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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. :(

    Backup external drive died...lost everything. over 500gb of game and movie and music files.Damn thing was only 6 months old.I guess I shouldn't have backed it up lol.
  2. :(

    Thats sound advice I just don't have that option monetarily.
  3. Anything about Star Wars?

    The new stuff sucks,more like some kiddie version.Jar Jar instantly made the movies he was in nothing but a joke.
  4. 2 WIPs Voisin and L30 (large image alert)

    without some changes to the game the Zepplins won't work right in the game.I think that was one of the stumbling blocks for it's delay.The Voison on ethe other hand....... I guess I shouild really stop wishing for it but man I love them so much.lol
  5. The answer

    I wonder if a ring was involved in the question, ;)
  6. might I suggest a different download area just for SF2 cockpits? In the long run it might aviod some confusion as to what will work in the newer games.thanks wrench for the cockpit work.
  7. voice commands

    I tried it years ago,from what I remember it was interesting.I seem to remember there being a bit of lag in commands executing and it being a little picky in your pronunciation but it seemed cool.I used to play Star Fleet command 2 alot and I bet it would be cool to use it in a game like that,saying red alert and target klingon cruiser ;)
  8. Full Set Uploaded

    Once again I have to say thank you.I can only imaginge the work involved in this project.My hats off to you for your dedication and patience.
  9. Harrier GR7

    great as usual.Thank you
  10. |Video| Iranian Threat!

    I'm thinking this guy got a knock on his door from the police about 5 min after this aired.
  11. great news,thanks to all involved.
  12. Whats your favorite Saw movie?

    I would have to say the one before the first.I didn't care for the ones I saw,no pun intended.
  13. Halberstadt CL.IV

    nice!,Very nice.
  14. vanessa..member

    yes even though I don't know her she's still part of the CA family.I wish her a full and speedy recovery.
  15. Modders - whats on the list?

    I wonder if the Roland DVI is still alive?
  16. Halberstadt CL.IV

    excellent joint effort.I'm really glad to see people wrking together to bring these planes to us.
  17. Mig-17F El-Arish

    very nice,thanks
  18. My life is a soap opera

    there are a few lines from "A few Good Men" Jack Nickholson says but I'm not going to type it here.I'm sure most will get what I'm reffering to. Good Luck.
  19. I loved the beta so I'm sure I'll go gaga over these,thank you.
  20. you mean to tell me there is a real pilot in there?Looks great,I'll add this to my list of things to drool over.
  21. Star Trek XI

    I agree if that "problem" isn't resolved in the next movie real Trek is dead.I thought the movie was good I liked most of the actors.Spock was dead on.The ship sucked.Looked Ghey outside and had the "Tardis" effect inside.Bridge was rather lame but the effects were about what you would expect.So my overall opinion was that as a stand alone movie it was above average but the general premis was ill thought out and full of holes. As one in a long line of trek movies it fell pretty short,although I must admit that in general the Trek movies were for the most part not great but there was a continuity.If I had not been a life long Trek fan I'd give the movie about a 6.5 to a 7.as a Trek fan I give it a solid 3.

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