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Everything posted by whiteknight06604


    thank you.The CR 42 is on of my all tim favorites.
  2. Very sad news.I never met the guy and apart from me posting praise for his work I never had the opourtunaty to converese with the man,that said I really feel a loss.He was one of the reasons I became interested in the SF series way back.His work and his help to so many members of this community were one of the reasons that the game that I love has continued to be enjoyable.He didn't cure a disease he didn't find me a beeter job but in my heart he did in some way make my life just a little bit better...not bad for someone I never met.He will be missed but also he will be remembered by so many people many of which havn't ever met him.
  3. File Name: SPAD VII "Whiteknight" File Submitter: whiteknight06604 File Submitted: 4 Nov 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft This is my personal SPAD VII now when I piss someone off you can shoot me down. Click here to download this file
  4. The Strutters Ball!

    I can't wait for these.they are simply works of art.thank you
  5. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    well if Carter can get it then Carter 2.0 can too I guess.Just simply throwing him a bone for swallowing all the Climitology and Global community BS.
  6. Im back for good..run away !

    Glad to see your back and feeling better.
  7. well it started again

    well after much anguish with the wife I,at the young age of 39 have returned to semi-pro football. we had our first game against the Jersey Cynder. it was tough the first half with the score at halftime being 7-0 us.after a reaming from coach we went on to win 34-0.
  8. well it started again

    best of luck to you.
  9. well it started again

    hehehe thats a good way of putting it.yeah I torm my ACL and MCL the last game of the 2006 season.I played the following year after declining surgery.It sounds like I have a bowl of rice crispies popping in my knee when I walk but I have no feeling so pain isn't really an issue.i took last season off more to enjoy life than to recover but fond I was miserable so I figured one more try at another championship ring is in order( I have 2 already)
  10. well it started again

    "Growing old sucks.... " That is so freakin true.I wish I understood how presious youth was when I was young. on the plus side it's so much fun playing games with the youngerguys heads on the field...they are so easy to manipulate into making mistakes and losing their cool.
  11. Folder missing

    If memory serves me you will need to make the folder.the stock weapons are in a .cat file.if your adding new weapons they will need to be added to the newly made weapon folder.
  12. Its a Man Baby?

    I think a british runner in the 30's was thought to be a man but there were no tests donethen.I remember a show on it but can't remember the details.I think in fairness to equality there should just be one event for men and wonen and the best wins...no argunets about gender then.And I would love to see the feminazis try and fight for gender equality and try to say that men and wonen shouldn't compete together.that is if everyone is the same.
  13. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    I wish my game comp hadn't died,as I had no problem deleting the lewis and while I added a vickers instead of a lewis on the deck it was pretty easy just tedious to get into position.what method are you using to remove the part and are you adding the deck gun as a "pilot" or a gunpod?
  14. Nieuport 11 Paul Tarascon

    :fans: A great big thank you for this one.
  15. Tofu

    Got a good laugh from this thread,thanks guys.I eat tofu sometimes.I usualy dry it a bit after marinating it then grill it and throw it into a stir fry or into some udon noodles.
  16. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    it is posible to mount the lewis on the "deck" look at my SPAD VII with the lewis gun in the download section.you have to set up the "dummy gun as a pilot and the dial it into position then add a gun to the plane and dial the muzzel pflash to match the muzzel of the gun.to delete the lewis on the wing I set up a gun as a weapon station and have it hid the model.i would explain better but I'm not able to do much as the computer I'm currently on is from 1996,my other comp died and this is the only way i could stay online untill my fund permit me to fix the comp.I'm pretty sure that there is a better prociedure to remove model parts but I never learned it.There may be some guildlines in the knoledge base if not some of the modders in the Strikefighters/WOE forums will be able to help you.in the SPAD VII download i did it has the add on lewis you will need.Also Capun has some Lewis Vickers and spandaus at his site you can use .At one point I added a vickers to the deck of the Nieuport 16 but it was all lost in the HD crash :(
  17. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    That is simply awesome.I'm very glad to see you doing more skinning work.I hope i don'rt come off as greedy but do you have any plans on making a "generic" Nieuport 11 skin?Thanks again for the excellent work.
  18. Naval 9 Camel

    I can't wait to get my computer up and running so I can enjoy these.
  19. It's great to have you back making excellent skins.This one is beautiful.Thank you
  20. Naval 9 Camel

    yes most excellent work,thank you
  21. Anyone Remember this...

    I went when I was 5(1975) and I almost cried to see that squid all busted up and discarded.It gave me nightmares as a child and to see it in such a sorry state was kinda rough.Disney IMHO has been in a slow decline for decades and I think it's a matter of time before anything other than marketing toys and hoodies will be gone from Disney.
  22. F2B and Pup fix needed

    maybe some skins wil be comeing out? hehehe.Thanks for the fixes.
  23. At least one Obama seems to be supporting the troops

    hehehehe I'll just keep my mouth shut.
  24. just not my month

    freakin great month.it started with my external drive dying,the a couple of weeks latter my car dies on the side of the road now last night my compurt drive dies.besides being about ready to throw every tech device I own in the river I'll handleing it better than I thought.Of course the loss of all my stuff I was working on hit me pretty hard.Just mentioning this so that anyone who I was working on anything for understands that my projects are on hold indefinaly as it will be a while before i can buy a new hard drive.I will be online because I pulled my dinosaur out of the basement.all though it has more warning going off than a starship in an asteroid field and sounds like a diesel truck idleing this 400mhz 6GB Dell has me conected to the world.It's held together with wire and tape and is covered with mold from my soggy basement but it's outlasted about 5 other computers lol.

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