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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Race Card Back Fired

    Not quite on the same level as the military but I have played football at various levels including semi-pro for the last 13 years and have done everything from shower and drink to fight alongside people from many different races and to be honest I just don't really give a sh!t what someone looks like on the outside.to me on the field it's uniform color that means everything.we work together to get a job(victory) done.That seems to be lost in todays world.Everyone (in the media) focuses so much on black or white acomplishments or problems instaed of showing people just living...it's bad for ratings.I've used the "N" word and been called cracker and whiteboy but in the lockeroom it was with love and comraderie not mallice.people are focusing on the words rather on the intent way too much.People are being put on the deffencive and taught that people are different without intinding.If people just got on with their damn lives and attention was brought on TRUE social injustice things would be much better.
  2. Halberstadt CLIV - Released

    Have to agree...very nice.
  3. Race Card Back Fired

    yep he played his hand and lost big time...it's race baiters like this tool that detract from real issues.Obama jumping in only made things worse.God bless cops like the ones involved.they have shown restraint and class in the face of ironious acusations and lots of media hype.
  4. SE5a - Very Very nice skin

    the same auther also has a really great Fokker DVII skin.There is also a "generic" SE5a skin by the same person.I just love them.
  5. guys......fairwell for now

    good luck my friend,I'm sure things will improve for you.
  6. WP fighters?

    I have no Idea if they would be up to standards but any of my WP skins are up for use if they are needed.
  7. Very cool looking,I can't wait to try it out.thank you
  8. New Pilots for First Eagles

    excellent.thank you
  9. oh let me know which of the MF Mig-23 models you want this for.I don't really have the ability to work on the stock skin as all my "templates" are for the MF versions.
  10. It's no problem,I'm just shocked anyone uses those skins lol.
  11. how did i get dragged into this?lol Let me see if I can free a little time this week and throw something togther.As usual with my work it will be simpple but should be usable.
  12. Hugo Chavez

    it would be a dream come true for me.Only one of us would e leaving that elevator and I damn sure know it wouldn't be him! F-in commie POS
  13. Back from the taxidermist

    get the buck out of here.
  14. I just began....

    you won't be sorry.I just made the switch too and I noticed a huge difference on how smooth it runs on my vista machine.Good luck
  15. Roland D VIa WIP

    awesome,thank you for the hard work that you have put into this. :fans:
  16. Roland D VIa WIP

    I found this on the net,It's a copy of a technical report on the Rolland fighter made shortly after WW1.I don't know if it will be of any help but here is the link. http://www.internetmodeler.com/references/roland_dvib.pdf
  17. no internet : (

    I'm unable to speak right now....my wife is on the other side of the room just looking at me type...it's almost like she can read my mind,lol.
  18. Roland D VIa WIP

    Thank you,I have wanted one of these for a while.It looks great so far.
  19. Monty! Monty! Monty! Monty! Monty! I love it!
  20. Letov Š-328

    Monty! why do you have to make these?Now I'm going to be up all night redoing my WW2 instal.All I can say is this looks awesome.Thank you for this and all the others you have done for us.
  21. I was flying the F-86D i wasn't in contact with the enemy or in range of AAA(I had just taken off) i ordered the wingmen to coverme when one seemed to lose control.he went into a spin and was dropping straight down as he lost altitude.It appered that he was trying to recover because he was turning on and off the afterburner and I saw the rudder and ailerons moving.afet a few thousand feet of freefall the pilot disapeered.after that there was no more attenpts to recover and he crashed shortly after.Did the pilot die from the g forces?that would be interesting if that what happened.so far I havn't been able to get it to happen again but havn't tried to much to be honest.Any thoughts?
  22. Mount is UP! (Well almost)

    Cool I'll be waiting for the report.
  23. If the pilot bailed would the canopy be gone too?I hadn't thought of bailing out for some reason.To me the AI bailing out is as cool as the pilot dieing.
  24. D.H.4 progress

    Wow,that impressive that your doing that kind of work and careing for a child.my hats off to you.I never had the time to learn the ins and outs of paint programs I just learn by trial and error and just barely get stuff done.I too mainly did stuff for my own use but decided to upload stuff as a way of giving back to the community.thanks again and keep up the good work,I'm greatly enjoying your WW1 skins and use lots as my "stock" skins.
  25. D.H.4 progress

    do you plan on releasing som/all your skins here or only as part of the DH4 package ove at the A teams site?No worries either way just curious.

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