_02 Returns...

    great to have you back safe and sound.
  22. And the wall came tumbling down.....

    Mr Gorbachov tear down this wall....and they did. freedom is never stopped...it may be repressed for a time but in the end as many despots dictators and socialist polititions found out and will continue to learn you can not take away peoples freedom or rights forever.
  23. F1 WIP

    I will really be looking forward to this.Thank you.

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